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10. Going Mobile All The Way

The importance of mobile will grow in each and every aspect of business, online marketing included. People use mobile devices all day long and in various contexts, allowing marketers to target them in a longer stretch of time and during different phases of the day – at work, during rest or play.

Some believe that the mobile web will become bigger than desktop usage in 2015, but one thing is clear – spending for mobile ads will grow – and grow fast. All agree that the popularity of mobile devices will only grow in 2015, driven by smartphones, tablets and wearable technology.

In order to stay effective, online marketing strategies should immediately respond to the preferences and behaviors of their targeted audiences and follow consumers in their daily use of the web. Considering those ten trends and predictions for 2015, there’s no doubt about one thing – marketers will find next few years inspiring deep changes in the ways in which consumers interact with online environments.


At the end of my report I would like to sum up all the above given facts. First of all qualitative research is a very important part of marketing , because it helps us to understand human behavior, the reasons that govern such behavior and identify trends, which will occur on the market. The basic methods of qualitative research: focus-groups and in-depth interview have different specificity and complement each other, allowing us to obtain a complete information about the object.

In my report the combination of those methods was used to gather understanding of how the digital market will develop in 2015 year. It helps us to track trends and predict the events that are going to happen.


1) Feedback (обратная связь) - helpful information or criticism that is given to someone to say what can be done to improve a performance, product, etc.

2) Investigate (исследовать) - to try to find out the facts about (something, such as a crime or an accident) in order to learn how it happened.

3) Conventional (обычный, традиционный) - common and ordinary, used and accepted by most people.

4) Assertion (утверждение) - to state (something) in a strong and definite way.

5) Empirical (эмпирический) - originating in or based on observation or experience.

6) Perception (восприятие) - the way you think about or understand someone or something.

7) Conduct (поведение) - the way that a person behaves in a particular place or situation.

8) Throughout (по всему) - from the beginning to the end, during the whole time or situation.

9) Interaction (взаимодействие) - mutual or reciprocal action or influence.

10) To compose (составлять) - to come together, to form or make (something)

11) Sequence (последовательность) - a group of things that come one after the other.

12) Deliberate (осознанный) - to think about or discuss something very carefully in order to make a decision.

13) Substantial (значительный) - large in amount, size, or number.

14) Render (оказывать) - to cause (someone or something) to be in a specified condition.

15) Obsolete (устаревший) - no longer used because something newer exists.

16) Unabated (неустанный) - being at full strength or force.

17) Predict (прогнозировать) - to say that will or might happen in the future.

18) Holistic (целостный) - relating to or concerned with complete systems rather than with individual parts.

19) Diversity (разнообразие) - the quality or state of having many different forms, types, ideas, etc.

20) Prominence (известность) - the state of being important, well-known, or noticeable.

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