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Is there a difference between law and morality?

It is sometimes difficult to draw a clear line between what is criminal and what is immoral. Some actions are obviously both -murder, for example. Others are clearly immoral but not illegal –for example, adultery. But there is a grey area in between. Some actions are illegal, because on the whole society disapproves of them on moral or religious grounds, even though they harm no one’s life or property. For example a majority of citizens agree that young children should not be exposed to scenes in films depicting extreme violence, so there are laws and regulations governing this.

Other laws involving morality are less easy to justify: blasphemy is still a crime in England, although many people consider that the law should be repealed.



Text d Legal History

What is law? Law and legal system is the natural outcome of people living together and dealing with each other. Law was systematically discovered based on historical experience and historical events of generations for years and centuries.

In the Mesopotamia region of Babylonia tribal customs were converted into social laws thousands of years ago. Laws also existed in ancient Greece. Our knowledge of ancient Greek laws come from various Homeric writings. As well, the Roman law was the legal system not only in ancient Rome, but was applied throughout Europe until the eighteenth century. Many European modern laws are still influenced by Roman law. English and North American common and civil laws also owe some debt to Roman ancient law.


Ex.24 Render the text into English, using active vocabulary of Unit I.

Text E

Закон – это набор правил, предписывающих поведение человека в тех или иных условиях. Закон регулирует отношения между людьми, между человеком и государством, между государствами. Законы объединяются в своды законов. Например, УК РФ объединяет в себе все законы, касающиеся уголовного права на территории РФ.

Text F

В системе права выделяют отрасли материального и процессуального права. Объектом материального права выступают имущественные, трудовые, семейные и другие материальные отношения. Большинство отраслей права относится к категории материального: конституционное, административное, гражданское, трудовое, финансовое, уголовное, экологическое и другие.

Процессуальное право регулирует отношения, возникающие в таких процессах как: расследование преступлений, разрешение уголовных, гражданских, арбитражных дел. К процессуальным отраслям права относят: гражданско-процессуальное право, уголовно-процессуальное право и арбитражный процесс (в России).

Ex. 25. Get ready to discuss: 1) Law is a system of rules enforced through a number of institutions.

2) The history of law is closely connected to the development of civilization.

Use the following phrases: to sum up; in conclusion; in short; in a word; in spite of the fact that; etc.

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