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Part 1.

  1. How long you ________ (to know) Alison? - We ________ (to be) friends since we were children.

  2. Who ________ (to use) the car? – I was. Is there a problem? – Yes, it won’t start!

  3. I (not to see) David and Andrew since morning. Where are they? - They ________ (to work) in the garden for three hours.

  4. Why is Sally upset? – She ________ (to lose) her bag.

  5. I always ________ (to believe) that exercise is good for you. - Of course, it's good to keep fit.

  6. Emily ________ (to teach) maths since she left university. - Yes, and she's a very good teacher, too.

  7. Fred ________ (to open) a new shop. - Really? Where is it?

  8. This pie is delicious. - Is it? I ________ (not to taste) it yet.

  9. You (to find) your umbrella yet? - No, I ________ (to look) for it for an hour now.

  10. You look exhausted. - Well. I ________ (to clean) the windows since 8 o'clock this morning.

  11. Can 1 have some more lemonade, please? - Sorry, your brother just ________ (to drink) it all.

  12. Have you got new neighbours? - Yes, they just ________ (to move) to the area.

  13. Tortoises live to be very old. – Yes, I ________ (to hear) of one which is over a hundred years old.

  14. Are you still busy? – Yes, I ________ (to read) this article for an hour and I still ________ (not to finish) it.

  15. Why are your shoes wet? – I ________ (to wash) the car.

  16. You ________ (to make) plans for Saturday yet? – Yes, we are going to the movies.

  17. Are you ready for the concert? – I hope so. I ________ (to practise) for weeks.

Part 2.

Dear Connie,

I hope you are enjoying yourself at university. I'm sure you ________ (to study) hard the whole term. Everything is fine here at home. Billy just ________ (to receive) his school report. It was bad, as usual. He ________ (to decide) to leave school next year and find a job. Fiona ________ (to go) to the gym every day for the past two weeks. She ________ (to try) to get in shape for the summer. She already ________ (to plan) her holiday in the sun. Your father ________ (to sell) the old car and he ________ (to buy) a new one. It's lovely, much nicer than the old one. Anyway, write soon.

Love. Mum.

**TASK 29. Spot and correct mistakes in the sentences given below.

  1. Liz and I are good friends. We know each other for four years.

  2. Sarah is very tired. She is working hard all day.

  3. 'Where is John?' - 'He's upstairs. He has been doing his homework.'

  4. Jane is finishing cleaning her room, and now she is going out with her friends.

  5. I didn't recognize Tom. He is looking so different in a suit.

  6. I don't need to wash my car. Jim has been washing it for me already.

  7. Ian is talking to his boss for an hour now.

  8. Claire's train is arriving at 3 o'clock. I must go and meet her at the station.

  9. 'Would you like to borrow this book?' - 'No, thanks. I read it before."

  10. 'Where do you go?' - 'To the pictures. Would you like to come with me?'

  11. Are you seeing my bag? I am searching for it all morning.

  12. 'Is Colin here?' - 'I don't know. I haven't been seeing him all day.'

  13. Sophie is very clever. She is speaking seven different languages.

  14. We move house tomorrow. Everything is packed.

*TASK 30. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present tense. Make all the necessary changes.

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