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Unit 1

I. Our friends moved ... a new flat. 2. We usually watch TV ... the evening. I She is leaving ... London ... Monday morning. 4. Margaret's brother gave her a lump sum ... money ... a present. 5. You can find all the information ... these ■ !«■< ninents. 6. Are shares ... this company listed ... the si.ock exchange? 7. Bob is (•nine, to succeed ... his business. He is not going to give ... . 8. We usually have dinner ... 6 o'clock. 9. Her parents lived ... Paris ... 15 years and then moved ... i leneva.

Listen to the recording and fill in the gaps leith missing information.

I On Sunday evening Bob invited Diana to his study to discuss the plans foij the future.

Well, Diana, to begin with. I know why you are here. Your father

(your aunt) a lump sum of money as a wedding present. He wanted us to start!

our own business. Everything nice. Every year our profits

Listening ^);)

..^. x^vciy year our profits j

_. We moved to a bigger house, to a more prestigious district. We]

in Manhattan. We opened .several subsidiaries in different states

and our shares are listed on two stock exchanges. But then something .

Then Commodities United Ltd appeared. They are very aggressive players. They

are our major competitors. I am afraid we to them. They are

always a step ahead in their marketing strategies. Perhaps there are some insiders

in my company, I don't know, but I am not going to . You may think it's a


Exercise 1.

Answer the questions.

  1. Where did Bob get the money to start his own business?

  2. Did he succeed in his business?

  3. Who is Bob's major competitor?

  4. Is Bob going to give in? Why?

  5. Do you think it is possible to save the business?

Exercise 2.

Fill in the gaps with appropriate prepositions.

crazy idea, but I _

Exercise 3-

Write three forms of the following verbs. Make up sentences using the verbs in the Past Simple Tense.

To go, to be, to grow, to bring, to give, to take, to have, to think, to buy, to sell.

Exercise 4.

Ask questions to the underlined words.

  1. There are Ц) customers in the room.

  2. They are having talks now.

  3. We worked much last month.

  4. She drives to the office every morning.

  5. We saw 5 managers in the office.

6.1 arrived in Moscow in the evening.

  1. They sell computers to many countries.

  2. The manager phoned me 5 minutes ago.

Unit 2 The Present Perfect Tense

To have + Participle II

I have done

Have I done?

No, I have not. (haven't) done

You have done

Have you done?

No, you haven't done

He has done

Has he done?

No, he has not (hasn't) done

She has done

Has she done?

No, she hasn't done

It has done

Has it. done?

No, it hasn't done

We have done

Have we done?

No, we haven't done

They have done

Have they done?

No, they haven't done

Present Perfect употребляется для выражения:

1. Действия, которое совершилось к настоящему моменту и результат


Progress has broken down the barriers of geography and time.

2. Новости:

My telephone number has changed.

\ni lllMl Mill I in I ii imi'iiihi


/ Пии/чти!)/» жизненногоопыта: I li li.i. Лит- manyjobs in his time.

/ Завершенною действия в будущем в придаточных вин и времени:

I can'l make a decision if I haven't received all the data. 5. После: «this is the first/second time»: It is only the second time I've driven a car.

предложениях уело*

Г. -Слова и выраж^ия.^^отдеб^^с^ТРгсзспе Perfect ,

9 Exercise 1.

Open the brackets using Present Perfect. 1.ТЫ ' '


1. They already (to construct) this plant. 2. It's the second time I (to drive) a car. 3. I just (to come). 4. They never (to manage) the bank well. 5. We (to see) them recently. 6. They (not to be) to London so far. 7. She just (to receive) aj message. 8. You ever (to take) part in talks? 9. Our profits (to grow) recently. 10. We (to open) several subsidiaries latelv

ibsidiaries lately.

ючия just, already ставятся между смысловым и вспомогательным глаголом, a yet - в конце предложения.


Exercise 2.

Make up negative and interrogative sentences according to the pattern. Pattern: She has already been to Japan. She hasn't been to Japan yet. Has she been to Japan yet?

1. The company

1. The company has lost its money. 2. We have just sent them 2 letters.

3. They have already been on holiday. A. She has just made coffee. 5. He has gone to

China. 6. My parents have always worked hard. 7. We have already got a discount.

8. I have already made a report today. 9. They have modified the model. 10. The

pany has already built the business centre.

8 company

"* Exercise 3. ~^ Open the br

1. He alrea( ^^ _. .... vw uunuy а и

never (to sell) equipment. 4. They (to sell) equipment last year. 5. We (to ad veiiise) the model this week. 6. We (to advertise) the model last week. 7. The company just (to introduce) this model on the market. 8. The company (to make) great achievements 2 years ago.


Exercise 4.

()pcn the brackets using Past Simple или Present Perfect.

1. Your friend (to return) yet?

Yes, he (to come) to Moscow 5 days ago.

2. Where is the secretary?

I don't know. She just (to go) out.

3. I (not to see) you for ages.

Yes. 1 (to fall) ill a week ago, but I already (to come) back to work.

A. You (to receive) an answer from them yet?

No. We already (to send) them 2 letters, but they (not to answer) yet.

When you (to send) the letters?

bast week.

5. How long you (to know) her?

I (to know) her since we (to meet) on holiday.

  1. You ever (to speak) to her about it? Yes. I (to speak) to her 2 days ago.

  2. Will you give me your pen? I (to leave) my pen at home. Take it. I already (to write) this exercise.

  3. Do you know that they (to leave)? Yes. I (to be) at the station to see them off.

  4. You (to read) this book?

Yes. I (to read) it when I (to be) at school.

Exercise 5.

Ask four types of questions to the following sentences.

  1. I have not seen my family for 2 years.

  2. They have been our competitors since we entered the market.

  3. He has been to France 5 times.

  4. My fax number has changed.

  5. Our friends have moved to a new house.


One - неопределенно-личное местоимение, выполняющее функцию подлежащего в неопределенно-личных предложениях. Имеет значение «любой; каждый». На русский язык может не переводиться.


One needs to know the way competitors measure themselves. Необходимо знать каким образом конкуренты оценивают себя.

Exercise 1.

Read and translate the following sentences.

  1. One can always find a way out.

  2. One must take part in developing new products.

  3. New York presents so many temptations for one to run into extravagance.

  4. Only one with strong character could survive in these circumstances.

Open the brackets using Past Simple or Present Perfect.

1. He already (to build) a house. 2. He (to build) a house last year. 3. They


Лш mill Mid i Ш Гш пи . m.ik.ii




молитупотрсблоться как слово-заменитель ранее упомянут

11,три мер:

' I с i»l I lie gentlemen went to the park, the younger ones stayed in the

house I

о play billiards.

Working on the text <&/у

Read ana" translate the text. Write out new words. "You know, Diana, successful

marketers are those who can steer the! organizations through the turbulent marketing environment and do it better thai

competitors. It is easy to say but it is not easy to do. Many competitive industries 2 organizations are very difficult to penetrate, despite all the intelligence techniqi that may be available. Some well-established companies are ready to give gene.™ information on their production and marketing, but they are very reluctant to giv away their "trade" secrets.

Despite this, any successful organization has to look at the competition an moreover be aware how the nature of the competition can guide its strategy. We ar facing increasingly stiff competition from Commodities United Ltd. Our response ha

to be rapid in order to preserve our stance.

Competition in most global product markets i intense. Product type competition has becomj intense, so has brand competition. Substitute competition has also become an extremely bin с battleground, with products being able to replac others as technology and tastes have changed.

Competition drives down rates of return 01 invested capital. If the rate is "competitive" itt encourages investment, if not, it discourage! competition. There are four forces influencing the; competition: threat of new entrants, threat substitute products, "macro" factors like changes technology and social factors and "micro" factors like consumers' or buyers' changing needs." _

"OK, Bob", Diana interrupted her uncle, "are you going to deliver a lecture on competition? I must: tell you I studied this subject at university. I wonder,!, why just not hit hack by strongly marketing your-product to the detriment of Commodities United Ltd?"

"And here comes the question of my crazy idea", continued Bob. "Do me a favour,} read this job advertisement in the Financial Times," with these words lie handed Diana the newspaper. Diana read the advertisement and stared at her uncle unbelievingly.

started laughing.

"Do you want me to apply for a position of I he personal assistant to the director of the marketing department of Commodities United Ltd?!" sh "Your idea is really crazy!"


"Please, Diana, don't say "no"! Don't you understand it's our chance to и mi i ale the company and to learn all their secrete?! Nobody knows you here. It's a in и chance!" Bob was very excited.

"I understand it all right. But you are forgetting something... They need an , fjierieneed person for this position!"

"Treat it as an adventure. You have nothing to lose. Let me help you to write your resume."

"OK, Bob", Diana gave in.


Exercise 2.

Answer the questions.

  1. Who are successful marketers?

  2. Why is it difficult to learn "trade" secrets?

  3. What problem is Bob's company facing?

  4. In what product area is competition intense?

  5. What did you learn about competition?

  6. What suggestion did Bob make to Diana and why?

  7. What is Diana going to do?

Exercise 3.

Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.

a) product; b) to compete; c) identifying; d) measure; e) weaknesses; I f) strategy; g) information; h) resources; i) to guess; j) fairs; k) marketing.

In order to know how best 1 , one needs to know the way competitors

2 themselves, their strategy to date, their major strengths and 3 and

likely future strategy. One can learn such 4 from public accounts, interviews

and the trade press. Other ways are to have competitive personnel, take part in

trade 5 , purchase the competitors' 6 and take it apart, or indulge in

"espionage". In 7 the competitor's strategy to date, it is not enough to believe

what they say but it is necessary to reconstruct their 8 . Evaluating 9 is

difficult. It is essential to look at their production, 10 , financial and

management resources. On the basis of all this it is possible 11 the future.

bxercise 4.

Translate from Russian into English.

1. Это был свадебный подарок от моего друга. 2. Два года назад они пе­реехали в более просторный дом. 3. Секретарь уже разместила объявление в Газете? 4. Они стали нашими конкурентами. 5. Какие методы разведки рынка иы использовали, чтобы достать эту информацию? 6. Она выдала все секреты фирмы. 7. Мы стоим перед лицом больших финансовых проблем. 8. Копку


Английский для бизнесменов


Read and translate the text. Write out new words.

The primary mission of a resume and a cover letter is to arouse the reader's Imcrest and to sell yourself, and to make your potential employer invite you to an ,' Interview. So these documents must be concise and to the point. One should I include only relevant information. Your resume and cover letter must target the employer's perspective. Employers want to know what you can do for them, how mui will benefit their companies, how you will impact their bottom lines. That is why the resume must contain the following information: the position you are looking for, your education, professional skills, work experience, accomplishments. Besides that the resume may include additional information such as hobbies, health, languages. But it should not exceed a page. Nobody will take pain to read several pages.


В придаточных предложениях условия и времени будущее время щ употребляется, а именно после союзов if when, as soon as, after, before, /ill, until, provided. Вместо него употребляется Present Simple.

Exercise 1.

Read and translate the sentences paying attention to Future Simple.

1. I'll write to you every day, don't worry. 2. He will bring me the book пехк time. 3. Give me your bag, it is Loo heavy, I'll help you to carry it. 4. When yoi meet your potential employer try to show him that you have some more attractivi offers, I believe it will help you to raise your salary. 5. The weather is so nasty don't think we will go out tonight. 6.1 see you are very busy, I won't take up mud of your time. 7. Shall I shut the door? 8. My car won't start, there is somethinj wrong with it. 9. Will you phone me when he comes?

Exercise 2.

Open the brackets using Future Simple, Present Continuous, Present Simple.

a) Л: (to help) me?

B: Oh, no. I (to leave) for London in 3 hours. You (to take) me to thq airport? i

A: I am afraid I (not to take) you because our secretary is ill. I am very busy, H (to send) all these letters and quotations. Let's phone Peter. Me probably (to help] you.

b) A: You (to go) to this conference?

B: If I (to have) an opportunity, I (to take) part in it. And you? A: Yes, I (to negotiate) and (to advertise) our new model A. I hope we (to

meet) at the conference.

c) A: Have you got any computers available?

B: Yes. How many you (to buy)?

A: It (to depend) on the price. You (to give) a discount?

B: If you (to buy) more than 5, you (to get) a discount.

Exercise 3-

Open the brackets using Present Simple или Future Simple.

  1. If you (to sponsor) this company, you (to benefit) from it.

  2. You (to buy) this equipment if they (to raise) prices?

  3. They (to finance) the production as soon as he (to make) calculations.

  4. We (to discuss) a lot of matters before he (to arrive).

  5. They (to get) a 10% discount if they (to increase) their order.

  6. If their company (to provide) shipping facilities, we (to place) an order

with it.

7. If the weather (to be) rainy on Saturday, we (not to go) to the country. .S. You (to find) an invitation if you (to look) through the mail.

9. As soon as I (to get) the letter, I (to phone) them.

  1. What you (to do) if you (to find) defects?

  2. We (to make) arrangements before he (to come).

  3. I (to leave) a message if she (not to be) in.

Listening ^i)

Listen to the speaker and anszeer the following questions:

  1. Has Diana written her resume?

  2. Who has sent it to Commodities United?

  3. Why did Bob choose this particular way?

  4. What did he ask Diana to do?