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Khrulev Roman

A typical Russian man.

There are several things one should know about Russians. First of all, it is a unique talent of Russian to dress smartly, which makes them stand out on a background of the other peoples. Besides, one of the main traits of Russian men is generosity. It is a feature of Russian culture that applies equally in respect to men and women. For many reasons (including the vast size of their country, which has resulted in many invasions and attacks across thousands of years), Russian people are not as individualistic as Westerners. They have a long history of looking out for their family, their neighbours and their countrymen. Hence, the needs of the group are the most important aspect of life for Russians. No matter how rich or poor they are, Russian people always look out for those who are dear to them. However, abroad it is believed that they are unenlightened, dirty and rude.

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