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История литературы.doc
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  1. Why did Jim run away from Miss Watson?

He believes she is planning to sell him to a slave trader from New Orleans;

She had ordered that he be publicly whipped;

He met some abolitionists who persuaded him to run away;

He wants to join his brother who had escaped to Boston

  1. What was the effect of modernism on African American writers like Zora Neale Hurston, Nella Larsen, and Langston Hughes?

most black authors became expatriates like the preeminent modernists of their day;

black authors were largely repelled by American modernism, which they considered racist and treated blacks stereotypically;

black authors were inspired by the modernist spirit and mixed African American elements like blues, jazz, and folk culture into traditional genres;

black authors were heartened by the emphasis on fighting racism in the works of prominent white authors like William Faulkner and Katherine Anne Porter

  1. Why did American authors treat the trial of Sacco and Vanzetti, condemned to death in 1921 for a robbery and homicide, from a sympathetic standpoint?

they believed that Sacco and Vanzetti’s membership in the Communist Party had been held against them during their trial;

they believed that the death penalty was too harsh a punishment for Sacco and Vanzetti’s crime;

they believed that Sacco and Vanzetti had been convicted mostly because they were anarchists;

they believed that the real murderer was the kidnapper of the Lindbergh baby

  1. How did new scientific advances concerning relativity, uncertainty, quantum theory affect the relationship between science and literature?

authors represented scientists and their experiments in a heroic light within their novels and poems;

scientists and authors joined together to propose radical new ways of representing and understanding the world;

scientists looked to authors to articulate the social and human consequences of their discoveries because of their greater skill with language;

authors began to think of literature as an alternate explanation of reality, far better than science at explaining subjective experience, moral choices, and meaning

  1. Which was not one of the three characteristic “issues” of American literary modernism?

what kind of relationship should serious literature have with its audience?

how involved should literature be with social and political struggle?

how should authors engage with literary tradition?

does popular culture have a place in serious literature?

  1. In what way did authors use Hollywood to bridge the divide between serious and popular modernist literature?

authors like Faulkner and Fitzgerald treated motion pictures as an opportunity to further their aesthetic ambitions by expanding their audience;

many imagist poets experimented with writing film shorts because they saw similarities between film montage and their juxtaposed fragments;

many modernist poets and novelists turned their attention to film later in their careers because motion pictures were ideal vehicles for satire and social commentary;

authors like Raymond Chandler used motion pictures to establish a respectable artistic reputation through experimentation with the new medium of film