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«Владимирский государственный университет имени Александра

Григорьевича и Николая Григорьевича Столетовых»

Е.Н. Ионова



2-е издание, переработанное и дополненное


Издательство ВлГУ


УДК 43 (07)

ББК 81.423.1-9

Ионова Е.Н. Учебно-методическая разработка по домашнему чтению по произведению У.С. Моэма «Разрисованный занавес» для студентов-бакалавров исторического факультета по специальности «История и иностранный язык». – Владимир: ВлГУ, 2013-14 с.

Учебно-методическая разработка по домашнему чтению по роману У.С. Моэма состоит из вокабуляра, подлежащего активному употреблению и представляющего собой опоры выполнения заданий проблемного плана, направленных на обсуждение литературоведческих особенностей произведения, а также выявление лингвистических средств воплощения его идеи.

Составитель: Ионова Е.Н. ассистент кафедры второго иностранного языка и методики обучения иностранным языкам ВлГУ им. А.Г. и Н.Г. Столетовых (Педагогический институт ВлГУ)

Рецензент: Писарева Л.Н. к.п.н., доцент кафедры иностранных языков для неязыковых факультетов ВлГУ им. А.Г. и Н.Г. Столетовых (Педагогический институт ВлГУ)

Assignment № 1 pp. 1-36

I. Vocabulary:

  1. in an emergency (p. 12)

  2. irresistible (adj.) (p. 15)

  3. to count on somebody (p. 15)

  4. (im)prudent (adj.) (p. 16)

  5. sordid (adj.) (p. 17)

  6. (un)faithful (adj.) (p. 17)

  7. to be of (no)consequence (p. 19)

  8. snobbish (adj.) (p. 19), snob (n.)

  9. to kick up a row (p.21)

  10. to provide somebody with something (p. 25)

  11. to set one's hopes on somebody/something (p.25)

  12. eligible (adj.) (p.26)

  13. to get somebody off one's hands (p. 30)

II. Paraphrase or Explain:

1. How unfortunate to be called Dorothy? It dated you (p. 17)

2. Kitty wondered whether Mrs. Townsend thought her a little common (p. 18)

3. ... There was one (photo) of her father too ,.. It had been done when he took silk and it represented him in a wig and a gown (p-22)

4. Mrs. Garstin was exasperated and she did not hesitate often to give Kitty a piece of her very unpleasant mind (p. 28)

III. Questions and Topic to Discuss:

1. Speak about the author of the book.

2. Where is the scene laid? Point out words conveying the local coloring? Why does the novel open that way? Is there any exposition in the opening chapter? How does the reader come to know about the place, the time and the characters?

3. Discuss the behavior of each of the young lovers in the predicament. Pay special attention to their attitude to each other. Specify what Kitty found attractive in Townsend. Point out Townsend’s utterances persuading Kitty to count on him in an emergency. Sum up Townsend and say whether you think him reliable.

4. How did Kitty regard the situation she found herself in and the way out?

5. Speak about Kitty's background. What features of her mother were she especially influenced by? Why was her father's influence so small? Was Kitty a good daughter to her father?

6. Sum up all the motives that made Kitty marry Walter Fane. Was he good match to Kitty? What was there about him that made him beyond her understanding?

7. Why was their marriage a mistake? Whose fault was it? To what extent was the mistake the result of Mrs. Garstin in? Does the mistake justify Kitty's unfaithfulness to her husband?

Assignment № 2. Pp. 36-61

I. Vocabulary:

  1. to be flattered (p.37)

  2. considerate (adj.) (p.37)

  3. to feel at home with somebody (p.37)

  4. self-conscious (adj.) (p.38)

  5. to bring oneself to do something (p.38)

  6. to be no great fry (p. 39)

  7. reserved (adj.) (p.39)

  8. to put on airs (p.42)

  9. accomplishment (n.) (p. 46)

  10. to see somebody by stealth (p.47)

  11. to cause somebody pain (p.49)

  12. to wash one's dirty linen in public (p. 55)

  13. to know which side one's bread was buttered (p.60)

II. Find the situations in which the new words were used in the text.

III. Questions and Topic to Discuss:

1. Speak about Walter Fane as seen by Kitty. What traits of his made him an excellent husband? What was Kitty exasperated in him by? Did Kitty's opinion of Walter differ much from the others’? Why wasn't Walter popular? Summarize all the reference to the social status of a bacteriologist.

2. Charles Townsend as seen by Kitty. Prove that Kitty was constantly comparing him with Walter. Why did she make so much of his accomplishments? What do you think of them?

3. In what way was Kitty's love affair predetermined by her up-bring? Do you think it was real love or infatuation? Did it make Kitty deeper, nobler, and wiser or did it bring forth her shallowness, selfishness, vulgarity?

4. What was humiliating about the position Kitty was put into by Townsend? How did Kitty plan her own future and that of Dorothy Walter? Could she see that she might cause them a lot of pain and misery? Do you think her intelligent?

5. What was there about Walter that made Kitty fear him so much? Discuss how Townsend regarded the situation and its possible outcome. What motives prompted Walter's unwillingness to kick up a row in Townsend's opinion? Did the motives (as he saw them) characterize Walter or himself?

6. Which utterances of Townsend's show that he was not much in love with Kitty? Did Kitty understand it?

  1. How did Walter Fane take the shock? Point out words and phrases conveying his state of mind. Why do you think he kept silence about the matter?

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