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25. Клонування людини та досліди на тваринах Cloning and role of animal testing in saving people.

Sophisticated medical technologies are advancing at a greater rate than anyone could have imagined. Human cloning is a real medical breakthrough that scientists have looked into after the first cloning experiment of a sheep named Dolly was a success. To begin with, cloning is the process of the clone making of an organism or gene. The reproductive cloning is not yet a fool-proof method but it would allow infertile couples to have children alongside in vitro fertilization and surrogacy.

However, this process can also be as a disadvantage because it is considered contrary to religion when there is a question whether man has the right to manipulate nature.

Therapeutic cloning would help aid people who are sick, for example, doctors would be able to transplant nerve cells and perfect organs identical to patient ones with their own deoxyribonucleic acid, and other health benefits.

However, it is too early for human cloning implementation because medical and genetic technologies cannot provide a success rate to survive cloned human embryos. 167

Animal research is a controversial and long-standing issue that bothers people all over the world. This is used in order to explore the reactions of animal bodies and biological systems to various new medicines and other products.

Some people argue that humans have no right to testing animals because it is cruel and unethical to cause animal suffering. In addition, they consider that lives of all creatures should be respected and scientists should substitute animal research by alternative methods. While others believe that animal research can be beneficial to humanity in order to develop and find new vaccines and medicines in the future, for instance, even a cure for terminal illnesses.

To sum up, genetic engineering and animal testing are controversial issues, however, they have tremendous advantages afforded to our society.

Генетична інженерія Genetic engineering

Sophisticated medical technologies are advancing at a greater rate than anyone could have imagined. Genetic engineering is the process consisting of adding new DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) to an organism. The purpose of genetic engineering is to add new functions to living cells hold a vast storehouse of information. There are such methods to modify organisms as selective breeding, artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization.

Genetic engineering has both its pros and cons. In terms of being an advantage, it can help decrease the death rate by destroying disease and increase the lifetime of humans. With genetic engineering it is possible to produce new foods. In addition, cloning is one of its biggest successful advantages which developed a whole new discovery in today’s life. Furthermore, even though this process is beneficial by producing positive effects, there is still a chance of it producing uncertain effects of genetically modified to the environment as well as the human health. The genetically modified organisms can contaminate our environment and people unable to stop their effects. The spread of antibiotic resistance, the loss of biodiversity in farming, unsustainable agriculture, and new viral diseases are unfavourable and even dangerous components of genetic changes. This process can also be as a disadvantage because it is considered contrary to religion when there is a question whether man has the right to manipulate nature.

To sum up, genetic engineering is not beyond reproach; however, this process has tremendous advantages afforded to society.