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complete set of tasks для печати.doc
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  1. Give the summary of the chapters.

  2. Read, translate and comment on the passage on pp. 299-300 from “What nonsense that was…” to “… like a spirit in heaven”.

  3. Prove that the play was a great hit with the public. Describe Julia’s feelings after the play. Was she satisfied with the results achieved?

  4. Describe in detail how Julia killed Avice’s acting. How did Michael appreciate and explain her behaviour?

  5. Appreciate the way Julia persuaded the author that the scene was brilliant.

  6. Speak about:

  • Tom’s reaction to the play, to Julia’s acting and Avice’s failure;

  • Julia’s behaviour with Tom, with Dolly, with Evie;

  • her intentions concerning Tom, Dolly’s party;

  • the way she was going to spend that evening.

Why didn’t she want “to share the moment of joy with anyone”?

  1. Why did she want to be unrecognized? Describe her disguise.

  2. What did she order in the restaurant? Why did she decide “to throw prudence to the winds”?

  3. Speak about Julia’s meditations during the supper:

  • relationship with Tom, Michael, the audience, Charles;

  • “Phèdre” by Racine; art; love; the great actresses and their playwrights.

  1. Comment upon the very last phrases of the book. Why has the author chosen such a finale?

  2. Define the following words: sardonic, odiousness.

  3. Comment upon:

  1. “Praise is always grateful to the artist” (p.288);

  2. “She had a sudden desire to see nobody and be seen by nobody. She wanted just for one hour to be obscure” (p.294).

  3. “They said women were vain, they were modest violets in comparison with men” (p.296).

  4. “It gave one a grand feeling of confidence to be heart-whole” (p.296).

  5. “What is love beside steak and onions?” (p.297).

  1. “It shows art and all that isn’t really waste of time” (p.299).

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