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Job Titles


(occupation, especially one requiring advanced education and special training)

accountant бухгалтер

computer programmer программист

dentist зубной врач

doctor врач

engineer инженер

interpreter переводчик

lawyer юрист

librarian библиотекарь

nurse медсестра

pharmacist фармацевт

pianist пианист

pilot летчик

secretary секретарь

teacher учитель

translator переводчик


(occupation, way of making a living, especially handicraft)

baker пекарь

barber/hair stylist мужской парикмахер

builder строитель

butcher мясник

carpenter плотник

cashier кассир

cook повар

electrician электрик

farmer фермер

gardener садовник

greengrocer зеленщик

housepainter маляр

mason каменщик

mechanic механик

plumber водопроводчик

printer печатник, наборщик

salesperson продавец

security guard охранник

tailor портной

waiter официант

Ex.1.Read the text. As you read, find out:

1. what temping work is.

2. why he does temping work?

Would you like temping work?

Why/why not?

Choosing an Occupation

One of the most difficult problems a young person faces is deciding what to do about a career. There are individuals, of course, who from the time they are six years old “know” that they want to be doctors or pilots or fire fighters, but the majority of us can’t make a decision about an occupation or career when they leave school. Choosing an occupation is a difficult problem. There are a lot of things you have to think about as you try to decide what you would like to do You may find that you will have to take special courses to qualify for a particular kind of work, or may find out that you will need to get some work experience.

Fortunately, there are a lot of people you can turn to for advice and help in making your decision. At most schools, there are teachers who can counsel you and give detailed information about job qualifications. And you can talk over your ideas with family members and friends who are always ready to listen and to offer suggestions.


1. qualify for – получать специальность, квалификацию

2. experience – опыт

3. counsel – советовать

4. job qualifications – сумма качеств, необходимых для приема на работу

Ex.1. Answer the questions below:

1. What is the most difficult problem for a young person when he leaves school?

2. What things do you have to think about when choosing an occupation?

3. What should one do to qualify for a particular?

4. Whom can you turn for advice when making your decision?

5. Do you know what you want to be?

6. Have you got any career plans?

Work or life?

A lot of people ask me why I do temping work rather than get a permanent job with one company. I guess it’s partly because of my father. He was a computer programmer for a big multinational company. His job was very important to him. He used to work very long hours. When we were kids, he often got home after nine o’clock at night – the time that we went to bed. Sometimes I didn’t see him for days and days. He did very well in his job. He got promoted. He became the manager for the whole of the country and then the whole of South-east Asia. He just worked harder and harder. I don’t think he was really happy doing what he was doing, but I guess he couldn’t see any other way. Then, when he retired, he didn’t know what to do. He was even more unhappy. He died of a heart attack when he was 68.

I don’t want to be like that. Doing temping work means I don’t have to go to work every day. When I work, I don’t have to do the same people every day. That’s why I like it. I’ve been with the same agency for about ten years now. They know I’m a good worker and I’m reliable – I’ve never been late for work – so I can more or less choose the jobs I want to do. Sometimes I work in the same place for a few weeks, sometimes it’s for just one day. I only get paid for the days I work, so if I’m not very well and take a day off sick, or if I want a holiday, I don’t get any money. I suppose that if I had a family, it would be a problem, but I don’t mind. Money isn’t that important to me. It’s more important that I can take time off when I want to. Some of my friends only get two weeks’ holiday a year. I often take five or six weeks’ holiday and go traveling all over the world.

At the moment, I’m working in an office as a secretary. I’ve been there for about three months. It’s a nice place. The people who work there are really friendly, but I’m getting a bit fed up with the work, so I think I’ll probably ask to change and do something else soon. I do quite a lot of office work because I’m good at typing, but I’ve done lots of other jobs as well. I’ve been a security guard and a barman; I washed cars one summer; and I worked in a hotel in a ski resort for two winters, which was good because I went skiing a lot. Not all the jobs are good, though. The worst job I had was when I worked in an abattoir, which is a place where they kill animals. I had to cut up the meat, pack it and send it off to supermarkets. Then I had to clean the floor. It was disgusting! My best job was working in a chocolate factory for a week. I went home with lots of free chocolate bars. That was great!

Ex.2. Complete the sentences with words from the text.

1. I work very long ………. – I start at nine in the morning and finish at nine at night.

2. She did very well in her job. After two years, she got ………. To manager.

3. He’s a very ……….worker. He never arrives late and he always does his work on time.

4. If you’re really felling bad, you should take a day ………. sick.

5. I travel a lot with my job. I go all ………. the world. It’s great.

6. I work in the main university finance ………. as a secretary.

7. My job is quite boring. I’m getting a bit ………. up with it.

8. I have to clean all the toilets in the hotel. It’s really ………. !

Ex.3. Career or job?

You have a career when you change jobs several times within the same area. If you your career is going well each new job is better than the last one.

Put these words into two groups – careers and jobs.

Accountant fitness instructor the media

IT Business teacher

Civil servant lawyer tourism

Doctor marketing vet

Which of these careers and jobs would you be good at? Which could you never do? Why?

Tell a partner what you think. For example:

Key vocabulary

  • I’d quite like to work in education, because I’m good with children and I’m good at listening to people.

  • Oh really? I couldn’t do a job like that. I’m not very good at explaining things. I’d like to be an accountant because I’m good at maths.


A decision

A mistake

A complaint Make

An appointment


An effort



Someone a favour Do

Your best

Homework Research

Ex.4. Complete the questions below with MAKE or DO in the correct form.

Are you generally good at making decisions? Does it depend on the kind of decision?

1. How do you feel if you know you’ve ……… a mistake while you’re speaking in English?

2. When was the last time you ………. someone a favour?

3. Have you ever ………. a complaint in a restaurant or shop?

4. When you have holidays, do you enjoy ………. nothing or do you like to be active?

5. In which areas do you think you are ………. most progress in your English?

Ask and answer the questions.

Ex.5 Translate the sentences from Russian into English:

1. Я еще не решил, чем хочу заниматься в будущем. У меня нет определенного (definite) призвания и таланта.

2. Мои родители уже на пенсии, придется мне самому зарабатывать себе на жизнь.

3. Он хотел пойти работать в банк своего отца, но прежде надо получить квалификацию для этой работы.

4. Я прочел рекламу в газете о работе в торговой фирме (trading company) . Они берут учеников. Я хочу подать документы для получения этой работы.

5. Я хочу устроиться на высокооплачиваемую работу и прилично зарабатывать.

6. Он совсем ничего не хочет делать, но при этом желает хорошо жить.

Ex.6. Read the text and answer the questions.