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правельные ответы 12.12.11.docx
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Определите основную идею текста.

 Human rights problem is the problem concerning people all over the world, whatever their nationality is and wherever they live.


 Many international agreements have been signed to solve the problem of violation of human rights.


 The countries where human rights are violated are strongly criticized by other countries.


 Human rights protection is the main goal of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

6 Прочитайте текст и выполните задания. The jury 1. In England a person accused of crime must always be presumed innocent until he has been proven guilty. If a criminal case is serious it is always investigated with a jury. What is a jury and how does it function? 2. There are 12 members of the jury both men and women. There are quite a lot of people in England who think that 12 ordinary men and women are not capable of understanding properly all the evidence given at criminal trials. But there is no doubt about it because judges are great experts in summing up the evidence. The judge calls the jury's attention to all most important points in the evidence. He favoures neither prosecution nor defence. The members of the jury decide only the questions of fact. Questions of law are for the judge. The jury retire to a private room to consider the verdict. If the jury cannot agree, they must be discharged and a new jury is formed. 3. A verdict has to be unanimous. English law requires that the guilt of an accused man must be proved 'beyond reasonable doubt'. When the jury return to the courtroom, they have to give only one answer "Guilty" or "Not guilty". Определите, какое утверждение соответствует содержанию текста.

 The jury must assess the facts as they perceive them in the light of the law, as instructed, to return a verdict.


 The jury, a group of local citizens, function according to the rules worked out by the judge.


 The jury fulfill their duties without submitting to the directions of the judge as to the rules or principles of the law.


 The members of the jury decide both the questions of law and the questions of fact.

Завершите утверждение согласно содержанию текста. The job of the jury is …

 to help the judge to pass a correct sentence


 to decide questions of law


 to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth


 to call the judge’s attention to all important points in the evidence

Ответьте на вопрос What happens if the jury cannot come to an agreement about the verdict?

 The jury must be dismissed and a fresh jury is selected.


 The judge decides on guilt or innocence.


 The jury retire to consider the verdict for the second time.


 The jury declare that they are not capable of answering the question on guilt or innocence.