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Part 1 Getting to know each other (ДЛЯ СТУДЕНТО...doc
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7 Translate the sentences into English.

  1. Роджер уже приобрел много новых друзей в университете. Он очень доволен этим.

  2. Ты добился успехов в изучении английского языка?

  3. Ты ведешь записи на лекциях?

  4. Давай составим список дел, которые мы должны сделать сегодня.

  5. Это плохая ошибка. Это самая плохая ошибка, которую я когда-либо делал.

  6. Последний раз, когда я сдавал экзамен, был в июле 2011 года.

  7. Сейчас я изучаю курс английского языка в университете. Я делаю все возможное, чтобы хорошо овладеть языком.

  8. В чем заключается твоя работа социолога?

  9. Почему ты рассердился? Я не причинил тебе вреда.

  10. Ты принял решение, в какой вуз подавать документы?

8 Discuss with a partner.

  • things that make you angry.

  • things that make a lot of noise.

  • reasons why people make speeches.

  • things that you often make in English.

Vocabulary File for Unit 2

Words and word combinations

For your notes

1. ability (n)

to have the ~ to do sth

to do the best of your ~

2. ahead (predict.)

to be/get ~ of sb

to get ~ in sth

to be ~ of your time

to be ~ of its time

3. communicate(v)

to ~ with sb on different issues

communication (n)

4. confident (adj)

a ~ public speaker

a self-confident/ overconfident person

to be ~ about sth

to make sb feel more ~/ not ~

confidence (n)

to give sb ~

to shake sb’s ~

5. depend (v)

to ~ on sb/sth (role, efforts, motivation)

to ~ on sb for sth

depending on sth

It depends.

dependable (adj)

dependence (n)

6. encourage (v)

to ~ lifelong language learning

to ~ students

encouragement (n)

7. enlarge (v)

to ~ vocabulary

enlargement (n)

8. equip (v)

to ~ sb with communicative/ intercultural/ linguistic competences

equipment (n)

video/ sports ~

equipped (adj)

to be ~ with

to be ill-~ with

9. enrich (v)

to ~ oneself

to ~ sb culturally

syn.: improve, upgrade

ant.: impoverish

enrichment (n)

10. fluent (adj)

a ~ speaker

to speak ~ English

to become ~ in sth.

fluently (adv)

to speak French ~

11. good (adj)

to be ~ at sth/ at doing smth.

to be ~ in quality

the ~ thing about

ant. to be bad at sth, to be weak in sth

to get better at sth/ at doing sth

12. increase (v)

to ~ career prospects

to ~ efficiency

to ~ in activity

to ~ in number or amount

to ~ greatly/considerably/enormously

increase (n)

13. improve (v)

to ~ one’s knowledge of English

to ~ speaking and reading skills

improvement (n)

to make ~s

14. influence (v)

to ~ sb/sth

influence (n)

to have an ~ on

to be under the ~ of sb/sth

influential (adj)

15. know (v)

to ~ perfectly well

to ~ what sth/sb means

to ~ how to do sth

to ~ a little about

to ~ a few words

to ~ your own mind

knowledge (n)

to have no ~ of foreign languages

to the best of my ~

to have common ~

knowledgeable (adj)

to be ~ about

16. language (n)

a foreign/ modern / official ~

first ~ (=mother-tongue)

to become a world ~

a ~ barrier

17. make (v)

to ~ a good specialist

to ~ progress

to ~ a presentation

to ~ preparations

maker (n)

18. mind (n)

to broaden one’s ~

to keep in ~

to come to the ~

to make up one’s ~

to my ~

mind (v)

to ~ your own business

19. outcome (n)

teaching ~

the ~ of the discussion

20. proficiency (n)

linguistic/ business ~

21. skill (n)

grammar ~

to develop oral speech ~s

skillful (adj)

For your personal vocabulary
























































































































































