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II. Replace “’d” in these sentences with would or had.

1) I’d already read two of these books.

2) I’d hate to do that.

3) I’d never forgive myself.

4) I’d never speak to you again.

5) You’d never heard of him?

6) You’d regret it.

7) I’d prefer this one, if you ask me.

8) Her work looked really neat because she’d used a computer.

9) I’d finished with the article.

III. Put “if” in the correct place in the sentences.

  1. Conditions would be better there were fewer prisoners.

  2. Mike wouldn’t be so angry with these people they were less pompous.

  3. He had the chance he would attack the British prime minister.

  4. Courts were fairer to men it wouldn’t happen.

  5. Maggie didn’t like her job she wouldn’t do it.

  6. She would be happier she earned more money.

  7. The jury wouldn’t waste so much time the witness spoke to the point.

  8. The police knew all the facts about the accident they would believe his story.

  9. The lawyer could help us settle the matter it depended on him alone.

IV. Look at the remarks below, and choose between will and would.

  1. I don’t know why you never ask your father to help. The exercise will / would do him good, and he’ll / he’d probably enjoy it.

  2. – She promised me that she’ll / she’d phone as soon as she got home. – Don’t worry. I’m sure she’ll / she’d ring soon.

  3. I wish your friends will / would wipe their feet when they come in.

  4. If I were you, I’ll / I’d take it back to the shop.

  5. I’ll / I’dcarry that for you, if you like.

  6. If the government doesn’t cut taxes before the next election, it certainly won’t / wouldn’t get re-elected. So I expect that’s exactly what it will / would do.

  7. Will / Would you pick up a hitchhiker late at night? I certainly won’t / wouldn’t.

  8. You must be crazy going by bus. It’ll / It’d take you hours. If you went by train, you’ll / you’d get there much faster.

  9. I wonder if we’ll / we’d still be friends in 20 years’ time.

V. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentences.

  1. If there were / would be no countries, there weren’t / wouldn’t be any governments or laws.

  2. We didn’t need / wouldn’t need policemen or prisons if we didn’t have / wouldn’t have any laws.

  3. If countries didn’t / wouldn’t exist, people didn’t / wouldn’t need passports.

  4. Perhaps everyone spoke / would speak the same language if there weren’t / wouldn’t be any countries.

  5. If there were / would be no possessions, nobody needed / would need money any more.

  6. If people didn’t / wouldn’t need to buy things, there weren’t / wouldn’t be any shops.

  7. Life would be / was very different if we couldn’t / wouldn’t be able to go shopping.

  8. If people didn’t / wouldn’t own anything, what did / would they give each other as presents?

VI. Comment on the situations. Use Conditional II with would or could as in the example.

For example:Andrew is such a boring person because he works all the time. →

You know, if Andrew didn’t work all the time, he wouldn’t be such a boring person.

  1. You can’t take a photo because you haven’t got your camera. → How annoying. If I ________________________________________.

  2. You can’t look the word up because you haven’t got a dictionary. → I’m sorry. If _________________________________________.

  3. You don’t write to your friends because you’re so busy. → I’ve got so much to do. If _________________________________________.

  4. You can’t play tennis because your back is aching. → It’s a nuisance. If _________________________________________.

  5. Claire won’t marry Henry because she doesn’t love him. → Of course, if _________________________________________.

  6. Nick can’t find the way because he hasn’t got a map. → Nick’s lost, but if _________________________________________.

  7. David has so many accidents because he’s so clumsy. → You know, if _________________________________________.

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