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39 Use the words properly and read the following:

one hundred and eighty (million) people

(million) of people

eight (million) inhabitants

two hundred (thousand) dollars

a few (hundred) of roubles

one point three (million) euros

(thousand) of inhabitants

40 Translate and read: 2,3 млн долларов, 5,6 тыс. евро, 1,3 млн человек. несколько сот эмигрантов, несколько тысяч иммигрантов, миллионы жителей.

41 Make a few sentences with the following combinations:

2.3 million (thousand, hundred) people; a few millions (thousands, hundreds) of people

42 Write down the following in figures:

one point three million______________________________

five point six hundred_______________________________

two hundred thousand_______________________________

one hundred and ninety thousand_______________________

one hundred and ninety five thousand____________________

three million, six thousand, five hundred and five three million, two hundred thousand ______________________

43 Write the questions for the following answers:

__ __________?— Its population is more than 180m people.

_____________? — The biggest states are New York, California and Pennsylvania.

_____________? — Some areas are densely populated, others are not.

_____________? — The highest density is in cities.

_____________?— The lowest is in mountains, deserts and open lands.

44 Sum up what the minister said about:

the last census

the latest estimates of the population of the UK

the latest estimates of the population of each part of the UK

the population of London

the statistics for immigration

the statistics for emigration

the unemployment rate

45 Read the following sentences paying attention to the stress and intonation:

(1) 'Could I 'ask you a f question?

(2) 'Could I 'ask the 'Minister the 'following f question?

(3) 'Could I 'also ask the 'Minister a'nother f question?

(4) 'Can you 'give me the f figures?

(5) 'Have you 'got 'any 'figures for f London?

(6) 'Could you re'peat it, f please?

46 Repeat all the questions the journalist asked.

47 Act out a similar interview of a Russian expert, who is interviewed by an English journalist.

48 Write a short text about the geographical position

and economy of Russia.

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