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Английский язык (учебник Черниговой-1 курс).docx
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V. Change the sentences using the predicate into the Past Simple and the markers: yesterday, years ago, much time ago, in prehistoric times, etc. Translate the sentences:

1. People believe that angry gods or evil spirits cause diseases.

2. The first known surgical treatment is an operation called trepanation.

3. Egyptian physicians begin to specialize.

4. They treat only diseases of eyes and teeth.

5. The ancient Chinese develop medical practices.

6. Indian surgeons successfully perform many kinds of operations.

7. The civilization of ancient Greece is at its peak.

8. He becomes the first physician known to consider medicine a science and art.

9. His work is popular in Europe.

VI. Answer the following questions:

1. What did people believe in prehistoric times?

2. What was the first known surgical instrument?

3. How did they perform operations?

4. What did the Egyptians begin doing by about 3000 B.C.?

5. How did other ancient Middle Eastern civilizations also contribute to medical


6. Who developed the practice of acupuncture?

7. When was the civilization of ancient Greece at its peak?

8. What is Hippocratates famous for?

9. Where and when did the Greek physician Galen practice medicine?

10. What did Avicenna produce?

VII. Make up the plan to the text:

VIII. Retell the text using your plan:


Грамматика: вопросительные и отрицательные предложения, -ing

форма в роли существительного



- ate – суффикс глаголов

- ous, - ful, - ive, - ar - суффиксы прилагательных

- ance ( -ence)- суффикс существительных

I. Прочтите и переведите слова:

1. circulate, initiate, operate

2. numerous, various, infectious, famous

careful, beautiful, useful, successful, painful, colorful

effective, active, passive, positive, negative, relative

particular, molecular, cellular

3. resistance, difference, depandance, importance, science

II. Прочтите слова и определите части речи( глаголы, существительные,

прилагательные, наречия):

scientific, movement, dissection, numerous, careful, prevention, resistance, really,

effective, dramatic, independent, safely, infectious, brilliant, particular, structure,

circulate, alcoholic, improvement, invention

III. Прочтите слова и дайте их русские эквиваленты:

Renaissance [ri’neisqns], dissection [di’sekSqn], human anatomy [‘hjHmqn q’nqetqmi], university [,jHni’vWsiti], structure [‘strAkCq], army [‘Rmi], technique [tek’nJk], pulse [pAls], circulate [‘sWkjuleit], artery [‘Rtqri], vein [vein], initiate [I’niSIeIt], resistance [ri’zistqns], immunology [,imju’nOlqGi], alcohol [‘qelkqhOl], infectious [in’fekSqs], chemist [‘kemist], microbe [‘mQikroub], bacterium [bqek’tiqriqm] (pl. bacteria [bqek’tiqriq]

IV. Выучите новые слова и выражения:

advances [qd’vRnsiz] - достижения, успехи

Middle Ages [‘midl’eiGqz] - средние века

to dissect [di’sekt] - проводить вскрытие

numerous [‘njHmqrqs] - многочисленный

to improve [imp’rHv] - улучшать

blood [blAd] - кровь

heartbeat [‘hRtbJt] - сердцебиение

to conclude [kqn’klHd] - делать вывод

to pump - качать, нагнетать

safe - безопасный

smallpox - оспа

to dull pain - притуплять боль

to administer [qd’ministq]- назначать

various [‘vFqriqs]- различный

drug - лекарство

certain [sWtn] - некоторый, определенный

to invent [in’vent] - изобретать

to determine [di’tWmin] - определять, устанавливать