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Ин яз к.р. №1.docx
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Вариант 5

1. Прочитайте и устно переведите текст на русский язык. Перепишите и письменно переведите 1-и 2-й абзацы.

Communications Revolution

1. TV and radio are also two of the main teaching channels used by the Open University. This 'university of the air allows many thousands of students to study at home for degrees they never would have obtained in the main educational system. They also have to do without sleep as most of their programmes are broadcast early in the morning or late at night.

2. 'Top of the Pops' is a programme that has been shown every week on BBC TV for many years. Each week computers in a num­ber of record-shops throughout the United Kingdom show how many copies of a record have been sold that week. The new chart, issued each Tuesday evening, shows which singles have sold the most copies during the previous week. With this information, the show's producers decide which songs will be played. Usually it will be those moving up the charts, or the new releases which the disc jockeys (usually called DJs) think will be 'hits'. Of course, each week the show finishes with the number one single. Bands either appear live in the studio, or in a video recording made spe­cially to sell the record. These videos have become so important in the last few years that they can help to make a record a hit.

3. Today many radio and television stations bring entertain­ment, news, cultural programs to people. The United Kingdom is experiencing a communications revolution. Millions of television viewers pay a monthly fee and watch television transmitted over cables. Cable television is popular and increases the number of its channels every year.


'Top of the Pops' - "Самые популярные" (еженедельная музы­кальная телепрограмма с участием солистов и ансамблей поп-музыкантов).

a chart - график, диаграмма.

number one single - певец (исполнитель), занявший первое место.

2. Закончите следующие предложения, подобрав наиболее точ­ный вариант ответа. Перепишите законченные предложения.

1. 'Top of the Pops' is a program which shows...

a) new kinds of computers;

b) different pop groups throughout Great Britain;

c) which singles have sold the most copies during the previous week

2. Cable television...

a) is not popular in the country and doesn't increase the num­ber of channels;

b) is not available for millions of television viewers;

c) is popular in Great Britain.

3. Перепишите предложения, заполнив пропуски артиклями, если это необходимо.

1. Jack is fond of sitting in... sun. 2. It’s very hot in... South Africa. 3. Mr. Black lives on... Oxford Street. 4. Would you like to have... cup of... coffee? 5. All... roads lead to... Rome. 6. - Whose... house is this? - ...house is mine.

4. Перепишите предложения. Определите, какой частью речи являются слова, заканчивающиеся на -s . Какую функцию вы­полняет окончание -s: а) показатель 3-го лица единственного числа глагола Present Indefinite; b) признак множественного числа имени существительного: с) показатель притяжа­тельного падежа имени существительного.

1. These stories are the writer’s pride. 2. Through these books we learn the geography and history of New York which is one of the world’s cultural, economic and scientific centres. 3. The realis­tic modem literature shows us life in the USA today. 4. Maya Angelou in her biography describes her childhood in Stamps, Arkan­sas, as she remembers it.

5. Перепишите предложения, заполнив пропуски подходящими по смыслу предлогами.

1. Bob is... right now. He's leaving... school... ten minutes.

2. Ana's grandparents live... 463 Lake Road... Los Angeles.

3. I clean the house... Saturday morning.

6. Выпишите из упражнения прилагательные: а) в превосход­ной степени; b) в сравнительной степени.

1. My book is expensive, your book is more expensive, but her book is the most expensive.

2. Jane is nice, Helen is nicer, but Susan is the nicest girl I have ever seen.

3. Tom is more intelligent, but Bill is cleverer.

4. Harry is the best student in our group while Henry is the worst one.

7. Перепишите предложения, заполнив пропуски нужными по смыслу словами: little, a little, few, a few, many, much.

1. We don't write many exercises at the lesson. We write... ex­ercises. 2. I go to the cinema when I have... free time. 3. They know... English words, only ten. 4.1 know French... and I can read easy texts. 5. How... butter would you like, sir? 6. How... books did you buy yesterday?

8. Из английских грамматических форм глагола выберите ту, которую вы употребили бы при переводе следующих русских предложений, и напишите ответы:

Образец: 1. Мы сдаём экзамены два раза в год.

a) take b) are taking с) have taken

Ответ: 1а)

1. Он уехал в Киев три года назад.

a) leave b) left с) have left

2. Он работает в школе уже несколько месяцев.

a) is working b) works c) has been working

3. Он приедет к I января.

a) will come b) will have come c) will be coming

9. Прочитайте текст. Составьте и запишите четыре вопро­са к тексту: а) общий; b) специальный; с) альтернативный; d) разделительный.

In New York

The World Trade Centre, the 107th Floor.

Carlos: Wow: This is incredible!

Melanie: Look over there, Ann. There's the Statue of Liberty.

Ann: It’s beautiful, isn't it?

Pablo: Come over here. There's the Brooklyn Bridge.

Ann: Are you taking pictures of all this, Dad?

Pablo: No, we can buy better pictures at the gift shop.

Ann: OK. Maybe I can find something for Grandma Maria at the gift shop, too.

10. Перепишите следующие предложения, определите в них видовременную форму глагола, переведите предложения на русский язык.

Sunday Morning

It’s Sunday today. Mr. Hedgehog is at home. He doesn't work to­day. He usually reads newspapers at 8 o’clock in the morning. It's 9 o'clock now and he hasn't read his newspaper yet, he will read it in the evening. He has just had his breakfast and now he is doing the dishes.

Yesterday his friend phoned him and invited him to the mov­ies. Did Mr. Hedgehog agree to go to the movies? Of course, he did. He washed his car on Saturday and now he has nothing special to do about the house.


do dishes - мыть посуду

movies – кино

11. Перепишите предложения, заполнив пропуски нужной формой глагола to be.

1. There... a menu at Speedy's Restaurant.

2. There... three different hamburgers in the menu.

3. There... coffee, tea and soft drinks in the menu.

4. There... many customers at the restaurant today.

5. There... a woman and a child sitting at the table by the window.

12. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.

1. a) It's winter now. It's cold and windy. It is snowing now. It often snows in this part of the country in winter. It's evening now. It's a quarter past six. It's getting dark.

b) Give Jane this watch. Give her that one, too.

2. Give the children these ice-creams. Give them those ones, too.

3. Give Tom this book. Give him that one, too.

4. Those are our umbrellas. Give us our umbrellas, please.