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Writing with good style.doc
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5. Avoid changing the structure of ideas.

Adhering to a consistent structure helps to highlight the equivalence of ideas.

For example, in the sentence  Freud posited that there are many defense mechanisms, such as repression, the displacement of feelings, projection, and regressing back to childhood. the change in the way that the last of the ideas is expressed (regressing back to childhood) distracts the reader’s attention from the point that is being made, which is the list of the defense mechanisms. In contrast, if the sentence is reworded as  Freud posited that there are many defense mechanisms, such as repression, displacement, projection, and regression. the sentence stresses for the reader that the writer is talking about the same type of things.

6. Avoid randomly ordering ideas.

It is much easier to follow what a writer is saying if the ideas are ordered logically or chronologically.

For example, the following sentence,  Before you start writing your answers, read the questions carefully. is more difficult to follow than  Read the questions carefully before you start writing your answers. In other words, because the readers are meant to read the questions before they start writing any answers, the instructions should reflect the order in which things are to be done.

7. Avoid non-specific referents.

Nonspecific referents present problems for clarity of writing.

For example, in the sentences, Engineering students sometimes have difficulty writing essays. In particular, they dislike essays about historical topics. These require additional attention. The word "these" constitutes a nonspecific referent. It is not clear to what it refers. You might assume that "these" refers to "essays about historical topics". While that is possible, it could also refer to "Engineering students". All sentences should be clear.  To increase the clarity in this example, "engineering students" should replace "these".

8. Avoid run-on sentences.

Run-on sentences are sentences that should be divided, but which have been simply run-on, and are joined with a comma or a conjunction.

For example, the first of the following is a run-on sentence and is therefore incorrect. The second is correct Learning to write effectively can take some time, it is a worthwhile endeavour and you should try it. Learning to write effectively can take some time; it is a worthwhile endeavour. You should try it.

9. Avoid tautologies.

Tautology, according to Fowler’s Modern English Usage, is literally, saying the same thing, that is, as one has already said.

The following table provides a list of widely used tautological expressions that are best eliminated from your writing.

Replace the following

with the following


actual fact



close proximity



consensus of opinion



new initiative



reason why


Having identified several potential problems for good writing style, or things to be avoided, we next outline some additional issues that good writing style will pay attention to.

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