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Project work

  • In groups of three make a kind of survey among your group mates, friends, relatives, tutors and others. Ask them next questions:

    • What examples of companies based on the idea of Multilevel Marketing Plans do you know?

    • What advantages and disadvantages of this kind of business can you name?

    • What are the reasons for participating in Multilevel Marketing Plans?

    • What precautions do you use not to be recruited into illegal pyramid?

  • Analyze the results and prepare a report on the topic.

  • Make a short list of features needed for a person who is going to participate in MMP and discuss your ideas.

  • Write a short encyclopedia article on the topic MMP and PS.

  • Complete the table using all the information you know

Legitimate multilevel marketing plans

Illegal pyramid schemes

Most of the product sales are

The way of managing

The idea of this kind of business is

The product is

As a result it


  1. Pyramid Schemes are a way of ………. .

a) selling goods or services through distributors

b) receiving commissions with help of your "downline"

c) fooling people

  1. Almost all multilevel marketing plans are ……….. .

  1. legal

  2. illegal

  3. state

  1. Most of the Pyramid product sales are made to …….. .

  1. these distributors

  2. to consumers in general

  3. be given as a present

  1. Joining a pyramid is risky because ……… .

  1. you may “climb” on the top of the Pyramid

  2. the vast majority of participants lose money to pay for the rewards of a lucky few

  3. you may be chased by the police

  1. If you're thinking about joining what appears to be a legitimate multilevel marketing plan, ……… .

  1. prepare to invest your money

  2. ask your friends to join to your “downline”

  3. take time to learn about the plan

6. Be …………. if a distributor tells you that for the price of a "start-up kit" of inventory and sales literature you'll be on the road to riches.

a) proud

b) skeptical

c) troubled

  1. Eventually the pyramid will ……….. .

    1. develop

    2. become a monopoly

    3. collapse

  1. Self-presentation unit 1

Lead in

  • What should you do if you’re applying for a job?

  • Do you think good resume/CV can help you to find a good job?


  • Divide in two groups.

  • Write the list of important tips for writing a successful resume/ CV.

  • Discuss your ideas in group.


  • Read and translate new words and expressions using a dictionary.

hesitate, humanity, prospective employer, application letter, self-estimation, invent, personnel manager, best feature, evaluate, readable, confirm

  • Try to give their definitions in English.

  • In pairs make dialogues using new words and expressions. Read them aloud.

Pre-Reading task

Scan the text and put the paragraphs in logical order. Compare the results.


Read and translate the text