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Acquisition of Mastery / Part Two.doc
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relevant – (+to) important and connected directly to what is being discussed or considered; relevance (relevancy) (+of) (n): of relevance to sth.

absorb – to make a small group, organization etc become part of a larger one: absorb sth into sth – to allow ideas, methods etc to become part of your own way of thinking or culture; absorbed (adj) (+in) – interested or involved in sth; absorbing (adj) – very entertaining; absorption (n) (+of, into).

sensitive – reacting strongly or emotionally; needing to be dealt with carefully; needing to be protected, or kept secret; showing that you care about someone or something (+to); sensitively (adv); sensitivity (n).

trace – to find sth or sb that you are looking for by asking questions and getting information: trace sb to sth, to trace sth back to sth – to discover the origin of something or how it developed; trace (n): disappear/vanish without trace; a trace of.

overwhelming – much larger, stronger etc than anything else in a situation: overwhelming majority; overwhelming odds; overwhelming desire, emotion, feeling, need, sense; overwhelmingly (adj); overwhelm (v) - to affect someone’s emotions in a very powerful way, to surprise someone very much; to defeat an opponent especially by a lot of points, goals.

enduring – lasting for a long time; endure (v) – to suffer sth unpleasant or difficult in a patient way over a long period; endurable (adj); endurance (n) – the ability to continue doing sth physically difficult or unpleasant for a long period: beyond endurance.

leg­acy – money or property that you arrange for someone to have after you die; sth such as tradition or problem that exists as a result of sth that happened in the past (+of); sth that someone has achieved that continues to exist after they stop working or die, ex. A legacy of out imperial past: legacy system – a computer system that is still used although it is no longer the most modern or advanced, because it would be very expensive or difficult to replace it.

instant – (adj) immediate, ex. instant solutions; prepared in a very short time (about food or drink), usually by adding some hot water, ex. instant coffee/soup; instant messaging – the activity of communicating with sb directly over the Internet and replying to their messages as soon as they arrive; (n) an extremely short period of time, that ends almost immediately, moment: in an instant, at the particular instant; instantly (adj) - immediately.

1. Do you think the writer would agree with the following statements?

- Mass immigration is always intrinsically connected with political oppression.

- Though Europe has always been considered the continent of emigration, it has a long history of large scale immigration.

- The process of assimilation was simpler in the past.

- Thanks to highly developed sense of civic and political rights the division between the insiders and outsiders was clear.

- Modern European society is homogeneous.

- There is a host of quick and simple solutions to the problem of immigration.

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