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Lesson 4

Communicative Focus

Task 12. Hand in your reports on how to change software and avoid extra costs. Your teacher will hand out these reports written by you as a home assignment at the beginning of the next class, checked and commented on by him/her.

Task 13. Now your teacher will hand out milestone lists of the Ukrainian publishing companies and your reports written by you as a home assignment for the previous class, checked and commented on by him/her. After you look through the comments made by the teacher on your organisational structure chart descriptions, ask him/her questions if you do not quite understand or have doubts about some comments.

Task 14. Open your Workbooks in order to check Tasks 1-4.

Task 15. Match the three main accounting documents (1-3) with the best description (a-c). (You have 5 minutes for this task)

  1. balance sheet

  2. profit and loss account

  3. cash flow statement

  1. to show managers whether a business made or lost money over a specific period

  2. to indicate inflow and outflow of money over a specific period, in particular to make sure it does not run out

  3. to provide a snapshot of a business's value at a particular point in time, showing what it has and what it owes


April 1 2008


Current assets (e)


Accounts receivable

Total current assets

Fixed assets (f)


Total assets

Liabilities (g)

Current liabilities

Taxes payable

Total current liabilities

Long-term liabilities

Loans repayable

Total liabilities

Net assets (h)











ask 16.
Match the three main types of accounting documents to the simplified examples below. Why are some numbers listed in brackets? (You have 5 minutes for this task)


Cash receipts (a)

Cash sales


Total cash receipts

Cash payments (b)



Total cash payments

Net cash flow









Net sales (c)

Cost of sales

Gross profit

Selling, general, and administrative expenses

Operating profit (d)

Other income

Earnings before taxes


Net income






20 000




Task 17. Look at the quotations about economics below and say whether you agree (or disagree) with them. How do you understand these quotations? (You have 10 minutes for this task).

A. Economics is a subject that does not greatly respect one's wishes.

Nikita Khrushchev

B. The first lesson of economics is scarcity: there is never enough of anything to fully satisfy all those who want it.

Thomas Sowell

Task 18. Which of these phrases would a Finance Director of a printing production be likely to use when talking about the economic policy and economic conditions of the Publishing Company under his/her own guidance and which about the economic policy and economic conditions under a previous Finance Director (You have 10 minutes for this task).

build on success

extend opportunity

meet with success

safety steer the economy

steady growth

uninterrupted growth

soaring profits

make costs rise

to reduce costs

have more control over

steady and secure income

protect someone’s interest

rapidly falling profits

develop previous success

Task 19. Work in pairs of two or three. Imagine that you are the new Finance Director of a publishing company and are going to talk about the economic policy and economic conditions of the Publishing Company under your supervision and under control of a previous Finance Director. Write a speech and deliver it in front of the class (You have 10 minutes for this task).

Task 20. Work in pairs of two. Imagine that one of you is an employee and the second is his supervisor. The employee would like to take part in fair-trade conference in Berlin and he/she should ask her supervisor that the company pay for this trip. Make up a dialogue based on the scheme below.

Home task

1. At the next class you should present your Long-term projects on Unit 1 (PowerPoint presentations on one of the following topics):

  • Your tips on how to become a good manager of a publishing company.

  • Your views/ideas on the band name of the company. The approaches to choosing the name of a company.

2. Revise all the material from Unit 1 and Unit 2, look through the new vocabulary, be ready for a test at the next lesson.

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