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1.9​ Материально-техническое обеспечение дисциплины

1.9.1 Используемые технические средства: видеомагнитофон и телевизор.

1.9.2 Видеоматериалы:

​  “London” (видеожурнал)

​ Видеогид по Европе: Великобритания

​ Видеофильм «Десятка лучших замков и дворцов Англии»

​ Видеофильм «Кто построил Стоунхендж?»

​ фрагменты художественных и документальных фильмов

1.10​Тестовые задания

I.​ДЕ 1. Грамматика

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1. It was a great idea of _______ to go swimming this afternoon.

​ you

​ yourself

​ your

​ yours

2.​ My best friend is three years _______ than me.

​ the youngest

​ younger

​ young

​ most young

3.​ The oldest living tree in the world grows in _______ California.

​ the

​ –

​ an

​ a

4.​ She is going to study music _______ next year.

​ –

​ in

​ at

​ to

5.​ Begin with a minute _______ two of small talk.

​ but

​ or

​ and

​ if

6.​ My course _______ on Monday at 9.30.

​ are starting

​ starts

​ shall start

​ have started

7.​ _______ of her arrival, I went to see her.

​ Told

​ Being told

​ To tell

​ Telling

8.​ _______ the sunset. It’s going to be really hot tomorrow.

​ Look for

​ Look at

​ Look to

​ Look after

9.​ Your face seems familiar to me. We _______ have met somewhere.

​ need

​ should

​ ought

​ must

10.​ A shorter, more _______ meeting leaves time for work.

​ productive

​ production

​ productivity

​ productiveness

II.​ ДЕ 2. Лексика

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1. Her current interest was _______ and development, but she has changed fields.

​ residence

​ reputation

​ research

​ resistance

2. The person who handles applications for vacant posts is _______ .

​ personal officer

​ sales assistant

​ unskilled worker

​ safety officer

3. Cultural _______ are general practices found in every culture.

​ programmes

​ institutions

​ events

​ universals

4. Social _______ is the ways people act towards one another when the meet.

​ role

​ behaviour

​ interaction

​ value

III.​ ДЕ 3. Речевой этикет

Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

1. Hostess: Are you enjoying yourselves?

Guest: _______

​ Oh, yes, we’re having a fantastic time, thank you.

​ I don’t know.

​ What have you said?

​ Yes, we are enjoying ourselves.

2. Shop assistant: Can I help you?

Customer: _______

​ Fine.

​ No, that’s not necessary.

​ Oh, good. I’m so glad to have met you.

​ No, it’s all right, I’m just looking.

3. Teacher: Well, good bye and the best of luck for the future.

Student: _______

​ Good luck.

​ Good bye for ever.

​ Thank you for teaching me, I really enjoyed your lessons.

​ Let’s hope for the best.

4. Boss: Do you see what I mean?

Employee: _______

​ Yes, do, please.

​ Yes, but I’m not sure I quite agree.

​ Yes, and I don’t agree with you.

​ Idon’tthinkso.

IV.​ ДЕ 4. Культура и традиции стран изучаемого языка

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1. British Museum is situated in _______ .

​ London

​ Edinburgh

​ Oxford

​ Washington

2. There are _______ stripes on the US flag.

​ 20

​ 17

​ 13

​ 31

1.​ The largest city of Canada is _______ .

​ Vancouver

​ Toronto

​ Ottawa

​ Montreal

2.​ Bill Gates is a founder of _______ .

​ the largest automobile corporation

​ the first entertainment theme park

​ the Metropolitan Museum

​ the Microsoft Corporation

V.​ДЕ 5. Чтение

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