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Пособие по грамматике 302 группа.docx
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Модальные глаголы.

Модальные глаголы в английском языке не употребляются самостоятельно. За ними всегда следует другой глагол без частицы to.

Модальный глагол



1. Can – could –be able to

Способность делать что-то

(умственная, физическая)

I can swim.

2. May – might – be allowed to

Просьба, разрешение

May I see a doctor?

3. Must – had to- have to

Должен обязательно что-то сделать

I must come to the office at 9o’clock.

4. Have to(has to) –had to- have to

Должен в силу определенных обстоятельств

I have to visit my dentist today.

5. be to- was/were to- be to

Должен по предварительной договоренности, плану, расписанию

I am to meet him at 5 o’clock.

6. Should

Совет, поучение

You should help him.

7. Ought to

Моральная обязанность

Children ought to help their old parents.

8. Needn’t

Нет необходимости, нужды

You needn’t buy any bread. We have enough at home.



1. Prepositions of time.

in - in 1973, in winter, in May, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, in 10 minutes, in the 17th century.

on - on Monday, on Friday night, on my birthday, on Christmas Day, on the 1st of January.

at - at night, at noon, at 7 o’clock, at the moment, at Christmas, at the age of

for (How long?) – for an hour, for a month, for two years.

during(When?) - during our holidays, during the lesson.

till - till 5 o’clock, till the evening.

from … till from 7 till 12 o’clock.

before - before 10 o’clock, before Sunday.

after - after 5 o’clock, after Friday.

2. Prepositions of place and direction.



to from


into at out of


behind- за,позади near- рядом (на расстоянии)

in front of- перед opposite- напротив

between- между below- ниже

3.Prepositions: of, with, by, for.

of - a leg of the table; the father of my friend.

with - with a knife and a fork; to see with eyes and to hear with

ears; to be covered with snow; to have dinner with friends.

by - to sit by me (near); to take child by the hand; to go by bus;

the poem is by Esenin.

for - for you; for his sister.