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Advertising arose in antiquity when the majority of people couldn’t read or write. The period of after the World War II was the period of progress of TV advertisement, intense competition in selling and branding. Advertising has certainly come a long way since the beginning of the century. While the basic principles remain the same, as society becomes more accepting of certain topics, the advertising will continue evolve.

The word advertising originates from a Latin word “advertise”, which means to turn to. The dictionary meaning of the term is “to give public notice or to announce publicly”. Advertising may be defined as the process of buying sponsor-identified media space or time in order to promote a product or an idea.

Each advertisement is a specific communication that must be effective, not just for one customer, but for many target buyers. This means that specific objectives should be set for each particular advertisement campaign. Advertising is a form of promotion and like a promotion; the objectives of advertising should be specific. This requires that the target consumers should be specifically identified and that the effect which advertising is intended to have upon the consumer should be clearly indicated.

Advertising has become an important factor in the campaigns to achieve such societal-oriented objectives. Advertising plays a very important role in today’s age of competition and it is one thing which has become a necessity for everybody in today’s day to day life. Advertising helps increase value for the products by showing the positive image of the product which in turn helps convincing customers to buy it. Advertising educates consumers about the uses of the products hence increasing its value in minds of the consumers. Advertising, in its non-commercial guise, is a powerful educational tool capable of reaching and motivating large audiences. Advertising is praised but also criticized by critics in their own ways. Advertising has many positive impacts along with its negative pictures. As the President of American Association of Advertising Agencies, John O’Toole has described advertise is something else. It is not related to studies, but it educates. It is not a journalist but gives all information. And it is not an entertaining device but entertains everyone.


1. Bhatia. Advertising in Rural India: Language, Marketing Communication and Consumerism. – 2000.

2. Eskilson S. Graphic Design: A New History. New Haven. – Connecticut: Yale University Press // ISBN 978-0-300-12011-0. – 2000. – p.58

3. Advertising Slogans / Woodbury Soap Company. The skin you love to touch. // J. Walter Thompson Co. – 1911

4. McChesney, Robert, Educators and the Battle for Control of U.S. Broadcasting, 1928-35: Rich Media, Poor Democracy / ISBN 0-252-02448-6. – 1999

5. Annual U.S. Advertising Expenditure Since 1919 / Galbithink.org. 2008-09-14.6. - Keith Mcarthur: Business". globeandmail.com. – Retrieved 2009-04-20.

6. Електронний ресурс / Режим доступу: http://library.thinkquest.org/C004367/ce6.

7. Електронний ресурс / Режим доступу: http://www.managementstudyguide.com/objectives-importance-of-advertising.

8. Fabulous domain [Електронний ресурс]: електронний журнал / Режим доступу: http://xperiencemedia.com/2009/08/positive-and-negative-effects-of. html

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