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VII. Read the following sentences inserting prepositions or adverbs wherever necessary.

A. 1. You will find yourself... a quiet street with Bertram's Hotel... the right hand side. 2. The big entrance lounge was the favourite place ... the afternoon tea drinking. 3. The elderly ladies enjoyed seeing who came ... and recognizing old friends, and commenting unfavourably ... how they had aged. 4. Colonel Luscombe walked across the lounge ... the reception desk. 5. Still thinking ... this he arrived ... the desk and was pleasantly greeted ... Miss Gorringe. 6. Strangers coming ... this country (Americans, ... particular) have their own rather queer ideas ... what England is like. 7. They want all the things that will make them feel ... home.

B. 1. If you turn ... the left you'll find yourself ... a wonderful place called Holland Park. 2. It's getting dark. Shall 1 turn ... the light? 3. You may turn ... the radio now. The baby has fallen asleep. 4. "How are you getting ...?" "Very well, thank you." 5. "How do I get ... the National Picture Gallery?" "Take a bus, get ... at Trafalgar Square and turn right." 6. Here comes the bus, let's get … shall we? 7. "Here's my car, I can take you back home, if you like." "Thank you. You're very kind." "Get … please." 8. Hurry or you'll be late ... the plane. It's taking ... in fifteen minutes. 9. Edwardian England is ... special interest for architects. 10. Have you made ... you mind where to go in summer? 11. "What's the score now?" "It's three to two ... favour of the Canadian hockey team." 12. Will you take tea or coffee ... breakfast? Tea, please.

VIII. Choose and insert the correct word. Remember the difference between:

a) find out, learn, recognize

1. This is John speaking. – Oh, hello, John. I haven't ... your voice at first. 2. Ring him up to ... if he has received the telegram. 3. I ... the pleasant news that Bob has passed his entrance exams successfully. 4. It's interesting to ... that afternoon tea drinking is still popular with the Englishmen. 5. "Did you ... John's new address ?" "Yes, I've got it. You may put it down if you like." 6. I ... the place at once, though I had not been here for years.

b) say, tell, speak

1. Don't forget... Mr Jones that I've fixed an appointment for him for Monday. 2. "Who is Tom ... to?" "It's our new special correspondent." 3. What can you ... about your favourite English author? 4. If Robert rings ... him I'll be back in half an hour. 5. Eliza could hardly ... English properly when she was invited to the horse races at Ascot. 6. Each country has its own customs and traditions. So a stranger should know what to ... and how to behave when visiting a foreign country.

c) comfortable, convenient

1. "Do you like this hotel?" "Yes, thank you. I've got a very quiet and ... room." 2. I think three o'clock is a ... time for us both to meet, don't you? 3. You look very tired. Sit down and make yourself... . 4. "Let's make an appointment for Monday one o'clock at the Embassy Hotel." "All right, the time and the place are quite ... for me." 5. Are the shoes the right size for you?" "Yes, thank you, they are quite ... ."

d) meal, food

1. Let's go to the cafe at the corner and have our... there. 2. I wonder if they serve good ... at this restaurant. 3. As a rule, people in Britain have three ... a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner (or supper). 4. When you go to India try some of their wonderful.... 5. Here's the specialty of the house. Enjoy your....

e) Translate using the correct word:

1. Він сказав, що його родичі приїжджають до міста у четвер. 2. Доктор наказав мені звернутися до Вас із цими аналізами. 3. У нашій групі у коледжі був італієць, який розмовляв із сильним акцентом. 4. Передай дітям, щоб вечеряли без мене, я буду запізнюватися. 5. З цією людиною цікаво розмовляти: вона мандрувала світом і в неї широкий світогляд. 6. Вона може годинами ромзмовляти по телефону, тому наша лінія завжди зайнята. 7. Ваш босс, як завжди, розмовляв протягом двох годин, і не сказав нічого суттєвого. 8. Накажи йому не залишати будинок. 9. “Я завжди буду чекати на тебе”, – сказала Ассоль. 10. Він пройшов поруч із нами, не сказавши жодного слова. 11. Цього семестру в мене дуже зручний розклад і я не збираюся нічого змінювати. 12. Чи зручно Вам у цьому креслі? – Так. Запевняю Вас. 13. Сідайте зручніше та слухайте мою казку. 14. Мати справу з цією людиною не дуже зручно. Ми ніколи не знаємо ні час нашої ділової зустрічі, ні її місце. 15. Я впізнаю цього літнього чоловіка, ми разом навчалися у коледжі. 16. Цього тижня я дізнався, що Мартін вже працює у посольстві у Франції. 17. Про ці речі людина дізнається із досвідом життя. 18. Я ненавиджу англіські страви, тому я завжди пропускаю усі трапези, що надаються готелем. 19. Смачного!

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