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Chapter 1

  1. 1) T

2) F

3) T

4) F

5) T

6) F

7) T


1) Authentic – genuine, known to be true.

2) To torment – to cause sever suffering.

3) Incontestable – smth that cannot be disputed.

4) Disinterested – not influenced by personal interest or feelings.

5) To whet (appetite) – to sharpen or excite.

6) To rub shoulders with – to meet and mix with people.

7) Hypocrisy – falsely making oneself to be virtuous or good.


1) Authentic genius (M. Huret) (Ch. Str)

2) Blaze the trail (M. Huret)

3) Extreme ignorance of painting (narrator)

4) An object of ridicule (narrator)

5) Incontestable authority (M. Huret)

6) To whet the appetites (M. Huret)

7) In the highest degree original talent (M. Huret)

8) Disinterested passion for art (M. Huret)

9) He made enemies rather than friends (Ch. Str) (narrator)

10) Later judgments confirmed his estimate (M. Huret) (Ch. Str)

11) Kindly temper (R. Str)

12) Industrious habits (Ch. Str) (R. Str)

13) Moral disposition (Ch. Str) (R. Str)

14) Strange tormented and complex personality (narrator)

15) To whitewash (R. Str)

16) Throw a chill on the admirers (R. Str)


«…the most interesting thing in art is the personality of the artist. »

Art is a manifestation of emotions that anyone can understand.

Chapter 2

  1. This perhaps about the youth. I think this is still true nowadays.


  1. …I saw him not infrequently… - я виделся с ним до того

  2. …I find myself in the position to throw light on… - мне представилась возможность пролить свет

  3. …knew him in the flesh… - встречаться изо дня в день

  4. … To find release from the burden of his thought… - освободиться от груза своих мыслей

  5. …as dead as mutton… - глуп как баран


  1. «A painter`s monument is his work. »

Whatever different narrators might say a painter must be the architect of his own fortunes.

  1. «The pendulum swings backwards and forwards. The circle is ever travelled anew. »

This statement must belong to our nowadays generation, about our people, their deals and mind

  1. «But I should be thrice a fool if I did it for ought but my own entertainment. »

If you wouldn`t enjoy your own work you would feel yourself thrice a fool if you did it for ought but your own entertainment.

Chapter 3


Bold, shrewd, timid, observant, cynical, understanding, bashful, boring.


Timid – bashful

Anxious – eager

To pluck up courage – to screw up one`s courage

To feel ill at ease – to feel excessively

To hide – to conceal

To stir the public – to excite attention

To use in the best way – to make the most of something

To visit often – to visit frequently


Искать знакомства с кем-нибудь – to seek once acquaintance

Безвкусно одетый – dowdy dressed

Принять кого-то за другого – to take somebody for another

Обсуждать достоинства – to discuss the merits

Отомстить кому-либо – to take the revenge

Едкий юмор – stinging humor

Chapter 4


Unaffected (MS)

Malicious (RW)

Intelligent (MS)

Simple (MS)

Perverse (RW)

Cynical (RW)

Friendly (RW)

Disposed to people (RW)

Lion hunter (RW)

Shrewd (MS)

If Mrs. Strickland hadn`t been unaffected she wouldn`t have invited the narrator to lunch.

If Rose Waterford hadn`t been a lion hunter and perverse women she wouldn`t have held the writer weakness for lions in good-humored contempt.

If Mrs. Strickland hadn`t been shrewd and friendly disposed to people she would have found her lunch amusing.

If Rose Waterford hadn`t been cynical and malicious she wouldn`t have played her part of the distinguished woman.


To feel ill at ease – feel awkward

Stubbornness - perversity

To consider smth as – to find smth to think

To live not far from – to live in the same neighborhood

Simple - unaffected

To be in high spirits – to be in a good humor

Very good advice – admirable advice

To be curious about

Chapter 5


  1. True

He went to their flat frequently and they took a fancy to one another.

  1. True

She managed her surroundings with elegance. Her flat was always neat and cheerful. The meals were pleasant.

  1. False

He didn`t pretend to be a genius. He didn`t even make much money on the stock exchange. But he was awfully good and kind.


Formidable tea party

Blistering tongue

Neat and cheerful flat

Reflective eyes

Charming faculty

Sedative eyes

Typical broker


  1. Mrs. Strickland had the gift keeping the conversation.

  2. She managed her surroundings with elegance.

  3. There were photographs in the drawing room of her son and daughter.

  4. He doesn`t pretend to be a genius.

Chapter 6

1) 1. If the narrator didn’t feel uncomfortable in a way, he would sit silent, trying politely to show interest in the conversation. But for the difference of the guests, he wouldn’t have thought that no one was in the least concerned with him. Most of the time he happened to be left to himself. It was the kind of party, which makes you wonder why the hostess has troubled to bid her guests and why the guests troubled to come.


3. He was broad and heavy, with large hands and feet and we move his evening clothes clumsily.

2) Formal style (shows a limited range of emotions and avoid emotive punctuation such as exclamation points).

3) 1. The narrator wouldn’t have accepted Mrs. Strickland’s invitation, if he hadn’t been in good relationships with her.

2. The narrator might have been better impressed with Mr. Strickland if he hadn’t been dull.

4) 1.to omit, neglect, to fail, to avoid

2. to look unpleasant, hideous, ugly, not good looking – зловещий, необычный

3. ordinary, usual, commonplace, out of the common,

4. substantial, heavy, solid

5. having merit, deserving respect, worthy

6. boring, tedious, dull

7. tiredness, exhaustion, fatigue, tedious

5) 1. To stop the gap. If one of Mrs. Strickland’s guests hadn’t failed her, she wouldn’t have asked the narrator to stop the gap.

2. to owe sth to sb. If the guests hadn’t owes a dinner to Mrs. Strickland, they wouldn’t have troubled to come.

3. to meet with indifference. But for them being strangers to each other people wouldn`t have parted with relief.

4. an air of prosperity. But for the respectability of the party, there wouldn’t have been an air of well satisfied prosperity.

4) a K.C. – King’s Council. (Lawyer)

The House - a group of people who meet to discuss and make the laws of a country. (Parliament)

Chapter 7

  1. They were extraordinary wise, healthy young children. If Mrs. Strickland hadn`t been a lovely mother she wouldn`t have shown her children as she was proud of them.

  2. The narrator considered Strickland`s family lifestyle to be peaceful, honest and filled with content as they could have lived a long live and have seen their children grown.

  3. If I hadn`t read the next chapter I would have imagined it to be Mr. Strickland`s happy return and subsequent communication with the narrator.

Chapter 8

2. 1d 2c 3b 4a 5b

3. to; out of; across; ---; In; by; at to come to; on; of; to smb; aback by; at; to take one`s leave

Chapter 9

  1. But for Mr. Strickland being left she wouldn`t have suspected that all was not well with their life.

She thought that he could have found a better woman if he had made a decision to leave them.

Mrs. Strickland gave no explanation but there emerged a version that if Mr. Strickland hadn`t found a better woman he wouldn`t have left his family for no reason.

  1. 1-6; 2-1; 3-7; 4-5; 5-2; 6-3; 7-4; 8-8.

Chapter 10

I 3; 1; 4; 2.


  1. Я был захвачен врасплох; поражен.

  2. Фред твердо решил ехать.

  3. Он только сделает хуже.

  4. Фред впадет в ярость.

  5. Я не хочу совать нос в дела, которые меня не касаются.

  6. Чем обязан такой честью?

  7. Я украдкой посмотрел на нее.

  8. Она была погружена в мысли.

  9. Мы всегда очень хорошо ладили.

  10. Она продолжала говорить о чем то наобум.

  11. Это все было немыслимо; невероятно.

  12. Мое решение окончательное.

  13. Он не в себе; сам не свой.

  14. Голос миссис Стриклэнд снова оборвался.

  15. Мы позволим прошлому остаться в прошлом

  16. Скажи ему, что наш дом нуждается в нем.

Chapter 11

2 1) If Mr Strickland had been able to allow himself expensive place to live he wouldn`t have been found in the hotel des Belges as this building looked very poor.

2) But for Mrs Strickland concealing his address their meeting wouldn`t have seemed to be the first.

3) If Mr Strickland hadn`t been eager to drink something before dinner they wouldn`t have gone downstairs to the pavement of a large café.

4 1) sumptuous place – шикарное место

If the narrator hadn`t expected to see a large and sumptuous place he wouldn`t have been surprised at discovering that the hotel where Mr Strickland lived turned out to be in non-respectable and non-fashionable quarter.

2) Shabby building – захудалое/запущенное здание

If the building weren`t so shabby “the narrator`s hotel” wouldn`t look magnificent in comparison with this one.

3) ill-famed house – дом с дурной славой/репутацией

If the hotel weren`t an ill-famed house the narrator wouldn`t thought Mr Strickland able to play trick on him.

4) Respectable quarter – респектабельный квартал

The hotel where Mr Strickland lived had nothing to do with being placed in the fashionable or respectable quarter.

5) wounded vanity – уязвленное самолюбие

But for Mrs Strickland`s strange behaviour the narrator wouldn`t have been in suspicion that her vanity was wounded.

6) a sullen look – угрюмый/мрачный взгляд

If the narrator hadn`t been invited in café he wouldn`t have seen there a waiter who had a sullen look.

7) The trusted friend – близкий друг

But for the narrator being a trusted friend he wouldn`t have avoided the task to bring Mr Strickland back.

5 1) to be puzzled by

2) To play a trick on somebody

3) To appeal to (the emotions)

4) In comparison with

5) To be overcrowded with

6) On behalf of

6 1) He wishes he hadn`t thought over his errand with misgiving. (A feeling of doubt or worry about a future event)

2) He wishes Mrs Strickland hadn`t dreaded the tongue of scandal. (Feel worried or frightened about something that has not happened yet)

3) He wishes his spirits could rise when he approached Paris. (To be in a good mood)

4) He wishes Mrs Strickland hadn`t concealed his address. (Come into the mind of)

5) He wishes he had done his best. (Do all one can)

6) He wishes he could see any sign of the abandoned luxury that colonel MacAndrew had so confidently described.

Chapter 12

1)1 - 3

2 - 4

3 - 1

4 – 2

Chapter 13


To decline a proposal – отклонить предложение

To be flattered – быть польщенным

In pidgin French – на ломаном французском

Hackneyed phrases – избитые фразы

A fluent talker – разговорчивый собеседник

to make one`s way – пробираться

To report stout refusal – доложить о твердом отказе

If the narrator had declined a proposal colonel MacAndrew could have thought well of him.

If MacAndrew had been more embarrassed and less calm he wouldn`t have said that he wasn`t flattered.

If she had known more than two words of French she wouldn`t have spoken in pidgin French.

If Strickland had been a fluent talker he wouldn`t have had to guess the intentions of his soul by hackneyed phrases, slang, and vague, unfinished gestures.

If they weren`t hungry they wouldn`t make their way to a cheap restaurant.

If the narrator had been able to report his stout refusal to sit at the same table with a man of such character colonel MacAndrew would have thought well of him.

Chapter 14


To set in order

To understand smb`s motives

Far-fetched explanations

To be seized by boredom

To appeal to conscience


To be dependent on smb for smth

To be independent of smb for smth

Chapter 15

  1. 1 …should go to Mrs. Strickland as soon as possible.

2 …was elder than she, not unlike but more faded and she…she carried the British Empire in her pocket.

3 …among her recollections.

4 …a bombshell.

  1. 1 In my opinion when the narrator broke the news about Strickland`s decision to stay in Paris he clearly explained that he won`t return.

2 Mrs. Strickland didn`t want her husband back because she thought if it wasn`t another woman she couldn`t do anything to stop him.

3 It characterizes her as a loyal but flabby woman. But for her being flabby she wouldn`t have let her husband to escape.

  1. MacAndrew: domineering, efficient; conceited; vindictive; strong-willed; malicious; selfish; bitter; unscrupulous; brisk; good-humoured.

Mrs Strickland: understanding; supportive; encouraging; cultured; self-sacrificing; mild; charitable; weak.

4) Loathsome disease

Efficient air

Brisk manner

Queer creatures

Unscrupulous woman

Dowdy gown

Squalid way

Effective scene

Bitter humiliation

5) As mad as a hatter

As helpless as a fly in spider’s web

As timid as a rabbit

As sober as a judge

As drunk as a lord

6) Not to make head or tail of smth – концов не найти, не понять

To get the better of (dismay) – взять верх

To turn smb’s head – вскружить кому-либо голову

To give the rope – давать возможность погубить себя

To be sick to death – надоесть до смерти

To take smb for granted – принимать что-либо как должное

Chapter 16,17

1 F

2 F

3 F

4 F

5 F

6 T

7 F

  1. 1 If she hadn`t been a woman of character she wouldn`t have reached the success in her work. But for her position in society she wouldn`t have got this success.

  1. If he hadn`t left her for such a silly reason she wouldn`t have spoken of him with pity. But for his actions she wouldn`t have had behave herself so indifferently.

  1. To hide one`s anguish – to conceal smb`s pain

Eager – impatient

Alone – in private

Significance – meaning/ sense

To begin anew – to start anew/ to restart

To change – to transform/ to vary

To lower (in social scale) – to go down in/ to descend

To become an actress/ actor – to turn to

To agree to smth – to accept the idea

  1. Indifferent – valuable

To attach importance – to show indifference/ disinterest

In strained circumstances – in easy circumstances

To fail in smth – to succeed in smth

Dignified – unworthy

To rise (in social scale) – to descend

Broad minded – narrow minded

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