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История литературы.doc
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  1. To which literary subgenres did women like Ursula k. LeGuin increasingly turn in order to overturn male stereotypes about gender?

coterie theater and off-Broadway productions;

animated films adapted from fairy tales;

absurdist poems adapted from French Symbolisme;

science fiction and fantasy

  1. Which of the following voices had not had literary production encouraged and expanded during and after the 1960s thanks to increased political protests and activism?

African American writers like Amiri Baraka;

Jewish American writers like Philip Roth;

women writers like Adrienne Rich;

Southern writers like Charles Wright

  1. How did the literary fortunes of Native American writers change as a result of the political and social movements of the 1960s?

white social commentators began making reparative amends for past injustices committed against Natives by opening up space for new publication;

blacks and women looked to the successes of the Native American writers' movement, and multiethnic anthologies appeared in the 1970s;

Native writers created a body of critical and historical works that exposed white stereotypes and put past and present Native literature into an ecological context;

contemporary audiences continued to neglect Native literature of previous centuries in favor of postwar poetry and prose

  1. Which of the following is an emblem of the heterogeneity and pluralism of contemporary literature?

the internet;

artificial intelligence;

the kaleidoscope;

cellular telephones

  1. What does the “Death of the Novel” controversy in the 1960s refer to?

a fatal disease that only struck novelists;

the abandonment of the novel by major artists in favor of poetry and drama;

a crisis of faith in the ability of novelistic conventions to depict reality adequately;

extreme experimentation prompted by stale and formulaic novels of the 1950s

  1. Despite representations that emphasized tensions carried over from the prewar modernist period, which of the following was the literary ideal for the 1950s?

rugged individualism;

ethnic diversity;

cultural homogeneity;

material wealth

  1. Which modernist writers inspired authors between World War II and the 1960s to attempt to write “the great American novel” which would characterize an essential national experience?

F. Scott Fitzgerald;

William Faulkner;

T. S. Eliot;

Ernest Hemingway

  1. Which social and historical gap has the successful emergence of African American women writers since the 1970s and 80s proven can be overcome literarily?

the lack of authentic perspectives on the continuing legacy of slavery;

the lack of evidence that a group hindered from speaking could succeed in establishing their perspectives as important and necessary in mainstream culture;

the lack of means by which authors could have their works produced by literary publishers whose practices were still largely discriminatory;

the lack of means by which authors could have their works produced by literary publishers whose practices were still largely discriminatory