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Lesson III. Chapters 6-7 (pp. 53-66)

  1. Read, copy out the new words, be ready to translate and discuss the chapters.

  2. Explain the meanings of the following expressions, memorize them, reproduce the situations they are used in:

    • to kick one’s heels

    • to get even with smb

    • to make a stab at

    • a tight-wad

    • to fall back on smth

    • to set a seal on smb

    • to pull strings

  3. Give the summary of the chapters.

  4. Read and translate the passage on p. 59 from “The first years of their marriage…” to “… she were merely making herself ridiculous”.

  5. Speak about:

    • Jimmie’s attitude to Julia

    • the reasons of Michael’s return (real reasons and those he gives to Julia)

    • Julia and Michael’s meeting in Liverpool and their feelings to each other

    • the way Julia comforts Michael after his arrival from the USA

  6. Comment upon:

    • Julia playing “a high-born damsel” and her sudden desire to keep her virginity

    • Julia’s critical description of herself; try and give a similar description of yourself.

  7. Describe Julia and Michael’s first years of marriage. Why is Julia jealous? What infuriates her?

  8. Comment upon:

  1. “It’s so humiliating to have to beg for love” (p.60)

  2. “By God, it’s grand to be one’s own mistress” (p.64)

  1. What does Michael think of love? How would you characterize his ability to love?

  2. Speak about Julia’s and Michael’s life during the war. Prove that the author is ironic describing Michael’s hardships in G.H.Q.

  3. When and why does Julia fall out of love with Michael? Why does it often happen in life? Do you agree that love is “a mortal sickness”? Give your ideas.

Lesson IV. Chapters 8-9 (pp. 66-82)

  1. Read, copy out the new words, be ready to translate and discuss the chapters.

  2. Explain the meanings of the following expressions, memorize them, reproduce the situations they are used in:

  • to stick out for smth

  • to come to rescue

  • to get round smb

  • to cross one’s mind

  • to leave smb out in the cold

  • to brim over with smth

  • as clever as a bagful of monkeys

  • to lay (it) on with a trowel

  • devil-may-care

  • to take the rough with the smooth

  • into the bargain

  • to take smb down a peg or two

  • to have a shot at smth

  1. Give the summary of the chapters.

  2. Read and translate the passage on pp. 75-76 from “Julia was surprised…” to “… the extreme of lavishness”.

  3. Describe Michael’s life after the war. How did the war change him as a person and as an actor?

  4. Describe Mrs. de Vries and her relations with Julia and Michael.

  5. ““I wish to goodness you’d express yourself so that a fellow can understand”. Julia did” (p.70). Explain the situation and comment upon it. Does this situation trouble Michael much? And Julia?

  6. Comment upon:

  1. “You couldn’t hide a thing from that woman” (p.70)

  2. “Vous l’avez voulu, Georges Dandin” (p.72)

  3. “Because her love had died she felt that life had cheated her” (p.82)

  1. Speak about:

  • Michael and Julia’s sexual relations

  • Michael’s attitude to his marriage and his wife

  • Julia’s pity for Michael and the reasons why she continued to flatter him

  • their separate budget and your attitude to it

  1. Analyze Michael’s combination of thrift and the devil-may-care spirit of his parts. Is it easier for an actor/actress to play a part of a character whose habits are typical for him/her or absolutely different?

  2. Prove that Michael was a good manager and director. Prove that “his conceit was outrageous”.

  3. Why did Michael sacrifice himself for Julia’s sake?

  4. How did Michael’s attitude to his beauty change? Why did his beauty become an obsession?

  5. Describe Michael from the point of view of:

  • Julia

  • a member of his company

  • one of his servants

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