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Part 1 Getting to know each other (ДЛЯ СТУДЕНТО...doc
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Case study: Organizing a Seminar


Belarusian State University, the Institute of Journalism, is holding a seminar on the topic ENGLISH FOR PROFESSIONALS later this year. The program of the seminar includes the whole range of issues, among them:

  • The role of English in the modern world,

  • Opportunities for professionals with the knowledge of English,

  • How to make the process of language learning effective and enjoyable,

  • International English exams TOEFL and IELTS.

The aim of the seminar is to hammer home the theme that good knowledge of a foreign language opens new opportunities for professionals.

If you are going to take part in this seminar, please:

  • complete the registration form

Registration Form

First name:________________

Last name:__________________________




City: ______________ State: __________________

Zip code:___________

Country: ______________

Tel.: ________________

Fax: _______________

Title of presentation_____________________________________




 tape recorder  overhead projector  video computer

  • attach a summary of presentation in 50 words or less

  • attach a short biographical statement of 25 words or less

Our guest speaker from the British Council Head office made a speech opening the work of the seminar. Read the extracts of the speech and trace the proper forms of addressing the audience, expression of appreciation and hospitality.

Dear friends,

It is a great pleasure to welcome all of you to the seminar “English for Professionals”.

I should also like to express my gratitude to all the guests and participants for joining us to take part in today’s session. I believe that you will be provided an ample opportunity to exchange opinions and discuss issues of mutual interest.

Ladies and Gentlemen, our seminar remains a key yearly event and reflects the preoccupation of the youth with traditional and new challenges of the modern world.

This year our discussion focuses on the importance of knowing English for future research and professional career. Business is increasingly dependent on international trade and cooperation in all spheres, and employment opportunities demand well developed language skills.

I should like you to draw the attention of the participants to special problems of your professional spheres.

I look forward to hearing our speakers and then the comments and interventions from the floor. I am confident that our discussions in the coming days will be fruitful and that we will achieve our goals.

Thank you for your attention.


Stage one : You are members of the organizing committee:

  • Work in small groups. Discuss received application forms and summaries of the reports.

  • Make the program of the seminar for the first day and for the second day. Choose keynote speakers.

  • Meet as one group and listen to one another’s ideas.

Stage two: You are participants of the seminar

  • Present your reports.