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Английский Язык. Контрольная работа для 1 курса

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  1. Напишите следующие предложения во множественном числе:

  1. These are managers.

  2. These are black desks.

  3. Those are beautiful women.

  4. Where are secretaries?

  5. «Are these letters on the desk?» - «No, they are on the floor.»

  6. «Whose files are these?» - «These are our files.»

  7. Those are his offices.

  8. Whose offers are these?

  9. These are nice green carpets.

  10. «Where are Contracts from GML ?» - «They are on your desk.

II Переделайте предложения так, чтобы подчеркнутые существительные были в притяжательном падеже:

  1. There are these sellers' offers.

  2. That is my manager's telex.

  3. Those are Mr. Green and Mr. Smith’s letters.

  4. It's our secretary's telephone.

  5. That is our director's file cabinet.

  6. This is our customers’ enquiry.

  7. That is my friend's business plan.

  8. Those are our economists' documents.

  9. This is our company manager's cable.

III. Замените выделенные слова личными местоимениями в объектном падеже:

  1. Give the secretary it, please.

  2. Send it to GML.

  3. Give us this letter, please.

  4. Answer them, please.

  5. We don't know them.

  6. Read them to your General Director.

  7. Put it on my desk, please.

  8. I meet her in the office every day.

  9. Our work helps us to speak German well.

  10. Our manager is discussing business matters with him now.

IV. Поставьте have got, has got, havent got или hasn’t got:

  1. Our secretary hasn't got a car. She gets to the office by bus.

  2. Every day our engineers work with many documents. Today I have got two telegrams and two faxes on my desk.

  3. One of our managers is always late for his English lessons. He have got a lot of problems in his office.

  4. Mr. Petrov wants to know languages well but he hasn't got time.

  5. «Where is my business plan?» - «I don't know. I haven't it,»

  6. «Have you got a computer?» - «No, I have not.»

  7. «Have you got a big office?» - «Yes, my office is large.»

  8. Our directors hasn't got much time. He is very busy.

  9. I haven't got many books at home. I don't like reading.

  10. Our manager has got many offers from different firms in his file.

V. Составьте предложения, поставив глаголы в нужной форме:

  1. Our manager always arrives early.

  2. Often we send letters and faxes to different firms.

  3. Kate never finishes her work early.

  4. My boss seldom meets customers at his office.

  5. Usually Margaret works hard.

  6. Does our secretary learn foreign languages?

  7. There are not many English books in our library.

VI. Поставьте по одному общему вопросу к каждому предложению, используя вспомогательные глаголы do или does:

  1. Does Mr. Petrov live in Moscow?

  2. Does my sister's friend work at an office?

  3. Does this secretary always do her work well?

  4. Do these engineers often send letters to our firm?

  5. Do we always type letters on the computer?

  6. Does our manager seldom discuss business matters on the phone?

  7. Does my family usually watch TV in the evening?

  8. Does his friend often come to his office to help him?

  9. Does she like to drink coffee with milk?

  10. Do different foreign delegations arrive in Moscow every day?

VII. Поставьте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам:

  1. What is very large?

  2. Where have we got offices?

  3. Whom does Mr. Petrov meet every day?

  4. Who does usually come to the office at 9 in the morning? What time do our managers usually come to the office?

  5. How often do we stay in the office all day?

  6. Who is always very busy?

  7. What does our secretary usually make in the morning?

  8. What do I seldom send to his firm?

  9. Who does prepare different documents for the talks? What do we prepare for the talks?

  10. How do my friend speak German?

VIII. Заполните пропуски словами a lot of, much, many, (a) few, (a) little:

  1. My friend does not know French well but he studies much now.

  2. I have not got much time now.

  3. My daughter reads many books in English, because she wants to know English better.

  4. We don't have many customers. We only have a few.

  5. He has got only few friends. He does not go out much.

  6. Our secretary never drinks much coffee during office hours.

  7. There is a little sugar in my coffee. Give me some more, please.

  8. Would you like some tea? Yes, a little.

  9. There are a lot of good students in my group. They know English well.

  10. Our company has little lot of, we can't buy this equipment.

IX. Заполните пропуски, используя вспомогательные глаголы am/is/are или do/ dont/ does/ doesnt:

  1. Excuse me, do you speak English?

  2. Where is your manager? – I don't know.

  3. Why are you still typing the letter? It's time to finish it.

  4. «What does your secretary usually begin her day with?»

  • «She always does something.» «What is she doing now?»

  • «She is reading a report».

  1. Mary is a good basketball player but she doesn't play very often.

  2. «Where do you come from?» - «the USA».

  3. What's funny? Why are you laughing?

  4. Our engineers are discussing prices now. They are having talks.

  5. It is snowing and it is very cold.

  6. We do speak English much. We usually write and read.

X. Заполните пропуски, используя местоимения some, any, no:

  1. They haven't got any visitors to day.

  2. Will you give me any catalogues to look through in the evening?

  3. I want to wash my hair. Is there any shampoo?

  4. It's hot in this office. I'm going out for some fresh air.

  5. I can do this job alone. I don't need any help.

  6. I see no telexes on my desk. Where are they?

  7. Some people are hard working, any are lazy.

  8. «Are there any foreign newspapers on your table?» - «No, there are no foreign newspapers».

  9. I would like to buy some mineral water. Let's go to the supermarket.

  10. This business letter is very short. You must add some details about new equipment.

XI. Дайте следующие предложения в отрицательной и вопросительной форме:

  1. There is not a telephone in my room. Is there a telephone in my room?

  2. There are not offers and letters on my desk. Are there offers and letters on my desk?

  3. There is not a computer on our secretary's desk. Is there a computer on our secretary's desk?

  4. There are not many books and business journals in our library. Are there many books and business journals in our library?

  5. There are not many newspapers and magazines on the sofa. Are there many newspapers and magazines on the sofa?

XII. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст. Ответьте на вопросы после текста:

Наташа работает в Министерстве Торговли. Она секретарь Россвнештранса. Их компания работает со многими странами: Англией, Францией, Испанией, Италией и др. Обычно она приходит в офис в 9 утра. Она печатает много писем, и других документов в течение дня.

Много клиентов приходят в Россвнештранс каждый день, чтобы обсудить деловые вопросы. Секретарь всегда встречает их. Она подготавливает всё необходимое для переговоров. Во время переговоров стороны обсуждают цены, условия платежа, отгрузку и доставку. По вечерам Наташа ходит в университет. Она изучает языки, т.к. она хочет стать хорошим специалистом во внешней торговле.

Сейчас Наташа находится в своём офисе. Она разговаривает по телефону с господином Билл, представителем компании Белл и Ко. Она записывает какие – то детали для менеджера компании. Менеджер готовится к переговорам. У него встреча в понедельник. Компания Белл и Ко заинтересована в новой модели поездов. Менеджер и его секретарь готовят разные каталоги и расценки для переговоров. Наташа очень любит свою работу.

  1. Natasha is a secretary of Rossvneshtrans.

  2. Natasha work at the Ministry of Trade.

  3. She usually to her office at 9 o'clock.

  4. The secretary always meet customers.

  5. At the parties discuss prices, terms, of payment, shipment and delivery.

  6. In the evening the secretary goes to university.

  7. Natasha studies languages because she wants to become a good specialist in foreign trade.

  8. The secretary is at her office and speaking on the phone with Mr. Bill, a representative of Bell & Co. (Also she is writing down some details for the company manager).

  9. The manager is preparing for the talks.

  10. Bell and Co are interested in a new model of trains.