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  1. Say a few words about the author.

  2. Read pp. 3-23.

  3. Find in the text the following word-combinations, translate them into Russian be ready to recall the situations they are used in.

  1. to climb into smb’s skin & walk around in it p.8, 21 (little by little)

  2. to be tired of sth p. 4, 11

  3. to walk up & down sth p. 11

  4. from time to time p. 11

  5. to make fune of smb p. 15

  6. to peep in sth p. 16

  7. to read one’s mind p. 22

  8. to cacth one’s eye p. 10

  1. Be ready to speak about the Finches.

  1. appearance

  2. age

  3. occupation

  4. interests

  5. attitude to people

  1. Agree or disagree to the following statements using the following:

I think so too

I share the idea

I’m of the same opinion

I fully agree with you.

You’re mistaken I’m afraid

I don’t think so

I can’t agree with you

You are wrong I’m afraid.

  1. People in the town wre friendly.

  2. Dill went to school with Jem every day.

  3. Dill wanted to marry Scout.

  4. The Radleys wre on friendly terms with their neighbours.

  5. Walter Cunningham was a greedy boy.

  6. Work at school was an easy thing for Miss Caroline.

  7. Jem met Boo when he wanted to take his pants back.

  8. Jem was shocked when he found out that smb had read his mind.

  1. Speak of Maycomb.

  1. appearance

  2. people ( the Radleys, the school teacher, the Cunninghams, Maudie Atkinson, the Ewells)

  3. traditions, ways of living

7. Write out of the text 2 sentences with the Past Indefinite, 2 - with the Past Continuous, 2 - with the Past Perfect . Read & translate them into Russian.


  1. Read pp. 23- 46.

  1. Prepare the first passage at p. 23 for good reading & translation.

  1. Find in the text, translate & use in your own situation the following word-combinations:

a.- to pay attention to, p.23.

b.- to succeed in going smth, p.29.

c.- to keep out of smth, p.31.

d.- to worry about smth (smb), p.34.

e.- to take great interest in smth, p.35.

f.- to get into trouble, p.38.

g.- to be fair, p.43.

n.- to let smb down, p.46.

  1. Retell the text according to the plan, use 3 suitable word-combinations speaking on each item.

The children write a letter.

The children make a snowman.

Miss Maudie’s house gets burnt.

The Finches spend Chrisfmas at the landing.

Scout fights Francis.

  1. Translate into English use the word-combinations studied.

А) Глазастику школа надоела в первый же день учебы.

Б) Она была доброй девочкой, никого не высмеивала.

В) Время от времени дети находили подарки в дупле дерева.

Г) Не подглядывай в тетрадь соседа!

Д) Вальтер любил и понимал жену, он читал ее мысли.

Е) Некоторое время Вальтер ходил взад и вперед по комнате, потом начал разговор.

Ж)Трудно понять другого человека, если не представить себя на его месте.

З)Детям не надоедали каникулы, они всегда знали как распорядиться временем.

И) Время от времени они хотели увидеть страшилу.

К)Ларри ревновал мать к младшему брату, отец подшучивал над Ларри по этому поводу.

6. Write down 5 sentences with “if” & “when” clauses.

Task III.

1. Read pp. 46-62.

  1. Prepare the following passage for good reading and translation p.46. “Our father --- up to --- from his right eye.”

  2. Find in the text the following word-combinations, read & translate the sentences they are used in:

a.- to be proud of , p.48

b.- to turn on smb, p.48, 52

c.- to be ashamed of, p.48, 52

d.- to smb a favour, p.55

e.- to look for trouble, p.56

f.- to give in, p.58

g.- to be a disgrace to the family, p.62

  1. Answer the following questions, use in your speech the word-combinations studied.

  1. Was Scout proud of her father’s talents?

  2. Why did Aunt Alexandra come to Maycomb?

  3. What trouble did Atticus find himself in?

  4. How did the attitude of the children to their father change? Why? Page 55. “One must lie under certain circumstances.” (Comment)

  1. Speak of the events described on pp. 60-61 on the part of

  1. Mr. Cunningham

  2. Jem

  3. Atticus Finch


  1. Read pp. 62-89.

  1. Find in the text the following word-cimbinations. Be ready to read & translate the sentences with them in class.

  1. to make sure, p. 67

  2. for a while, p.70

  3. to look for, p. 71

  4. to assure smb of sth,

  5. to find out, p. 76

  6. to get acquainted with, p. 76

  7. to take the oath, p. 90

  1. Make up a situation on the book you have recently read, use these word-combinations in your situation.

  1. p. 66 Read & translate the passage : “Mr. Tate .... and sixty.”

  1. Find the English for the following judicial terms used in the text:

  1. суд ( помещение )

  2. суд ( суд. процедура )

  3. прокурор

  4. защитник

  5. подзащитный

  6. судья

  7. свидетель

  8. присяжные заседатели

  9. давать показания

  10. обвинять

  11. допрашивать

  1. Use the vocabulary in your speech when you answer the following questions:

  1. Why did the children go to the court one day?

  2. What crime did Tom Robinson commit?

  3. What did the sheriff say on the witness stand?

  4. What did Mr. Ewell say?

  5. What did Miss Mayella say?

  6. What did Tom Robinson say?

  7. What did Jean Louise understand about Mayella?

  1. Translate into English, use the vocabulary studied:

Мистер Мейсон вошел в зал суда. Он был полон. Судья, прокурор, защитник, присяжные заседатели заняли свои места и судебная процедура началась.

Человека по имени Браун обвиняли в убийстве своей жены. Свидетели, соседи Браунов, давали разные показания. Мужчины свидетельствовали, что мистер Браун не мог убить миссис Браун, т.к. она была крупной и сильной женщиной, а мистер Браун был слабым человеком, худым и низкого роста. Женщины-свидетели говорили, что мистер Браун часто приходил домой поздно и из квартиры слышался шум. А через неделю миссис Браун исчезла.

Защитник пытался помочь подзащитному. Он рассказал, что мистер Браун, клерк по профессии, вечерами работал на железнодорожной станции, он помогал своим старым родителям. Миссис Браун не хотела понять его чувства и часто устраивала скандалы. Защитник был уверен, что мистер Браун не мог убить свою жену, т.к. он был просто добрым человеком. Когда судья дал слово обвиняемому, тот сообщил, что вернувшись домой после работы 15 марта, он не нашёл жену дома, она не вернулась и на другой день, поэтому он обратился в полицию.

Случай был трудный. Присяжные долго обсуждали все факты и вынесли приговор: виновен, в этот момент дверь из коридора распахнулась ...

  1. Complete the story, use the vocabulary studied.

  2. Make up a talk between Jean Louise & Jem. Jem is sorry for Tom, Jean Louise is sorry for both Tom & Mayella.

  3. Make up three sentences for your fellow-students to translate into English using the Past Perfect Tense.


  1. Read pp. 89-109.

  2. Prepare for good reading the passage: p. 89. “ The courtroom was still ... appreciation”. Translate it into Russian.

  1. Find in the text the following word-combinations. Read & translate the sentences with them into Russian.

  1. to be ( through ) with sth p.89

  2. to begin with p.90

  3. to rely upon sth, smb p.90

  4. to be guilty of p.90

  5. to get rid of sth, smb p.90

  6. to return the verdict p.92

  7. to count on smb p.95

  1. Illustrate the proverb “Out of sight, out of mind” in a situation.

  1. Answer the following questions:

  1. What verdict did the children expect after Atticus’s speech?

  2. What do you think about the result of the trial? Give your result.

  3. Was Robert Ewell happy when he won the case? Why?

  4. Did the Higher Court review Tom’s case?

  5. What was the attitude of Maycomb people to Robert Ewell after the trial? Why?

  1. Make up a talk between:

  1. a newspaper reporter & Mr Tate

  2. -------<>------<>------- Mr Finch

  3. -------<>------<>------- Judge Taylor

  4. -------<>------<>------- Reverend Sykes

  5. -------<>------<>------- a member of the jury.

  1. Make up sentences on the events described using the modal verbs can, may, must in different meanings.


  1. Read pp. 109-127.

  2. Prepare for good reading & translation the passage: p.126 “Neighbours bring flowers with death ... except possibly algebra”.

  1. Give a synonym to each word-combination:

  1. to be worn out p.110

  2. to be fast asleep p.112

  3. to have a fit p.113

  4. to be after smb p.116

  5. to hush sth up p.122

Use these word-combinations in a situation of your own.

  1. Retell the text according to the plan, use the suitable word-combinations studied (3 word-combinations on each item)

  1. Scout is going to take part in the performance.

  2. Scout takes place in the performance.

  3. Somebody turns on the children.

  4. Somebody saves the children.

  5. Mr. Tate finds out who attacked the children.

  6. Scout gets acquainted with Mr. Arthur Radley.

  7. Mr. Finch thinks that Jem killed Mr. Ewell.

  1. Imagine you were Jem. Write a letter to Dill, tell him about the events, make your conclusions.

Write a letter to Dill on the part of Jean Louise.

  1. Two neighbours of the Finches discuss the events next morning.

  1. Speak about the events on the part of Arthur Radley.

  1. Comment on the title of the book.

  1. Say what problems the writer touches upon in the novel.

  1. Express your attitude to the novel, give your reasons.

  1. Get ready for a written test work on the vocabulary.

  1. E -> R

  2. R -> E

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