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For & Against by L G Alexander

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The argument: key words

I Childhood the happiest time of your life: a myth.

2Happiest moments cannot compare with joy of being an adult.

3Children don't have opinions; adults choose clothes, books, friends for them.

4Parents: kindly but absolute dictators; children manipulated so as not to interfere with elders.

5Difference between manhood and childhood: independence and subjection.

6Nostalgic remarks, but who would change places?

7Years of school: constant fear examinations, school reports.

8Constant observation by critical adults; unflattering remarks.

9Curfews; martial law; bed early; do as told; eat disgusting food.

10 'Gentle' pressure; threats: 'if you don't do as I say •• .'.

I I Children suffer from illogical fears: ignorance of world around them.

12E.g. abject fear of darkness; horror of nightmares; fears faced alone.

13Most painful time: adolescence: rebellion against adult authority.

14Lack of self-confidence; over-conscious appearance, impression on others.

15Shy, awkward, clumsy. Intense feelings: elation or despair; adult world hostile.

16Relief to grow up; regain balance.

17Freedom to choose: where to live; money to spend.

18Constant approval by adults not necessary.

19Not subject to ridicule; if you are, you can deal with it.

The counter-argument: key words

I What is the essence of happiness? Complete freedom from care.

2Children have this: no responsibilities.

3No social and econotnic pressures; no inhibitions.

4They look at the world with fresh eyes; everything is new and unspoilt.

5By comparison, adults are anxiety-ridden, tired, worried, etc.

6Adolescent moments of intense happiness never recaptured.

7Capacity for deep feeling; attachment to true values; idealism.

8Willing to put up with discomforts, shortage of money, etc. Sheer joy of living.

9Adults by comparison: bored, disillusioned, capacity to feel blunted.

10Adult world is not the paradise it seems.

IIAdults also have to do as they are told; threatened by more senior adults (e.g, employers).

12They are also under constant observation in their work; reports on them are filed in big firms.

13It is significant that most adults think of their childhood as being most happy period.

14One of the utopian dreams of mankind: to find the secret of eternal youth.


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