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Англ Coping with stress

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Coping with stress

  1. Stress is caused not so much by events themselves as by the ways in which people perceive and react to events.

  2. To cope with stress effectively, we often need to redefine the situation from one of threat to one of challenge or opportunity.

  3. An important influence on people’s ability to cope with stressful situations is the degree of control they feel they can exercise over the situation.

  4. Sense of control can help minimize the negative consequences of stress.

  5. The ability to control painful stimuli often benefits humans.

  6. Unpleasant events tend to be less stressful if they are predictable.

  7. For example, the death of a loved one is usually less traumatic when it is anticipated.

  8. Some people are generally better than others at coping with stress.

  9. There is a certain kind of person who has a relatively stress-resistant personality.

  10. People with good health should strive to avoid stressors in their lives.

  11. But on the other hand, the desire to avoid stress may also lead people to avoid beneficial changes in their lives.

  12. If people don’t confront a certain amount of stress in their lives, they will end up being bored, which can also be physically harmful.

  13. Each person needs come to terms with stress in his own way, sometimes trying to avoid it, but sometimes accepting it or even seeking it out as a challenge to be mastered.

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