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36 Complete the sentences:

(1) The USA is a highly...

(2) Shipbuilding ... are highly developed in the USA.

(3) Each region has characteristics ...

(4) ....are the biggest industrial regions in the States.

37 Sum up what the text says about: the look of a modern big city and its downtown, the look of a town and its Main Street

mineral resources of the country, the Corn Belt, the state of California.

38 Say what else you know about the states and cities of the usa. Text 5: Population of the usa and the uk

Population of the United States of America amounts to more than 206 million people. The biggest states in the terms of population figures are the state of New York where more than 16 million people live, California with the population of more than 15 million people and Pennsylvania with more than 11 million people.

Some areas of the USA are densely populated, others are not. The highest density of population is in cities and the lowest is in mountains, deserts and open lands.

As to the population of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland the following interview might be of in­terest. The interview was made by an English journalist. The interviewed was the English Minister of Human Resourses.

Journalist: Could I ask the Minister what the population fig­ures for the United Kingdom are at the moment?

Minister: We have no exact figures for population; the last census was rather many years ago, so at the mo­ment we have only estimates. The latest estimates are for last year. In that year the population was about 60 million.

Journalist: Can you give figures for each country separately?

Minister: Yes, it can certainly be done, but remember they are only estimates. The population of England was about 50 million, Wales - 3 million, Scotland - 5 million and Northern Ireland -2 million.

Journalist: And have you got any figures for London at that time?

Minister: In London at that time, there were approximately 8 million inhabitants.

Journalist: Thank ypu. Could I also ask the Minister to provide the statistics for immigration, emigration and un­employment at that time?

Minister: That year about 200,000 people emigrated, and there were 190,000 immigrants: so you can see that there were 10,000 more emigrants than immi­grants that year. The unemployment rate for that year was 1.3 million people.

Journalist: Thank you very much for this information.


to amount - составлять

to amount to - доходить до

amount - количество, сумма, итог

term - срок, термин

to term - выражать, называть

in the terms of ... - на языке...., с точки зрения.....

figure - цифра, фигура, рисунок

dense - плотный, густой

densely populated - густонаселенный

density - густота, плотность

mountain - гора

desert - пустыня

open lands - равнина syn. plain

exact - точный, аккуратный

to exact - потребовать, взыскивать

census - перепись (населения)

estimate - оценка, приблизительная цифра

to estimate - оценивать, давать оценку

estimation - оценка, подсчет

approximate - приблизительный

approximately - приблизительно

inhabitant - житель, обитатель

to provide - обеспечить, представить

provided - при условии

immigrant - иммигрант

immigration - иммиграция

emigrant - эмигрант

emigration - эмиграция

unemployment - безработица

unemployed - безработный

an unemployed person - безработный (человек)

the unemployed - безработные

rate - ставка, степень, уровень, размер, тариф

unemployment rate - уровень безработицы

Grammar Revision 4: Слова million, thousand and hundred

1 Если перед чмслительными million, thousand, hundred стоит другое числительное, то чис­лительные million, thousand, hundred употребляются в единственном числе.

two million immigrants - два миллиона иммигрантов

twenty thousand inhabitants - двадцать тысяч жителей

five hundred dollars - пятьсот долларов

five hundred and fifty roubles - пятьсот пятьдесят рублей

Note: Неопределенный артикль а перед числительными million, thousand, hundred обозначает числительное один:

a million people - миллион людей

a thousand cars - тысяча автомобилей

a hundred plants - сотня заводов

2 Если перед словами million, thousand, hundred нет числительного, то они становятся существительными и употребляются во множественном числе, а последующее существительное употребляется с предлогом of:

millions of immigrants - миллионы иммигрантов

thousands of inhabitants - тысячи жителей

hundreds of dollars - сотни долларов

hundreds of years - сотни лет


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