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At the customs


Arrival/landing card – карточка прибытия

Customs – таможня

Customs and passport control – таможенный и паспортный контроль

Customs officer – таможенник

Customs duty – таможенная пошлина

Go (pass) through customs = Be cleared by the customs – пройти таможенный досмотр

Proceed to – пройти к

Entry/exit visa – въездная/выездная виза

Foreign passport – иностранный паспорт

Vaccination certificate – справка о прививках

Declare – задекларировать

Declaration form – бланк декларации

Fill in a declaration – заполнить декларацию

Nothing to declare – ничего, что вносится в декларацию

(be) liable to forfeiture/confiscation – подлежит конфискации

(be) liable to duty – облагается пошлиной

Duty-free quota list – список товаров, разрешенных к беспошлинному ввозу и вывозу

Pay duty on smth – заплатить пошлину за что-либо

Duty-free articles – беспошлинные товары

Restricted articles – товары, ввоз/вывоз которых ограничен

Exceed the allowed quota – превышать разрешенное количество

Prohibited – запрещенный к ввозу/вывозу

Check/inspect – проверять/досматривать

Inspection – досмотр

Valuables – драгоценности

Foreign currency – иностранная валюта

Weapons – оружие

Crude/processed precious stones – необработанные/обработанные драгоценные камни

Live animals – живые животные

Veterinary control – ветеринарный контроль

Embassy – посольство

Ambassador – посол


Consul – консул

(trade) mission – (торговое) представительство

To pay excess baggage charge = Заплатить за избыточный вес багажа.

Overweight = Лишний вес.

Exactly = точно.

Excess luggage = лишний вес.

Reservation = резервирование.

At the customs = На таможне.

Notice = заметить/ объявить.

Carefully = осторожно.

Present = подарок.

Bottle of brandy = Бутылка бренди.

Inside your bags = В ваших сумках.

Dutiable = Подлежащий налогу.

Allow = позволять.

Hand luggage = Ручной багаж.

Ensure = удостоверьтесь.

Instruction = инструкция.

Attention = внимание.

Queue = очередь.

customs officer - таможенник

to check passports - проверять паспорта

Have your passports ready, please. - Приготовьте ваши паспорта, пожалуйста.

Here you are. Here it is. - (Вот) Пожалуйста!

Have you got anything liable to duty? - У вас есть что-либо, подлежащее обложению таможенной пошлиной?

personal belongings/effects - личные вещи.

a private visit - частная поездка

to smuggle - заниматься контрабандой

to pay a fine -платить штраф

Task 1. Fill in the missing words. The words are given in the box. Translate the task into Russian.

officer forfeiture license declaration prohibited luggage inspection

At the Customs Control passengers must fill in a Customs 1) ________and then produce it to the Customs 2) _______, who checks the declaration and inspects the passengers’ 3) ________ . Any article that has not been declared or produced is liable to 4) _______ and the person concerned is liable to persecution. Some things are 5) __________ to be exported – weapons, narcotics, antiques and objects of art (paintings, drawings, icons, sculptures), precious metals, crude and processed natural precious stones, valuables, etc.

Transportation of animals, birds, live fish, insects and products of animal origin is under the 6) ________ of the Veterinary Control. A passenger should have a medical certificate for his animal (a dog, a cat) to carry it in the passenger cabin. Any load or baggage containing seeds, bulbs, cuttings, vegetables and fruit are subject to the Plant Quarantine inspection. A passenger must have a special 7) ________to carry plant material.

TASK 2. Answer the following questions.

1. Have you ever had to go through customs?

2. Did you have anything liable to duty?

3. Did the customs officer ask you to open your own suitcase?

4. Did you carry any spirits or tobacco for your own use?

5. How long did it take you to go through customs and other formalities?


At the Customs (Speakers: two passengers)

- Have you filled in the immigration card?

- Yes. Have you?

- I don’t need to. It’s only for non-British citizens.

- Oh, yes, of course. Is this the way?

- No, I go through here – «British Passport», you see. I’m afraid you have to go over there. It says «Commonwealth and EEC Passports».

- All right. See you outside the baggage claim area.


(Speakers: a customs officer and a passenger)

- Can I see your passport?

- Certainly, here it is.

- Have you anything to declare?

- Nothing.

- What’s the purpose of your visit?

- I’m attending a conference in London.

- Well, would you mind opening this bag, please.

- There you are.

- Thank you. Right. That’s all. You can go through now.

- Thank you.

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