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Test 08 on psychology, phisiology and anatomy

I. Прочитайте текст и выберите вариант ответа, соответствующий содержанию прочитанных фрагментов (А-E).

A. AARON (42 years): I have found in the past if I go and have a game of squash or go for a run, that's quite good. I think that gets some of the physical sides, the physical manifestations of stress, like the sore neck and the headache and those sorts of things. I think it tries and deals with those sorts of issues but it doesn't get to the source of the stress. It doesn't stop what's causing the stress in the first place. Still it makes you feel a little bit better.

B. BETH (28 years): Another thing that I do to actually overcome stress is go off and do things which are quite different from my work. I particularly like painting houses, literally getting out there with the paintbrushes and painting the walls, and doing things which are just totally relaxing. I enjoy that very much.

C. NICK (37 years): I'm a pilot. There's certainly stress during take-offs and landings which is probably more caused by the levels of concentration required than anything else. I think, generally, most of us probably at the end of a flight look at a bit of a chat around, over a quiet beer or something like that, or a glass of coca cola. Before going to bed, we just have to unwind. I think we'd find it quite hard to sleep if we just arrived, got to a hotel and tried to fall straight into bed, even though we are tired.

D. TRACY (20 years): Well, when I can get away from the situation that's causing stress, my first thing would be to go to a movie. I find being in a cinema and looking up at a big, wide screen and following an interesting or amusing story very relaxing.

E. MICHAEL (27 years): I don't think I have a stress cure. I think of it just as stress management. I think eating well is very important, drinking as little caffeine as possible, and exercise. And, I guess, taking care of myself, realizing that if I'm feeling stress, it's my body telling me that I need to be nicer to myself, have a week off or something.

1. For which speaker\speakers stress is part of their work?

A. Michael

B. Aaron, Nick

C. Tracy

D. Nick

2. Which speaker\speakers combat stress by doing things which contrast with their regular work?

A. Nick, Beth

B. Beth, Tracy

C. Michael, Aaron

D. Beth

3. Which of the respondents resorts to physical activities as a weapon against stress?

A. Tracy, Aaron

B. Nick ,Michael, Beth

C. Nick, Michael

D. Michael, Aaron

4. Which speaker\speakers try to cope with physical manifestations of stress?

A. Aaron, Nick

B. Aaron, Michael

C. Michael, Beth

D. Nick, Tracy

5. Which of the respondents chooses some form of art as a cure?

A. Michael

B. Tracy

C. Nick

D. Beth

II. Прочитайте текст. Подберите соответствующий заголовок к каждому абзацу (1-6).

(1)Was Andre Agassi heralding a new type of hero, the one who openly wept and so tugged at the world's heartstrings? How many of us watching also felt a tear come to our eyes as we witnessed his reaction? Open displays of emotion, of course, are becoming common in world-class sport, at least among the younger players. We've seen it among football players for the past few years. But so far, it's only the men who are shedding public tears. Women seem to be getting tougher while men are increasingly allowing their vulnerable sides to show, and not being ashamed of it, either.

(2)According to Dr Brian Roet, author of A Safer Place to Cry, men who can openly weep are the lucky ones, the emotionally healthy people. A common newspaper expression for people who are trying to cope with strong emotions is that they are "fighting back tears". This is taken to mean that they are being brave. But how much braver if they can let the tears flow and allow everybody else to know what they are going through.

(3)Tears, Roet says, represent so many emotions: "They are a natural form of expression, like laughter. They can convey a multitude of feelings, such as happiness, sadness, loneliness, fear, relief, anger, or frustration, and as such provide healthy pathways to the outside world. "However, for some strange reason society has designated this expression of emotion to be unsuitable and the feelings are forced to remain underground." Many people, he says, have a lake of tears ever ready to flow just under the surface, yet they do their best never to let them come out, at least in public.

(4)After 15 years in general practice, Dr Roet came to realize that the inability to shed tears and show emotion was behind many of the illnesses he had been trying to treat. He now feels that providing a "safe place" to cry is far more helpful to his patients than dispensing drugs. Many have not cried for years and at first are ashamed when the tears start to flow but, he says, it's only when tears can come that emotional healing can take place. "I hope that people will learn to respect tears. As we learn to laugh and cry naturally, without fear of guilt, we develop peace of mind and the tranquility that provides a healthy basis for the rest of our life."

(5) But he admits he remains unable to shed them himself. "The only safe place for me to cry is in the cinema, where the tears well up and flood over the most trivial situations. I believe now that I was told so much as a child that boys don't cry that this imprint has sealed my tear ducts, except out of sight in the darkness of the make-believe cinema world."

(6) Sporting stars who break down in public remind us that there is nothing wimpy, nothing weak or loser-like about the ability to shed tears. Men who can cry easily are the real winners in life, those who are at the same time confident and sensitive. Agassi's tennis was wondrous, but it was his ability to cry and remind us that he was fully human rather than just a tennis robot that turned him into a world-class heart-throb. Women always warm to a man who can cry. And perhaps the new breed of weeping sports stars will give other men "permission" to cry, so that tears can become as natural a form of expression as smiling and laughter.

  1. Doctor Himself has to be Helped

  2. Tears are for Women Only

  3. Cry and Still Be Hero

  4. Men: Laugh More, Cry More

  5. Tears Mirror Your Soul

  6. Cry and be Healthier

  7. Women Hate Weeping Men

  8. There is Nothing Wrong with Crying

III. Прочитайте текст и выполните послетекстовые задания.

(1) What are the good things about the sun? Well, apart from giving us the light and heat we need in order to live, of course, the sun also has various beneficial effects on the skin. It stimulates the circulation, for example, and it's very good for skin complaints like acne. Sunlight also acts on the skin to produce vitamin D, which is vital for our health.

(2) Most people would agree that the sun has a good effect psychologically as well. In fact, there's evidence that a lack of sunlight makes some people ill. So, if you work a lot in artificial light, doctors think it's a good idea to try and spend at least 15 minutes a day in natural daylight during the summer, and longer in winter.

(3) But there are some negative effects, too. Sunlight causes 95% of all skin cancers although fortunately 99% of these cancers are cured. It's particularly important that children are protected from strong sunlight because 80% of sun damage occurs before the age of 20. These days more and more people travel from colder countries to spend their holidays in places where they can be sure of enjoying plenty of sunshine. But the more intense the light, the higher the risk of skin damage. For light-skinned people, the risk of skin cancer doubles every thousand kilometers nearer to the equator you go. It's the ultra violet light that is damaging and before you go swimming or walking, it's worth remembering that ultra violet can pass through water, shade and even through thin clothing.

(4) The skin has its own natural protection from about 30% of ultra violet light. You should use a good sun screen to increase that but remember that the degree of protection depends on how thinly you spread the cream on your skin. Once your skin is tanned, the tan will protect your skin 2-4 times more than an untanned skin, but it's a good idea to carry on using a light sun screen all the same. And how long will the tan last? About 30 days is the answer. So the message is: enjoy the sun but never underestimate its power, and make sure you take sensible precautions to protect yourself from its harmful effects.

Выберите вариант ответа, соответствующий содержанию прочитанного текста (задания 1-5).

1. The beneficial effect of the sun is vivid as

A. it provides us with light and heat and is also heath-giving

B. it helps to combat acne

C. vitamin D is generated with its help

2. Psychologically thinking, sunlight is

A. an antidepressant

B. an antibiotic

C. an anesthetic

3. The risk of skin cancer doubles

A. every thousand kilometers closer to the equator

B. for people who have light skin

C. for inhabitants of sunny regions

4. The most dangerous thing about ultraviolet light is that

A. it can spoil your clothes and damage your skin

B. it may lead to sun stroke

C. it can pass through water, shade and thing closing making protection against it difficult.

5. To protect yourselves from ultraviolet light you need

A. to rely on the natural protection the skin has.

B. to use a good sunscreen.

C. to be tanned and keep using a sunscreen nonetheless.

Определите значение указанного слова в тексте (задания 6-8).

6. apart from (1)

A. besides B. unless C. but

7. complaint (1)

A. disease B. ailment C. problem

8. carry on (4)

A. take care of B. continue C. lift

Выберите правильный вариант перевода в соответствии с содержанием текста (задания 9-12).

9. In fact, there's evidence that a lack of sunlight makes some people ill. (2)

A. В действительности, есть доказательства того, что из-за недостатка солнечного света некоторые люди заболевают.

B. Фактически, недостаток солнечного света делает некоторых людей больными.

C. Факты свидетельствуют о том, что недостаток солнечного света может привести некоторых людей к болезни.

10. Sunlight causes 95 % of all skin cancers although, fortunately 99% are cured. (3)

A. Солнечный свет становится причиной 95% всех раковых заболеваний кожи, хотя случается так, что 99% излечимы.

B. Солнечный свет становится причиной 95% всех раковых заболеваний кожи, тем не менее, 99% поддаются лечению.

C. Солнечный свет становится причиной 95% всех раковых заболеваний кожи, хотя, к счастью, 99% излечимы.

11. The more intense the light, the higher the risk of skin damage. (3)

A. Усиление потока солнечного света влечет за собой увеличение риска заболевания кожи.

B. Чем сильнее солнечный свет, тем больше риск повреждения кожи.

C. Если усиливается солнечный свет, то увеличивается риск повреждения кожи.

12. Once your skin is tanned, the tan will protect... (4)

A. Если однажды ваша кожа загорела, то этот загар будет защищать …

B. Стоит только вам загореть, и этот загар будет защищать ...

C. Достаточно однократного приема солнечных ванн, чтобы защитить …

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