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Раздел 3

Согласование времён (Sequence of Tenses)

Упражнение 12

А. Пользуясь таблицей, определите время действия, описанного в придаточном предложении: "до", "одновременно" или "после" действия, описанного в главном предложении.


They said that...

главное предложение

(сказуемое в Past Indefinite) (Они сказали, что ...)

придаточное предложение (глагол-сказуемое выражает действие, соотнесённое с действием, выраженным глаголом -сказуемым главного предложения)

they had worked in the laboratory the week before.

they worked in the laboratory.

they would work in the laboratory the next month.

Past Perfect

(had + V3) предшествующее действие:

они работали в лаборатории на прошлой неделе.

Past Indefinite

(V2) одновременное действие:

они работают в лаборатории.

Future in the Past

(would + V) будущее действие:

они будут работать в лаборатории в следующем месяце.

Б. Переведите предложения.

  1. Leonardo da Vinci [h:a'na:do de 'vintji:] (1452— 1519) suggested that blood left the heart by the arteries and returned by the veins.

  2. Erasistratus [.era'sistratas] (3rd century B.C.) taught that nerves were hollow and acted by transmitting vital spirit.

  3. Vesalius [vi'seili:as] (1514— 1564) found anatomy more or less where Galen ['geilsn] (A.D. 130-200) had left it. He told his students that they would learn anatomy only by doing their own dissections, not from books or lectures.

  4. Haller [Ъа:1э] (1708— 1777) proved that some nerve fibres carried impulses from the central nervous system which stimulated the muscles, while others carried sensory impulses to the brain.

  5. Jenner ['dзеner] (1749— 1823) took up a popular belief that people who had had cow-pox were safe from smallpox. He hoped that there would be no more smallpox all over the world.

  6. Schwann [jwa:n] (1810— 1882) made the important discovery that animals were composed of living cells. He showed that the fundamental unit was not the tissue, but the cells that composed it.


  1. Pasteur [pa:s'ta:] (1822—1895) proved that fermentation depended on living microbes. He showed that fermentation, putrefaction and infection were all due to contamination by microbes.

  2. Andral faendrel] calculated the proportions in which the major elements of blood existed in health and in illness, and described circumstances which changed the quantitative relationship of these elements to each other.


для тренировочного и контрольного перевода

(к разделу 3)

  1. In 1876 Ross (1857 — 1932) made up his mind that he would master his medical course and qualify for an interesting job in India. He learned that millions of India's people were dying from malaria. In 1897 Ross proved that malaria was transmitted by mosquito bites. He discovered that when a mosquito bit a person it did not only suck his blood, but also injected the fluid containing the malaria parasite. In later years Ross was known as "Malaria Ross", the man who showed how malaria was carried and how it could be prevented.

  2. Banting (1891 — 1941) began to think that possibly the Islets of Langerhans had in them something which was valuable to the human body. Doctors had long teen studying diabetes. They knew that the pancreas had some influence on the way which sugar was used in the human body. But none of them thought that the islets of Langerhans were the really important part of the pancreas. Banting went to the University of Toronto. Dr. Maclead told him about the work that had been done on this problem of pancreas and said that during the summer part of the laboratory would be unused and Banting would be allowed to have ten dogs for his work. He would also have a student to help him. In 1922 Banting and Best isolated insulin.