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XXIV. Compose short dialogues. Ask a friend how to get to some place and how long it will take you to get there. Work in pair.

XXV. Topical questions for discussion.

1. What English dishes do you know? 2. What's the difference between an English and an American breakfast? 3. What rooms were offered to American and English guests at Bertram's Hotel? 4. Why were special prices given to the titled Englishmen? 5. What books by Agatha Christie have you read? 6. Who is your favourite writer and why? 7. Which is your favourite book and why?

XXVI. Speak on the following topics. Use the suggested words and word combinations:

a) Going on a Trip Abroad

to fix the time; to go (get) by air (boat, train); a date; to leave for; to find out; to learn; to get tickets; an entry(exit) visa; to enter; to go through the customs; to greet; to get cold (warm); unfavourable weather conditions; to receive; to stay at a hotel; a comfortable room; to be comfortable; a hotel; a manager; a receptionist; a reception desk; a meal; food; to manage to do smth; to make friends; to get acquainted; a custom; to take off; to go back (fly back); to get (come) back; to be back; to enjoy the trip (stay, visit); it takes ... to find; to find oneself; to make a film; to take pictures; to travel about the country; wonderful; a special dish; a special occasion; especially (in particular); to bring back; to find (the trip) interesting (pleasant, useful); to get tired; against the background

b) Going to a Museum (Picture Gallery, Concert Hall)

to get; to turn (to the) right (left); to get on (oft); to get in; to take a taxi (bus); to take the right (left) turning; it takes ... to find oneself; to find; to find out; to learn; to enter; an entrance fee; an entrance lounge; a favourite painter (composer); to recognize; popular; to be popular with; characteristic of; a background; to manage to do smth; to make up one's mind; to change one's mind; I wonder; no wonder that...; wonderful; especially; to enjoy; nothing special

c) Entering a College (the University)

to enter a college; an entrance examination; to take (to pass) examinations; to make progress; to make mistakes; to manage to do smth; the background; I wonder; the right (proper, wrong) answer; poor knowledge; to remember; properly; lucky; happy; truly sorry; to get tired; more dead than alive; to tremble with fear; a favourable atmosphere; to keep to the subject; to get good (bad) marks; no wonder that

Literary focus what is fiction?

The term fiction comes from the Latin word fingere and refers to any narrative in prose or verse that is entirely or partly the work of the imagination. Although in its broadest sense fiction includes plays and narrative poems, it is mostly commonly used when referring to the short story and the novel. Storytelling has always been an essential part of man’s existence. From the ealiest times, man has exchanged stories based on both his experience and imagination. Fiction, in the form of the novel and the short story, most directly fulfils our innate need for storytelling, It takes us to imaginary time and places, introduces us to new people and tells about significant events in their lives. Fiction, since its emergence in the form of the novel in the eighteenth century, has been the most popular literary genre in Western culture.

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