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  • Read and translate new words and expressions using a dictionary.

reducing defects, basic concepts, manufacturing sector, customer satisfaction, efficiency of services, minimum efforts

  • Try to give their definitions in English.

  • In pairs make dialogues using expressions from the list above. Read the dialogues aloud.

Pre-Reading task

  • Find all the international words in the text.


Read and translate the text.

Six Sigma And Government Practices

Six Sigma was originally developed for reducing defects and improving the quality of business processes in the manufacturing industry. However, with the development of new concepts and methodologies, these concepts are increasingly being implemented in the services sector and in governmental organizations as well. The basic concepts can be implemented in all types of governmental organizations such as local bodies, state level organizations and federal government bodies.

By implementing Six Sigma concepts, governmental organizations can improve their customer services and increase the overall efficiency of the organization as well. This process offers the same benefits to governmental organization as it offers to business organizations in spite of the fact that it has its roots in the manufacturing sector.

Many business organizations have successfully implemented Six Sigma concepts in their business processes and reaped the associated benefits such as reduced operational costs, increased profits, and increased customer satisfaction. Although governmental organizations do not function for making profits, they still have plenty of reasons for implementing these concepts and methodologies in their work processes.

The main reasons are often related to reduction of operational costs and improvement of services offered by the organization. The main goal of Six Sigma is to reduce defects or variations within processes and that goal is as valid in governmental organizations as it is in any other business or industry.

Increase Customer Satisfaction

Just as businesses serve their customers, governmental organizations also have to serve their customers, who are the citizens of the country. Governmental agencies have realized that the best way to increase customer satisfaction is to improve the quality and efficiency of services rendered, which can be easily achieved by implementing Six Sigma. The services offered by governmental organizations involve interactions with people who can be treated as customers of the organization.

Six Sigma helps in increasing the efficiency of the interaction process by putting in place effective systems and controls that are based on facts and statistics. It also helps in altering the opinions, behavior, and decisions of those involved in rendering services to citizens. The task of altering human behavior is as complex as making positive changes in a manufacturing process, but by using Six Sigma concepts; governmental organizations can do it with minimum efforts and costs.

Work with the text

  • Present the main ideas of the text making a poster;

  • Give definitions to the main terms of the text.

Translate from Russian into English:

  • Стандарт Six Sigma первоначально был разработан для уменьшения дефектов и улучшения качества для использования в производстве.

  • Многие деловые организации успешно внедрили концепции Six Sigma в бизнес процессы.

  • Основная цель Six Sigma - уменьшить дефекты или отклонения в производственных процессах.

  • Также как предприятия обслуживают своих клиентов, правительственные организации должны обслужить своих клиентов, граждане страны.

  • Услуги, предлагаемые правительственными организациями, включают взаимодействие с людьми, которые могут быть рассмотрены как клиенты организации.


Lead in

  • Do you know what “ISO” is?

  • What other standardizing quality systems do you know?

  • What of them are used in your company?


  • Divide in groups of three.

  • Think of methods to satisfy the customer.

  • Discuss your ideas.