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4. Answer the following questions:

1. Is the pavement a multilayer structure?

2. What do you know about stresses in each layer?

3. Do the strengths of materials for each layer of the pavement vary?

4. What are the main layers of the pavement?

5. How many courses does the surfacing have? Characterize them.

6. What course of the surfacing is often renewed?

7. When is the surfacing covered by a sealing coat?

8. What is the function of the pavement base?

9. Why is the pavement base of less strength than surfacing?

10. How can the pavement base be saturated by water?

11. What materials are used for the sub-base?

12. Why is the sub-base course termed a drainage or anti-frost heave course?

13. What layer receives all the distributed pressure of traffic loads?

14. Subgrade is the thoroughly compacted upper layer of the roadbed, isn’t it?

5. Complete the following sentences:

  1. The pavement structural layers are …

  2. Surfacing is the most expensive part of the pavement and it is laid to the minimum …

  3. Surfacing provides the required road serving qualities such as …

  4. The pavement base is designed to distribute …

  5. The pavement base can be saturated by water drawn upwards from the roadbed during…

  6. The sub-base is made of …

  7. The sub-base is termed …

  8. The subgrade receives all the distributed pressure of …

Vocabulary practice

6. Fill in the blanks using the words below and translate the sentences:

renewed, multilayer, stresses, loads, roughness, roadbed, porous

1. The pavement is designed in the form of ________ structure.

2. The ________ induced in the pavement attenuate with the depth.

3. A wearing course is periodically ________ as it wears out.

4. Surface treatment is used for increasing the ________ of polished surfacing.

5. The pavement base is a strong bearing layer of stony materials which distributes the wheel ________ over the sub-base.

6. ________materials are introduced in the sub-base which drains away excess water.

7. The subgrade comprises the thoroughly compacted upper layers of the ________.

Language focus

7. Match the words with their synonyms:

a). operation, to induce, to determine, rigid, impact, to comprise, to protect, section, to satisfy the requirements, agent, to term, thoroughly, to occur, to regard, to employ.

b). tough, substance, to decide, work, to consider, to cause, to meet the requirements, to use, to defend, stretch, to involve, carefully, influence, to take place, to call.

8. Match the words with their antonyms:

a). upwards, external, roughness, heterogeneous, reduce, fine.

b). internal, increase, smoothness, coarse, homogeneous, downwards.

9. Form nouns from the following words:

to treat-…..; rough-…..; to penetrate-…..; to resist-…..; to drain-…..; to compact-…..; to distribute-…..; smooth-…..; stable-……

10. Fill in the correct prepositions:

1. to consist … sth (something); 2. to subject … sth; 3. … accordance … sth; 4. to treat … sth; 5. to depend … sth; 6. … addition; 7. … the same time; 8. to be designed … sth.

11. Fill in the blanks with English equivalents:

1. The surfacing provides (гладкость поверхности и высокий коэффициент сцепления). 2. (Слой износа) is not taken into account in calculations. 3. The surfacing which is made of weak materials (обрабатываeтся) with organic (вяжущими). 4. To make the surfacing (водонепроницаемым) it is covered with a thin (защитным слоем). 5. (Основание дорожной одежды) is designed (чтобы распределить нагрузку колёс) over the sub-base. 6. The pavement base (может быть насыщено) by water drawn upwards from the roadbed. 7. (Подстилающий слой устойчив к влаге), it is designed of (пористых материалов). 8. The sub-base is also termed (дренажный или морозозащитный слой). It is done from (гравия, шлака или грунта) treated with binders. 9. (Грунтовое основание) comprises thoroughly compacted upper layers of the roadbed. It receives all (нагрузки транспорта) and therefore is considered to be a very important element of pavement structure.

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