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2.5. Answer the questions

1. What helps a petroleum engineer identify the location of oil and natural gas reserves?

2. What do engineers use to collect the necessary clues?

3. What strategies do engineers use to get more useful information?

4. How are seismic surveys done?

5. Who are explorationists and what do they do?

6. When are additional wells drilled?

7. What helps a geologist learn more about the sub-surface structures?

8. What are gravity and geomagnetic surveys?

9. What are well logs used for?

10. What surveys are the most expensive?

2.6. Translate into English

1. Передовые технологии помогают инженерам-нефтяникам собирать сведения о запасах нефти и природного газа.

2. Самолеты и спутники дают возможность инженерам выявлять геологические формации, представляющие интерес.

3. Для поиска месторождений нефти и природного газа они используют несколько стратегий.

4. Звук распространяется с разной скоростью в зависимости от материала, через который он проходит.

5. Данные сейсморазведки используются для создания 3D карт.

6. Сейсмические изображения 3D широко используются геологоразведчиками для поиска скоплений нефти и природного газа.

7. Если месторождения нефти и газа не опустошены эффективно, то могут быть пробурены дополнительные скважины.

8. Несмотря на то, что данные сейсморазведки очень важны для геологов, эти исследования являются дорогостоящими.

9. Когда запасы нефти и природного газа обнаружены, бурят разведочную скважину.

10. Гравиметрическая и геомагнитная разведка являются относительно недорогими.

2.7. Guess the words by the definitions given below

1. the hole made by the drilling bit, which can be open, cased or both.

2. the search for reservoirs of oil and gas including different kinds of surveys.

3. a subsurface, porous, permeable rock body in which oil and/or gas has accumulated.

4. the surface appearance of oil or gas.

5. a systematic recording of data to discern various characteristics of downhole formation.

6. a substance readily assuming the shape of the container in which it is placed.

7. effectively, without wasting time or effort or expense

8. to bore a hole in the earth usually to find oil and gas

9. a substance tending to flow.

10. the part of the earth's outer surface that is covered by the ocean.

2.8. Fill in the prepositions

1. This results … fewer wells, and lowered exploration costs.

2. Engineers can gather above-ground clues using airplanes and satellites to look … oil and natural gas seeps.

3. Seismic surveys are done by sending high-energy sound waves … the ground.

4. Once a reservoir has been located and put … production, a series of 3-D seismic surveys can be taken … time to see if all of the oil and natural gas reserves are being efficiently drained.

5. … examining this information, a geologist can learn a great deal about the sub-surface structures.

6. High-resolution aero-magnetic surveys can differentiate … different rock types near the surface.

7. They use a number … strategies.

8. A geologist can learn a great deal … the sub-surface structures.

9. Petroleum engineers need to collect clues as to what lies deep … the earth's surface.

10. High-energy sound waves reflect … to the surface.

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