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Упражнение 46

1. Particularly hard hit are a majority of developing countries.

2. Military expenditures have been a heavy burden on the national econ­omy, with the poor being the hardest hit.

3. The decision to back out of the ABM Treaty has caused a deep divide between the US and some of its allies.


4. The number of highly skilled workers is indeed growing, but factories also employ many people who were unable to obtain a sufficient general educa­tion or the needed modern production skills. These workers are the hardest hit by unemployment and the first to suffer from cuts in social programs.

5. First-time job seekers are the hardest hit.

6. The hardest hit is consumer-oriented production.

Упражнение 47

1. Unfortunately, even at this late date the United Nations General As­sembly decisions have not been implemented. Moreover, new roadblocks have been set up impending their implementation.

2. The video libraries have also done little to get information about the own­ers of video machines. They do not stock tapes which people particularly want to see. Moreover, those they do have to offer contain only films and TV programs.

3. Such questions were never discussed. Moreover, they were not even thought about.

Упражнение 48

1. The overwhelming majority of states are seeking mutually acceptable decisions. This represents no small achievement for a policy which is aimed at promoting dialogue and resolving all disputes at the negotiating table.

2. Not unlike Hans Christian Anderson's courtiers who refused to say that the emperor had no clothes on, the press has imposed a total black-out on the regime's political defeat.

Упражнение 49

1. The United Nations broad involvement in the developments all over the world is the raison d'etre of this international forum.

2. The whole raison d'etre of video is to meet consumer demand with supply.

Упражнение 50

1. Economic growth of the developing countries has been severely impeded, if not paralyzed, due to such factors as the deteriorating conditions of exchange in the world markets, a vast foreign debt and restrictions imposed on credits.

2. Any terrorist actions can, if anything, aggravate world tensions.

3. The stratification and decay of Official Literature actually has little relevance for the future of literature, because there are few talented writers in this camp, if any.


Упражнение 51

1. We shall all have to embark upon an untroddenedpath.

2. The rain is rustling the palm leaves, and its drops make road surfaces look like boiling water.

3. The mass reader devoured these works with genuine enthusiasm. He found satisfaction in partaking in forbidden and "hot" issues, even though he ended up with a muddled head for his labours.

4. We must conduct a real battlefield reconnaissance, the sociological approach is too weak.

5. Only by trial and error can we find out what the individual video market wants.

6. A majority of the programs we offer lie on the shelves collecting dust.

1. Unlike cinema, the video business is starting from scratch.

8. In the long run, someone will have to be held responsible for all this. They are aware of it and are trying to ward off the arrows of public anger by pointing an accusing finger in various directions.

Упражнение 52

1. New settlements are not threatening anybody, and never will.

2. The foreign policy of Russia in Asia is a policy of peace, and has al­ways been.

3. Liberal Prose, the child of the Khrutchev thaw, is an honest move­ment, and has always been.