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Industrial Stairs Glass Stairs

S traight Stairs. A straight staircase can be designed three different ways. The first design goes from top to bottom in a straight line. The second design is L shaped. The third makes a T, it goes straight up and turns both right and left from a landing.

Spiral Stairs. A spiral staircase coils around on a fixed axis. Often a pole from the floor to the ceiling and the stairs wraps around it.

Single-Open-Under Stairs. In a single-open-under, one side is attached to the wall. It is straight and open underneath. This type is commonly u

sed for basement stairs.

F reestanding Stairs (Railings).A freestanding staircase allows you to completely pass underneath. The stairs do not attach to a wall. The only places that are attached are the top step and the bottom step.

C ircular Stairs. The circular staircase is used in lighthouses. They curve around a continuous radius.

E lliptical Stairs. An elliptical staircase follows along the side of a curved wall. Each step, starting at the bottom, continues to become longer in length until the middle of the staircase. At this point the steps start a gradual decrease in length at the same rate as they made the increase.

Basic elements of building facade. These elements (the fascia board, the pediment, the cornice, as well as the doors and windows themselves) make up the basic components of the building façade.

Unit 5 Panelling

  1. Introduction

1.1 Read the text title and hypothesize what the text is about. Write down your hypothesis.


1.2 What do you know concerning this issue? List your ideas in the table left column “I know”.

I know

I have learnt

    1. If you know answers to these questions write them down in the space given after each question.


What can panelling bring to your house?


How many types of panelling are there?


When was panelling created?


What internal fittings does joinery include?


What does external cladding refer to?


What type of cladding is used for a less extreme climate?


What is an integral part of the overall building design?