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U nit 5. Global vs. Local

1. Study the words and their meanings:

a state of civil emergency


чрезвычайное положение

anarchist ['&nJkIst]



at the expense of


в ущерб чему-л., за счет чего-л.

clash , v


сталкиваться с кем-л.(бороться)

consider, v


считать, иметь мнение

demolish [dI'mOlIS], v


разрушать, уничтожать (что-л.)

destroy, v


уничтожать, стирать с лица земли

dominance, n


господство; влияние



защитник окружающей среды

exploit [eks'plOIX], v


использовать, эксплуатировать

globalisation [YlJubJlaI'zeISn]


host, v


выступать в роли хозяина или организатора

impact ['Imp&kt], n


сильное воздействие; влияние

injure ['IndZJ], v


ранить, ушибить

peacefully, adv


мирно, миролюбиво

property, n


имущество; собственность

public [V], adj



smash [sm&S], v


крушить; ломать; с размаху; вдребезги

spread, v



violence ['vaIJlJns], n


жестокость, насилие, применение силы

violent ['vaIJlJnt], adv



World Trade Organisation


Всемирная торговая организация, ВТО

& 2. Read the text and match these titles to the four paragraphs.

a. The spread of the anti-globalisation movement

b. Protests against specific companies

c. The first anti-globalisation demonstration

d. What the protests are about

In November 1999, a collection of 50,000 environmentalists, students, anarchists and ordinary members of the public gathered in Seattle, USA, to protest against a meeting there of the World Trade Organisation. The demonstration began peacefully, but by the end of the day, protestors had smashed shop windows and destroyed property, the police had fired plastic bullets and gas into the crowd, and a state of civil emergency had been declared. The 'Battle of Seattle' is now seen as the start of a world-wide anti-globalisation movement.

Similar demonstrations have now spread outside of the USA and have become common in cities that host global monetary meetings. In London's financial district, anti-globalisation demonstrations take place annually every 1st of May. The largest protest so far took place in Genoa ['dZenJuJ], Italy, in 2001, where 300,000 demonstrators clashed with police in a violent conflict: one person died and hundreds were injured.

Anti-globalisation protestors are protesting about the dominance in the world economy of large (usually American) multi-national companies. They consider that these companies spread their own western culture at the expense of other cultures, and that they exploit developing countries and the environment in general.

Targets for violence and vandalism are often American companies such as McDonald's, GAP and Starbucks. In 1999, Jose Bove, a French farmer who had been in the Seattle protest, became a national hero when he demolished a new McDonald's as a protest about the standardisation of food, the impact of McDonald's on local businesses and the high level of US taxes on imported European food.

s3. Answer these questions on the text.

1. Why was Seattle chosen for the first anti-globalisation demonstration?

2. Was the demonstration completely peaceful?

3. When do anti-globalisation demonstrations regularly take place in London?

4. When was there a large demonstration in Genoa?

5. How many people died in that demonstration?

6. What sort of companies are anti-globalisation protestors protesting about?

7. Which three specific companies does the text mention?

8. What did Jose Bove do to protest about globalisation in France?

4. Can you match these American company names to their products? Can we buy their products in Russia?

1. Calvin Klein

a. fast food

2. GAP

b. jeans

3. Levi's

c. sports clothes

4. Mattel

d. cola

5. McDonald's

e. designer clothes and perfume

6. Nike

f. coffee

7. Pepsi

g. casual clothes

8. Starbucks

h. dolls

Well, I


... never




go to the...

Pepsi, Nike’s...




it /

they/ their food






expensive/ cool/


tasty /


– 5. Find adverbs of frequency in this word snake. Put them in order starting with always and finishing with never. Tell the group if you like or dislike the American brands mentioned in 4 and why.

8 6. Listen to two people, Amy and Bill, discussing globalisation. Who expresses the following opinions? Write A for Amy and В for Bill.

  1. Globalisation could harm the regional way of life. .......

  2. G lobalisation can help people who live within a small area. .......

  3. Worldwide, more people eat traditional food than fast food. .......

  4. People can enjoy products from many different cultures today. .......

  5. Large overseas companies have control over the non-alcoholic drink market. .......

  6. If not for globalisation, companies from different countries would not join together to do business. …….

  7. People who travel prefer to see unusual and exciting things instead of symbols used by big companies.......

  8. Experiencing something from another country does not take away your feeling of belonging to your country. .......

  9. A range of different cultures can be reflected in food bought overseas...

  10. No single company has complete control over the fashion industry. .......

7. Now listen again and cover the listening script. Write the words or phrases from the conversation that mean the same as the underlined words in 6.

1. way of life = culture,--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Bill = B: Amy =A

B: Just look at this, they're putting one of those cheap restaurant chains in where that nice tea-shop used to be. They're owned by some multinational company. At this rate our culture will disappear altogether and we'll all end up eating the same bland food.

Ты только посмотри, они устраивают один из своих дешевых сетевых ресторанов на том месте, где раньше было славное кафе. Это какая-то международная компания. С такими темпами вся наша культура исчезнет целиком, и кончится тем, что все мы будем есть одинаково пресную пищу.

A: Well, a lot of people are worried about globalisation and the impact it could have on the local people. But actually I'm beginning to think it works the other way around.

Ну, многие волнуются по поводу глобализации и ее влияния на коренное население. Но я, на самом деле, начинаю думать, что все совсем наоборот.

B: You can't be serious.

Ты, наверное, шутишь!

A: Yes, I'm reading a book about it actually and the author makes some very valid points.

Нет, я как раз читаю об этом книгу, и автор приводит некоторые очень веские доводы.

B: He probably works for one of the big multinationals himself!

Он сам, наверняка, работает на одну из международных корпораций!

A: Actually, no. I'm pretty sure he's a journalist.

На самом деле, нет. Я совершенно уверена, что он – (просто) журналист.

B: So, what does he say then?

И что же он говорит?

A: Well, he points out that there are far more ethnic restaurants in England than people realise, for example, there are seven Indian restaurants for every one McDonald's in the UK.

В общем, он отмечает, что в Англии гораздо больше этнических ресторанов, чем людям кажется. Например, на один McDonald's в Великобритании приходится семь индийских ресторанов.

B: Really? I didn't realise that.

Правда? Я и не думал.

A: Yes, and globally, pizzas are actually more popular than burgers. I think globalisation could mean that we end up living a more interesting and multicultural life.

Да, а пицца в мировом масштабе намного более популярна, чем бургеры. Я думаю, что глобализация может привести к тому, что мы будем жить более интересной и культурно разнообразной жизнью.

B: Yes, but you've got to admit that, worldwide, the soft drinks market is totally dominated by just one or two big companies.

Да, но тебе придется признать, что весь мировой рынок безалкогольных напитков полностью во власти одной-двух больших компаний.

A: Well, according to this author, there's a new energy drink taking over the market and it's a joint venture between Thailand and Austria. Without globalisation, international companies just wouldn't merge like that.

Ну вот, согласно этому автору, один новый энергетический напиток, который сейчас выходит на мировой рынок, производится на совместном предприятии Таиланда и Австрии. Без глобализации такие международные компании просто не могли бы объединиться, как эта.

B: Well I think that globalisation just pushes popular culture to the masses and spreads it even further. When people go travelling to far flung places, they want to see something exotic, not the same icons they see all around them at home!

В общем, я думаю, что глобализация навязывает массовую культуру и распространяет ее все дальше и дальше. Когда люди едут в какие-нибудь нетронутые цивилизацией места, они хотят видеть что-нибудь экзотическое, а не всё те же товарные знаки, которые окружают их дома!

A: Yes, but I doubt the local people there feel they're losing their national identity just because a fast food outlet has opened up. And anyway, the nice thing about it is that, in many places, these chains have to change the food they sell to suit the local culture. So there is a lot of give and take going on and you still get cultural diversity to some extent.

Да, но я сомневаюсь, что местные жители чувствуют, будто они утрачивают свою национальную принадлежность только из-за того, что открывается какой-нибудь ресторан быстрого питания. Так или иначе, во всем этом есть и нечто хорошее - во многих местах этим сетевым ресторанам приходится изменять продукты, которые они продают, чтобы соответствовать (местным традициям и) культуре. Поэтому происходит постоянный взаимообмен, к тому же, мы видим разнообразие стилей жизни.

B: I suppose so. I suppose so. I guess no one big multinational has a monopoly over the fashion market either, does it?

Может быть, может быть... Думаю, ни одна транснациональная компания не имеет монополии на рынке моды, ведь так?

A: That's right, the big fashion labels are spread over a lot of different countries.

Правильно, самые модные бренды – это компании совершенно разных стран.

The best /worst thing about ...

One point of view in favour of / against

globalisation is that


local people




^ 8. With your partner, make up your own dialogue of 4 to 6 phrases about advantages and disadvantages of globalisation. Use the words, phrases and some of the ideas from the unit. Act out your dialogue.