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VII. Answer the following questions, paying attention to the details. In your answer use the words and word combinations from the Active Vocabulary.

1. How did Julia begin her career with Jimmie Langton?

2. What kind of man was Jimmie Langton? Describe him.

3. How did Michael’s career start in Middlepool?

4. Why and how did Michael want to go into management?

5. What education did Michael get and who helped him?

6. What didn’t Julia like in her relations with Michael?

7. What was Michael’s opinion of marrying a provincial actress?

8. Why did Michael ask Julia to keep a secret that her father was a vet?

9. How did Julia meet Michael’s parents?

10. In what way did Julia gain confidence of Michael’s parents?

11. Why did Julia and Michael decide to keep their engagement to themselves? Describe the scene when Julia and Michael got engaged.

12. Why did Michael think it a wonderful chance to go to America?

13. Speak on the episode when Julia came to Jimmie Langton and had a passionate talk with him.

VIII. Comment on the proverb:

Neither a borrower nor a lender be. (34)

IX. Get ready for a quiz on the Active Vocabulary of Lessons 1-2.

Lesson 3

Chapters 6 – 8, pp. 53-76

Active vocabulary

  1. to put up with smb/smth (57)

  2. to be a flop (56)

  3. tightwad (infml) (57)

  4. to make oneself ridiculous (59)

  5. precious (64)

  6. to earn a good income (65)

  7. to deal with smb on equal terms (64)

  8. humiliating (60, 69)

  9. irritable (71)

  10. to be incapable of a

generous impulse (76)

примириться с ч-л

потерпеть неудачу


делать себя посмешищем

дорогой, драгоценный

иметь хороший заработок, доход

быть на равных



быть неспособным на щедрость

I. Learn the words and phrases. Reproduce the situations where they are used. Get ready for doing class exercises.

II. Explain the meanings of the active word combinations in English.

III. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words:

с огромным нетерпением (54) _____________________________________

любой ценой (56) _______________________________________________

презрительно взглянуть (60) ______________________________________

щедрость (61) __________________________________________________

разлюбить к-л (62) ______________________________________________

проговорить допоздна (64) _______________________________________

сделать предложение (66) ________________________________________

роскошь, богатство (68) __________________________________________

глупый, «недалекий» (69) ________________________________________

гробовое молчание (71) __________________________________________

удар по ч-л самолюбию (75) ______________________________________

IV. Study the meanings of the following words and look up other members of their word-building clusters:

anxiety (55) _____________________________________________________

flattery (59) _____________________________________________________

accidentally (60) _________________________________________________

to hesitate (61) __________________________________________________

to regret (61) ____________________________________________________

pregnant (62) ___________________________________________________

intolerable (63) __________________________________________________

glorious (65) ____________________________________________________

irritation (66) ___________________________________________________

to specialize (67) ________________________________________________