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Save the World!

Twenty-five years ago the United Nations explained to the world that our earth was in danger. From more than a thousand different types of plants, trees and flowers, only about five hundred still existed. The others destroyed / are destroyed / had been destroyed by modern man and his technology. The UN hoped that some extreme measures is taken / took / would be taken in order to protect nature.

But the earth, the air, the water and everything that grows and lives is changed / are being changed / had changed constantly. We cannot continue like this or we will destroy ourselves. We need action before it’s too late. Most people know that something should do / is done / be done now. Today at school and at home young people were encouraged / are encouraged / encouraged to look after the world. In some countries kids spend their time with projects on nature. Some plant trees and others clean riverbanks and forests.

Markets, school festivals or bike ralleys was organized / are organized / have been organized to raise money for the protection of nature. A lot of things can do / was done / be done. So let’s start today!

Ex. 16. Open the brackets, using the correct verb forms in the Active or Passive Voice.

1. The Earth….. (surround – окружать ) by the atmosphere. 2. The present climate zones ….. (form) under definite temperature conditions. 3. The heat from the Earth ….. (keep) by pollutant gases that accumulate in the atmosphere. So, the Earth gets hotter. 4. When the Earth’s temperature ….. (rise), the weather ….. (change) everywhere. 5. If The North and the South Poles ….. (melt), the sea level ….. (rise). 6. In our modern society, where anything can ….. (advertise – рекламировать) and ….. (sell), not all the products are healthy. 7. We ….. (tell) by experts that the water from many rivers should ….. (not use) for drinking. 8. But it is not just industry which is ….. (blame – обвинять) for the pollution of our rivers and lakes. 9. Farmers also ….. (add) to the problem by using too many chemicals on their fields.

Ex.17. Translate the sentences.

1. Земля – единственная планета Солнечной Системы (the Solar System), где существует жизнь. 2. Без воды, воздуха и почвы жизнь на Земле не может существовать (exist). 3. В природе все процессы находятся в сбалансированном взаимодействии. 4. Современное производство нарушает хрупкое равновесие природы. 5. Загрязнение окружающей среды ведёт к (result in) уничтожению самих источников жизни: воды, воздуха, почвы, растений и животных. Это экологическая катастрофа. 6. Человек сжигает (burn) много угля и нефти. 7. Загрязнённые газы от наших заводов и теплоэлектростанций вызывают (create) тепличный эффект и кислотные дожди. 8. Из-за кислотных дождей гибнет рыба в озёрах и морях, погибают леса и произведения искусства. 9. Озоновый слой становится тоньше. 10. Всё это может разрушить жизнь на планете Земля. 11. Экологи, движение “Green Peace” призывают (call) людей всей Земли спасти нашу голубую планету, остановиться пока не (until) поздно.


Ex.1. Discuss the following questions:

What mass media do you know?

What are your favourite?

Read the text and answer the questions after it.

The term mass media in English refers basically to TV, radio and newspapers – means of communication which reach very large numbers of people.

Can you think of a day when you haven’t listened to the radio or watched television? The media are as much a part of our daily lives as the landscape.

The Press

It has been claimed that no country buys as many daily newspapers per person as Britain. On an average day two out of three adults regularly read a national morning newspaper.

There are about 200 daily and Sunday newspapers, 1.300 weekly newspapers and about 7,500 peridiodicals in Britain.

The national newspapers can be divided into two groups according to their layout and the way they treat the news: the quality papers and the popular or tabloid papers.

While the quality papers usually try to inform their readers as widely as possible about national and international news, the popular press aims to attract general readers with sensational news mixed with decorative photographs.

Tabloid usually has a smaller format than a quality newspaper, it has large headlines and shorter stories and, in Britain, it prefers stories about film stars, crimes, the royal family.

There are national and regional papers. The national papers circulate throughout the British Isles; the regional papers provide general and local news of interest to the readers in the area where they are produced.

There are about 8.000 periodicals published in Britain: from fiction magazines to learned publications. A journal is a name given to an academic magazine.

Periodicals are generally classified as general, specialized, trade, technical and professional and include magazines for a wide range of interest: women’s magazines, dealing with sport, gardening, cooking, computer, hobbies, pop music, motoring. The “Economist” is the leading journal of opinion. It comments on events of international, political and economic life.

There are also comics. A comic is a magazine for children or teenagers, with lots of picture stories or cartoons.

There is no censorship of the press and there are no specific press laws in Britain. The press has generally the freedom to comment on any matter of public interest.

But, a newspaper may not publish comments on individual people or organizations which are untrue or can do them harm.


1. claim - утверждать

2. average - средний

3. layout – макет(газеты)

4. royal - королевский

5. fiction - художественный

6. deal with – иметь дело, касаться чего-либо

7. cartoon – карикатура

Ex.2. 1.What is mass media? 2. What is a quality newspaper? 3. What is tabloid (popular newspaper)? 4. How can you recognize a tabloid? 5. What do quality papers write about? 6. What stories do the popular papers publish? 7. What papers provide local news for the readers of the area? 8. Who reads journals? 9. What is a comic? Who reads them? 10. What is the oldest English newspaper?



1. mass media средства массовой информации

2. daily newspaper ежедневная газета

3. weekly newspaper еженедельная(воскресная) газета

4. periodicals периодические издания

5. quality newspaper серьёзные издания

6. popular/tabloid press «жёлтая пресса», популярные газеты

7. national/international news национальные/внутренние/международные известия/новости

8. headline заголовок(статьи)

9. regional papers местные(региональные) издания

10. journal серьёзный/научный журнал

11. publication издание

12. comics комиксы

13. cartoon карикатура

14. censorship цензура

15. soap opera сериалы

16. channel канал

17. TV serials телевизионные сериалы

18. viewing time время просмотра ТВ передач

19. entertainment развлекательные программы

20. broadcasting радиовещание

broadcast радио/телепередача

to broadcast передавать по радио/по ТВ

21. documentary документальный фильм

22. current affairs текущие события

23. quiz викторины

24. weather forecast прогноз погоды

25. commercial коммерческий, (зд.) реклама

26. editorial передовая/редакционная статья

27. feature article большая газетная статья

28. small ads небольшие газетные объявления


1. publish публиковать

2. deal mean иметь дело, касаться

3. comment on комментировать

4. watch смотреть (зд. ТВ)

5. listen to слушать

6. raise the problem поднимать вопрос/касаться проблемы

7. look through просматривать

8. keep up with следить за

9. be concerned with беспокоиться, (зд.) быть связанным (вовлечённым)


1. local местный

2. regional региональный

3. trade торговый

4. technical технический

5. public общественный

6. professional профессиональный

Ex. 2. Complete the sentences with the information about the Russian Press (see vocabulary and the text)

1. There are some well known quality newspapers in Russia, such as ……………………… .

2. Quality newspapers publish …………………………………….. .

3. Nowadays there appeared quite a number of popular papers which publish ………………….

4. You can recognize a tabloid at once due to its ……………………….

5. Our regional newspaper ……………… provides ………………….. .

6. There are ………………. periodicals such as …………, we usually buy …………………… .

7. My mother usually reads ………………….. because she ………………………. .

8. I never read comics because …………………………………………. .