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Past indefinite (past simple)


e.g. Mike lived in London last year? – Did Jane live there too? – No, she didn’t live in Britain at that time.

Lily bought a new dress yesterday. - Did Lily buy a new coat too? – No, she didn’t buy anything else.

Past Indefinite (Past Simple) is used:

  1. For an action which happened at a definite time in the past. The time is stated, already known or implied.

e.g. They went camping by the lake last month. (When did they go camping? Last month. The time is stated.)

Where did you buy this pretty dress? (The time is implied)

  1. For actions which happened immediately one after the other in the past as a succession of past actions.

e.g. First she paid the driver, then she got out of the taxi.

David got up from the table, put on his hat and left.

  1. For past habits or states which are now finished. In such cases the expression used to can also be used.

e.g. Kitchens were very different a hundred years ago.

There used to be huge stoves in the middle of the kitchen heated with logs or coal.

People didn’t use to have refrigerators or freezers and used to keep their food in the larder.

  1. For actions in progress with stative verbs instead of Past Continuous.

e.g. Mary was not exactly listening but she heard every word her parents were saying.

  1. To make sentences sound more emphatic the auxiliary verb ‘did’ is used in affirmative sentences,

e.g. Boris did come to see us off yesterday though he had thought he wouldn’t be able to. = Борис все же пришел проводить нас вчера, хотя думал, что не сможет этого сделать.

  1. For future actions in adverbial clauses of time and condition according to the sequence of tenses.

e.g. Trisha promised to come the next day if nothing unexpected happened.

I asked my sister to call me as soon as she came home.

  1. Questions to the subject are asked without the auxiliary verb ‘did’ and with the direct order of words,

e.g. Who came to your birthday party on Saturday? – Derek and Simon did.

  1. The past simple is used with the following time expressions (adverbial modifiers of time):

  • last + night/ week/ month/year/ century/ Tuesday

  • In 1997/in spring/ winter/ summer/ autumn

  • three days/ weeks/ years + ago

  • yesterday/ the day before yesterday

  • then

  • the other day

  • When …? Where …? How long ago ... ?

  • when/ after/ before + subordinate clause of time

  • for a time;

  • once upon a time

Past indefinite and present perfect compared

Russian/Ukrainian students tend to confuse Past Indefinite and Present Perfect.

  • Remember that the use of tense forms in English always depends upon the situation.

  • What cannot help? - Translation into your native language can either help you choose the right tense or let you down as there are fewer tense forms in Russian or Ukrainian than in English.

  • What can help? – adverbial modifiers of time and context.

  • How? - adverbial modifiers of time can be either reliable markers or unreliable.

  • The table given below may help you to avoid making mistakes in the use of these two tenses. In the table reliable markers are in bold.

Past Indefinite

(fact in the past)

Present Perfect

(result for the present moment)

  1. I saw Peter yesterday.

  2. I saw Peter at 5 o’clock today. (exact time)

  3. I saw Peter this morning. (It is evening now.)

  4. I saw Peter last month.

  5. I saw Peter a month ago.

  6. I saw Peter for 5 minutes only.

  7. I saw Peter just now.

  8. I last saw Peter in 2001. (exact time)

  9. When did you see Peter last?

  10. Where did you see Peter last?

  11. I saw Peter recently.

  12. I once saw Peter in our street.

  13. I saw Peter when he was coming out of the theatre. (exact time)

  14. I haven’t seen Peter since he changed his job. (conjunction ‘since’ + time clause)

  15. I didn’t see Peter for a time but then met him again.

  16. Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman…

  1. I have seen Peter today.

  2. I have seen much of Peter lately.

  3. I have seen Peter this morning. (The morning is not over yet.)

  4. I have seen much of Peter in the past 2 months.

  5. I haven’t seen Peter so far.

  6. I haven’t seen Peter for the last three years.

  7. I have just seen Peter.

  8. I have seen Peter 3 times today. (repeated action)

  9. Have you ever seen Peter Brown?

  10. Have you seen Peter recently?

  11. I have seen Peter Brown before.

  12. I haven’t seen Peter since winter. (preposition ‘since’ + …)

  13. Peter changed his job and I haven’t seen him since then. (preposition ‘since’ + …)

  14. Peter moved house and I haven’t seen him since (ever since). (adverb ‘since’)

**TASK 34. Below there are video shop descriptions of 4 films.

Step 1. Imagine that you have already seen these films and are telling your friend about them. Use the past tense.

Film 1.

The soldiers swear to rescue their comrades. They ride across deserts, cut their way through jungles and swim across flooded rivers. At last they come to the enemy fort. They creep past the sentries, burst into the enemy headquarters and blow up the prison!

Film 2.

A spacecraft from Earth lands on a distant planet and a gang of robots meet it. The robots know that there are men and women in the spacecraft. They seek to enter it by any means. The whole spacecraft shakes as the robots strike it with rocks and beat on it with their metal claws. Then they begin to cut open the door with an electric torch, and the door gives way.

Film 3.

Frank thinks that Emma no longer loves him. He decides to forget her. But then someone tells him that Emma is a prisoner in her uncle's house. The messenger brings a letter in which Emma begs Frank to help her. Frank drives to the village and makes enquiries. He hears that the house is well guarded.

Film 4.

A wizard teaches magic to his apprentice, Hobo, for many years. But Hobo is secretly jealous of his master's powers. The wizard keeps a book of magic spells in his cupboard. One day Hobo steals the book while his master is asleep. The wizard wakes up and flies after Hobo on his magic carpet. Hobo is so frightened that he loses the book while crossing a river.

Step 2. Ask 5 questions about the continuation of each film.

Step 3. Write 7-10 sentences to finish each film.

*TASK 35. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Present Perfect. Each time explain what helped you to choose the tense form.

    1. I ________ (to see) this film before. - Me too, but I love this actor. He ________ (to play) a lot of good roles lately.

    2. Tom Cruise? I ________ (to meet) him, you know. - Really? When? - When I ________ (to be) in Los Angeles on holiday.

    3. Who is that man? - He's an artist. He________ (to paint) a lot of beautiful pictures. – I agree, but I think Van Gogh ________ (to paint) the most beautiful pictures ever. But his life ________ (to be) miserable.

    4. I ________ (just to hear) from an old friend of mine. - Oh, really? - Yes. Jim ________ (to write) to me. I ________ (to get) the letter this morning. - That's nice. When ________ (you/first/to meet) him? - He ________ (to live) next door to me for three years, but he ________ (to move) away last June and I ________ (not to see) him since.

    5. _________ (you/ to see) the Bruce Lee film on TV last night? - No. But I________ ( to see) all of his films on video already this year.

    6. I ________ (to live) in Germany for five years now. I ________ (to move) here in 2000. – And I ________ (to live) in Portugal for a time, but I live in Rome now.

    7. My Uncle Tom ________ (to meet) Winston Churchill. - That's nothing! My mum________ (to meet) Prince Charles!

    8. Where's Jane? – She ________ (to go) to America. She ________(to leave) last week. - Really? Why ________ (she/ to go) there? – On business.

    9. My father ________ (to work) in that shop for twelve years. Then he ________ (to get) a job in a bank. - He ________ (to work) at the bank for quite a few years now, hasn't he?

    10. How long ________ (you/to learn) Italian? – I ________ (to start) learning the language when I ________ (to be) twelve.

**TASK 36. Jane Ladlam of Penman Publishers is checking some matters with her secretary, Rose Fox. Using the words in brackets, choose between past simple and present perfect verb forms.

Jane: Rose, you __________ (to write) to Bold Books yet?

Rose: Yes, I __________ (send) them a letter a week ago, but they __________ (not to reply) so far.

Jane: Well, that's OK. Now, about the meeting tomorrow, I __________ (to telephone) Bradley early this morning, but I __________ (not to be able) to contact Earnshaw.

Rose: Don't worry, I'll phone him. By the way, you __________ (to book) the visitors' dining room for lunch today?

Jane: No, I __________ (not to make) any arrangements at all. People say the food at Jack's Inn is good.

Rose: Yes, it __________ (always be) good as far as I know. Jane, something's worrying me. Nobody __________ (tell) me when the sales conference is being held. Anybody (to say) anything to you?

Jane: Oh, don't worry about that. Apparently, Ellen __________ (not to decide) yet about the exact dates. There's a problem about holidays.

Rose: I see. Just one more thing. Reg Slim's wife __________ (to phone) at 8.30 this morning to say he won't be in today. She says __________ (he not be) well for a day or two.

Jane: I'm sorry to hear that. It must be flu. Several people __________ (to be) off work with it recently.

Rose: Yes, well, I __________ (to have) flu once already this year. I don't want it again!

***TASK 37. Translate into English.

  1. Пэт, ты уже обедала? – Нет, но я не голодна. У меня была деловая встреча с нашими партнерами в итальянском ресторане, и я хорошо там поела. – Вам удалось решить все спорные вопросы? – Нет, мы еще не все обсудили. Мы встречаемся с ними завтра утром.

  2. Я вчера водила маму к врачу. В последнее время у нее проблемы со спиной. – Как долго она уже жалуется на свою спину? – С тех пор, как зимой упала и ударила ее.

  3. У всех моих друзей есть мобильные телефоны. Я уже несколько месяцев хочу купить себе телефон, но у меня не хватает денег. Я собираю деньги с января, и уже собрал 100 долларов. Я надеюсь, что в конце этого месяца у меня будет достаточно денег, чтобы купить его.

  4. Я надеюсь, вам не пришлось меня долго ждать? – Нет, мы подождали всего 5 минут.- Извините, за задержку, я попал в транспортную пробку. В последние годы в нашем городе стало намного больше транспорта, а дороги остались такими же узкими, как были всегда.

  5. Знаешь, меня никогда не интересовала грамматика, когда я училась в школе. Мне она всегда казалась, скучным и ненужным предметом. Мы только делали длинные упражнения из учебника и писали переводы. Но с тех пор, как я пришла в университет, я занимаюсь ей с удовольствием. Я никогда не думала, что учить грамматику может быть так весело.

**TASK 38. Read this application letter. There are 7 grammar mistakes in the use of tenses. Find and correct them.

Dear Mr. Peterson,

I would like to apply for a job of a shop manager, which I saw advertised in the local paper.

I am twenty years old. I was born in France but my family moved to England when I was twelve and I am living here since. I had three jobs after I left school. For the past six months I work in Halls department store. My manager says that he was never displeased with me. He promises to give me a good reference.

I am speaking English and French fluently and after leaving school I have started learning German. I already learn it for 3 weeks.

I hope you will consider my application.

Yours sincerely,

Louise Brett

*TASK 39. Alex wants to go to an art college and is being interviewed by Tom Smith, one of the lecturers. Complete the questions, which Tom asks him. Read the whole conversation before you start. The first two questions are done for you.

Tom: Right, Alex, let's find out something about you. You're obviously not a teenager, so when did you leave school?

Alex: Five years ago, actually.

Tom: And where have you been since then?

Alex: Well I've had several jobs.

Tom: What _______________________ first?

Alex: I worked in a cafe for about a year, I needed to save some money.

Tom: Why ______________________ money?

Alex: I wanted to travel a bit before I started studying.

Tom: Where ______________________ to go?

Alex: Well, the Middle East, Latin America, Australia….

Tom: Good Lord! And ______________________ all those places?

Alex: No, not yet. I ______________ to Brazil and Peru so far. And I spent some months in Turkey.

Tom: What ______________________ there?

Alex: I stayed with some friends near Izmir. It was wonderful.

Tom: You're very lucky. And now you warn to come to college. _____________________ some pictures to show me?

Alex: Um, yes, I have a small portfolio here.

Tom: Where ______________________ this work?

Alex: Mostly in Turkey.

Tom: Why ______________________ any in South America?

Alex: I didn't have time really. And I was travelling light; I just did some pencil sketches.

Tom: ______________________ them here with you?

Alex: They're at the back of the portfolio.

Tom: Well, Alex, I'm very impressed. When ______________________ interested in painting and drawing?

Alex: I think I always have been.

Tom: I can believe that. Will you come with me? I want to show this work to my colleagues right away.

Alex: Of course. Thank you very much.

***TASK 40. Translate into English. Mind the mixture of the tenses.

Я хочу рассказать вам об удивительной стране, о которой вы вряд ли когда-нибудь слышали. Она называется Фриланд. У этой страны богатая история, интересное настоящее и многообещающее будущее.

Фриланд это маленькое государство, расположенное на 150 островах. В 50-х годах 20 века его население составляло всего лишь 5 миллионов человек, но сейчас оно увеличилось почти вдвое.

Столица Фриланда – Фритаун, самый многонаселенный город. После демократической революции 1996 года, страна является парламентской республикой. Самое удивительное в этой стране то, что в ней нет бедных людей.

В настоящее время страной руководит президент – Мартина Раск. Это первая женщина-президент в в истории Фриланда. Она занимает этот пост с 2000 года. Мартина Раск – выдающийся физик, она сделала много открытий в области ядерной физики. В начале этого года она получила Нобелевскую Премию. Мартина Раск также бывшая Олимпийская чемпионка; в 1995 году она завоевала золотую медаль в беге на длинные дистанции. Мартина Раск всегда любила спорт, и даже на посту президента страны находит время для тренировок.

Основной доход страна получает от туристов, которые отдыхают на ее прекрасных песчаных пляжах в течение всего года. В Фриланде всегда тепло, там редко идут дожди. В последние 20 лет в стране не было никаких стихийных бедствий. Жизнь там спокойная и веселая. Каждый год, начиная с 17 века, в стране проводится красочный карнавал. Все это привлекает огромное количество туристов, которые считают Фриланд идеальным местом для отдыха.

**TASK 41. Rosie is talking to Marcus, who has recently come to work in the same company as her. Fill the spaces in the conversation with suitable verbs. Use Past Simple or Present Perfect. The first two sentences have been done for you.

Rosie: So, Marcus, are you settling in here OK, do you think?

Marcus: Oh, yes. Everyone has been very friendly. I expected to have quite a lot of problems, but I haven’t had any really. Not here at work, anyway.

Rosie: Do you mean there ____________ other problems?

Marcus: Well, I ____________ to move out of the flat I ____________ in when I first ___________.

Rosie: Oh dear. Why ____________you ____________ to do that? Wasn't it comfortable? Our personnel department ____________you to find it, ____________ they?

Marcus: That's right. It was a good flat. I ____________ living there very much. Unfortunately, the journey to work was too long. The bus routes changed just before I ____________ to work here and it ____________ me two hours to get here every day. So I ____________ to a place just round the corner from here. Everything's fine now.

Rosie: I hope all this trouble (not)____________ you sorry that you came here.

Marcus: Not at all. I'm really enjoying the work. And I ____________ a lot of new friends already.

Rosie: That's good. Oh, well. We'd better get on with some work now, I suppose.

Marcus: I guess so. See you later.

Rosie: Yes. Bye.

**TASK 42. Fill in the blanks with one suitable verb from the box. Use the verb in the right tense and aspect form.

to creak to dine to warn to shake to leak to say to try

to pass to come to want (2) to happen to keep to stir

We __________ (1) to sell our house for months now, but we don't seem to be having any luck. The estate agent ____________ (2) sending people round but for some reason nobody ___________ (3) to buy our house. I can't understand why.

O.K., so the house has no gas, electricity or running water, but I _________ (4), “What’s wrong with that? It's much more romantic ___________ (5) with candles and to take water from a well!"

O.K., so the roof ____________ (6) a bit, but I say, "That only ___________ (7) when it's raining!"

O.K., so there is a railway line right outside the bedroom window and the whole house ___________ (8) when the express train _________ (9) by, but I say, "That saves you bother of ____________ (10) your tea!"

O.K., so the garden is overgrown and full of weeds, but I say, "Nature is a beautiful thing!"

O.K., so all the floor boards in the house ___________ (10), but I say, “That _________ (11) you when the burglars ___________ (12)!"

And O.K., so the local nuclear power station ___________ (13) a meltdown last year and there is a lot of radiation, but I say, "Science is important and you can't stop progress!"

At $ 1,000.000, I think the house is a bargain. So why on earth nobody __________ (14) to buy it?

***TASK 43. Translate into English using the right tense form.

Дорогая Алина,

Я надеюсь, у тебя как всегда, все в порядке. К сожалению, я не могу сказать того же о себе. С прошлой среды я лежу в постели и смотрю в потолок, и мне это уже страшно надоело. Вчера был врач и сказал, что ему не нравится мой кашель. Я никогда раньше так сильно не болела, и не понимаю, что со мной происходит. К тому же у нас ужасная погода. Вот уже неделю льют дожди. Сегодня разлилась наша маленькая речушка, и молочник не мог к нам приехать, поэтому я весь день пью чай без молока, и это ужасно. Я никогда не любила чай без молока. Интересно, как это люди могут пить чай с лимоном. По-моему, у него отвратительный вкус.

Теперь я расскажу тебе хорошие новости. Ты помнишь Элисон? Это моя школьная подруга, мы с ней дружим уже много лет. Она на прошлой неделе вышла замуж. Я за нее очень рада, ее муж кажется очень неплохим человеком. Единственное, что меня смущает, это то, что он был уже три раза женат. Но он довольно состоятельный человек, и у него достаточно денег, чтобы содержать все четыре семьи. Элисон выглядит очень счастливой, и говорит, что всегда хотела выйти замуж за зрелого человека, на много лет старше ее. Я очень надеюсь, что она будет счастлива.

Да, я забыла тебе сказать, что я собираюсь менять работу. Я считаю, что могу заработать намного больше, чем получаю в своей фирме. Я уже разослала заявления о приеме на работу в пять солидных фирм, но еще не получила ответа. Из-за наводнения почта в последние дни плохо работает. Наверное, я получу ответы на следующей неделе. Я тебе сразу же напишу, как только приму какое-нибудь решение.

Вот и все мои новости. Напиши, когда будет свободное время.


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