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Тема: Дом, квартира, еда, досуг

Text a meals

The legendary English breakfast has become the symbol of British meals. One may think that bacon, eggs, tomato, fried bread and a variety of sausages are traditional ingredients of British food.

“Go to work on an egg!” is a popular advertising slogan, but for many families the usual breakfast is tea and toast. The children may have a breakfast cereal, such as cornflakes or puffed rice with sugar and milk, or porridge – oat – flakes cooked with water and served with hot milk and sugar.

Leaving for their work, some people will take a snack with them – a couple of sandwiches of cheese or sausage meat.

The midday meal is the main meal of the day for most families. It must be healthy and substantial. The word “lunch” is still used but it means either a light meal or that the main meal of the day, dinner, will be eaten in the evening.

Tow dishes are eaten for dinner, meat of some kind (beef, lamb or pork) with potatoes and a green or root vegetable, followed by a sweet course, sometimes called pudding, which may be fruit pie, or rice pudding, or a steamed pudding . Typical dishes on a menu might be roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, baked potatoes, cabbage or carrots, apple pie and custard, or grilled lamb chops with onion sauce, boiled potatoes fresh peas and steamed jam roll.

Tea, or high tea is the third meal of the day, although some families may have a small snack during the later part of the evening, which is called supper. The cookery books describe such a meal as including cooked ham, grilled or tinned fish, salad and variety of cakes.


Breakfast - завтрак

Bacon – бекон

Egg - яйцо

Sausage – сосиска, колбаса

Bread - хлеб

Ingredient - ингредиент

Cereal - овсянка

Cornflakes – кукурузные хлопья

Porridge - каша

a snack - легкая закуска

lunch – ланч

dinner - ужин

beef - говядина

lamb - баранина

pork - свинина

cabbage - капуста

custard – заварной крем

Exercise 1. Translate the sentences into English using some, any before the underlined nouns.

  1. Интересно, почему некоторые дети не любят молоко.

  2. Хочешь молока?

  3. Я не очень голоден, я не возьму сегодня суп.

  4. Дайте мне супу.

  5. Вы любите мороженое.

  6. Передайте мне салат.

  7. Кофе слишком слабый.

Exercise 2. Are the statements true or false?

1. One may think that cheese, eggs, potato, fried bread and a variety of sausages are traditional ingredients of British food.

2. “Go to work on an egg!” is a popular advertising slogan, but for many families the usual breakfast is tea and toast.

3. The word “lunch” is still used but it means either a light meal or that the main meal of the day, dinner, will be eaten in the evening.

4. The cookery books describe supper as including cooked bacon, grilled or tinned fish, salad and variety of cakes.

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences from the text.

1. The children may have a breakfast cereal, such as cornflakes or puffed rice with sugar and milk, or porridge – oat – flakes cooked with … .

2. Leaving for their work, some people will take a snack with them … .

3. Tow dishes are eaten for dinner, … .

4. Typical dishes on a menu might be … .

Exercise 4. Fill in the gap.

1. The midday meal is the … meal of the day for most families.

2. It must … healthy and substantial.

3. Tea, or high tea is the third meal of the day, although some families may have a small … during the later part of the evening, which is called ….

Exercise 5. Tell your group mates about your favourite food.