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Test 17 on belarusian history

I. Прочитайте текст и выберите вариант ответа, соответствующий содержанию прочитанных фрагментов (а-с).

A. Symon Budny is a Belarusian and Polish humanist, educator, Church reformator, philosopher, sociologist and historian. He also published the Old Testament and New Testament with commentaries and notes in the Polish language, which was the first approach of the world literature to the radical rationalist critique of the Gospels. Politically he supported the "educated monarchy" concept of the state, which would enable the development of the commons. Budny is also known as one of the first ideologists of the Belarusian culture development in the native language, who notably influenced the evolution of the Belarusian national identity.

B. Lev Sapega is considered a great political figure of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. A rich and powerful magnate, he was known for his wisdom as a statesman, lawyer and military commander. He was one of the greatest leaders of the Grand Principality of Lithuania at the times of the Duchy's highest cultural flourishing. He supported a political union with Moscow in 1584-1600 and led the diplomatic mission there in 1600 that proposed the union to tzar Boris Godunov, who, however, declined the proposal. He also participated in wars under Stefan Batory`s rule. As Chancellor he was the main editor and publisher of the last version of the Statute of the Grand Principality of Lithuania, considered to be the first constitution in Europe.

C. Kastus Kalinovsky is a writer, journalist, lawyer and revolutionary. He was one of the leaders of Belarusian and Lithuanian national revival and the leader of the January uprising in the lands of the former Grand Principality of Lithuania. He also started publishing Peasant's truth, one of the first periodicals in Belarusian and two other clandestine Polish-language newspapers. In his literary work, the author underlined the need to liberate all peoples of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth from occupation and to conserve and promote the Greek-Catholic faith and the Belarusian language. He also promoted the idea of activisation of peasants for the cause of national liberation. He also referred to the good traditions of democracy, tolerance and freedom. Because of his involvement in liberation of the nations of Central and Eastern Europe, he is considered by many to be a national hero of Belarus, Lithuania and Poland.

1. The historical characters known as champions of their native language are depicted in

A. Sections A and B

B. Sections B and C

C. Sections A and C

D. Sections A, B, C

2. The man whose political wisdom and vision were universally acknowledged is depicted in

A. Section A

B. Section B

C. Section C

D. Sections A, B, C

3. The man who adhered to democratic ideas is referred to in

A. Section A

B. Section B

C. Section C

D. Sections A, B, C

4. The man who contributed to ecclesiastic research is described in

A. Section A

B. Section B

C. Section C

D. Sections A, B, C

5. The historical characters known for their personal participation in battles are depicted in

A. Sections A and B

B. Sections B and C

C. Sections A and C

D. Sections A, B, C

II. Прочитайте текст. Подберите соответствующий заголовок к каждому абзацу (1-5).

(1) Particularly rich are Belarusian mythology and legends combining proto- Slavic and Baltic traditions, in which the figures of the sky-god Bielboh-Bialun, and his three sons Piarun — the god of war, Ziuzia — the god of winter and Charnaboh — the god of evil, fulfil the central role. Piarun's wife Zhyva-Hramavitsa, the summer goddess of fertility, conceived a child the sun-god Dazhboh, to check the power of the winter god. To escape the evil forces of Ziuzia, Zhyva changed herself into a white she-goat and hid in an bed of willows, where she gave birth to Dazhboh. This legend survives in the Christmas procession of carol-singers in Belarus, where a maquette of a white goat is still carried to represent the hidden birth of the mythological sun-god.

(2) In turn Dazhboh married the goddess of spring — Lada, by whom he had a son Jaryla, the god of growth and of love. His descent on earth at the command of his mother Lada heralded the beginning of spring.

(3) Other divinities include the moon-god and guardian of live-stock Volas, the midsummer god Kupala, Svaroh the god of fire, Pahoda the goddess of fair weather, Pasvist the god of clouds and bad weather, Palandra the god of fever, Marana the goddess of death, and Rada the goddess of intelligence and good counsel. Added to these was a near-Hibernian plethora of elves, pixies and goblins: Khatnik the household sprite, Khleunik the cattle carrier, Lyasun the forest elf; Pierapaloh the spirit of fright, and Zmora the nightmare goblin. Other malicious sprites included nachniki, pakutniki, vaukalaki and vupyry.

(4) A number of poets have touched upon the subject, but the Belarusian mythological tradition has yet to be forged into a unified cycle, in pattern of the Teutonic Nibelungenlied, the Scandinavian Edda, and the Finnish Kalevala. In time, no doubt, the national epic will emerge as a challenge for a new generation of poets.

(5) Ancient rituals and customs have always played an important part in Belarusian rural life. The processions of carol singers at Christmas and New Year (Kalyada) with the image or guise of a goat, and the lighting of bon­fires, the weaving of floral coronets by young girls to float downstream, illuminated with small candles on Midsummer night (Kupala), were eagerly revived by young people in recent decades. Dazhynki is another popular summer festival marking the harvest home, when the last sheaf of grain, decorated with flowers and ribbons, is brought back from the fields in solemn procession to the sound of singing and lancing.

A. Sources of Inspiration.

B. Belarusian Pantheon

C. Zhyva`s Runaway

D. Paraphernalia of Spirits and Fairies.

E. Heralding Spring

F. Modern Reincarnation of Belarusian Legends

G. Gods` Wedding Ceremony

III. Прочитайте текст и выполните послетекстовые задания.

(1) Nesvizh Castle is a residential castle of the Radziwill family in Belarus.The estate was owned by the Radziwill magnate family from 1533. Since the Radziwilis were one of the most important and wealthy clans of the Grand Principality of Lithuania, it was there that the Lithuanian Archive was moved in the middle of the sixteenth century. In 1582 they started the construction of an imposing square three-storey chateau. Although the works were based on a pre-existing structure of a medieval castle, the former fortifications were entirely turned into a renaissance-baroque house. Construction was completed by 1604, and they added several galleries half a century later. The chateau's corners were fortified with four octagonal towers.

(2) In 1706, during the Great Northern War, Charles XII's army sacked the castle and destroyed its fortifications. Several decades later, the Radziwilis invited some German and Italian architects to substantially renovate and enlarge the chateau and decorate its yellow facades with baroque stucco work. The castle gates were also reconstructed, and the two-storey gatehouse tower was crowned with a helm. It was at this time that the three separate buildings surrounding the central courtyard were joined into a single structure.

(3) The Corpus Christ Church is the most important structure connected with the castle by a dam over a ditch and containing coffins of 72 members of the Radziwill family, each interred in a simple coffin made of birch and marked with the Coat of Arms. Designed by the Italian architect Bernardoni, the church is considered the first domed basilica with Baroque facade in the world and the first baroque piece of architecture in Eastern Europe. Apart from elaborate princely sepulchres, its interior features some late baroque frescoes and the Holy Cross altar, executed by Venetian sculptors.

(4) In 1770 the castle was seized by Russian forces and the Radziwill family was expelled. Soon afterwards the Lithuanian Archive was transferred to Saint Petersburg (where it remains), while the majority of works of art gathered in the palace were distributed among various Russian nobles. Abandoned both by the original owners and by the Russian army, the palace gradually fell into disrepair. However, it was restored to the Radziwills and between 1881 and 1886 the castle's interiors were renovated. They designed a landscape park in English style. With an area of more than one square kilometre, the park is one of the biggest such facilities in Europe. In Soviet times, the chateau was used a sanatorium, while the park gradually fell in neglect. In 1994, the castle was designated the national historical and cultural reserve. Twelve years later, the castle was inscribed on the World Heritage List.

Выберите вариант ответа, соответствующий содержанию прочитанного текста (задания 1-5).

1. The original structure looked like

A. a fortress with a number of octagonal towers

B. a two-storey chateau with four octagonal towers

C. a three-storey renaissance-baroque house

2. Three separate buildings surrounding the central courtyard were joined together

A. as a result of preparation for the Great Northern War

B. as a result of regular reconstruction efforts

C. as a result of destruction during the Great Northern War

3. The most important structure is the Corpus Christ Church as

A. it stood out in contrast with the rest of the structure

B. it contained coffins of the Radziwill family members

C. it was one of its kind even in the terms of the world

4. The palace fell into disrepair

A. after it had been occupied by Russian forces

B. after the majority of works of art had been gone

C. after the Lithuanian Archive had been transferred to St. Petersburg

5. The castle's English park is

A. a unique facility by European standards

B. in contrast to the natural scenery

C. a common specimen of landscape architecture

Определите значение указанного слова в тексте (задания 6-8)

6. sack (2)

A. destroy B. set on fire C. steal

7. elaborate (3)

A. detailed B. ornate C. complicated

8. inscribe (4)

A. include B. write C. print

Выберите правильный вариант перевода в соответствии с содержанием текста (задания 9-12).

9. Since the Radziwills were one of the most important and wealthy clans …(1)

A. С тех пор как Радивилы стали одним из самых значимых и богатых кланов …

B. В связи с тем, что Радивилы стали одной из самых влиятельных и богатых семей…

C. С того времени Радивилы стали одним из самых значимых и богатых кланов …

10. …the former fortifications were entirely turned into a renaissance-baroque house (1).

A. … составляющие конструкции укреплений были полностью переделаны в дом, выдержанный в стиле ренессанс-барокко.

B. … бывшие укрепления навсегда были превращены в дом в стиле ренессанс-барокко.

C. … бывшие укрепления были полностью перестроены как особняк в стиле ренессансного барокко.

11. In Soviet times, the chateau was used a sanatorium, while the park gradually fell in neglect (4).

A. В советские времена замок использовался в качестве санатория, в то время как парк постепенно приходил в запустение.

B. В советские времена замок использовался в качестве санатория, а парк постепенно пришел в запустение.

C. В советские времена замок использовался в качестве санатория, в то время как парк постепенно деградировал.

12. Abandoned both by the original owners and by the Russian army, the palace gradually fell into disrepair (4).

A. Покинутый как основными хозяевами, так и русской армией, дворец постепенно пришёл в упадок.

В. Брошенный и оригинальными хозяевами и русскими войсками дворец постепенно пришёл в упадок.

С. Оставленный как первоначальными владельцами, так и русскими войсками, дворец постепенно пришёл в упадок.

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