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анализ Моэм Непокоренная

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The story under the title “Unconquered” was written by an outstanding English novelist –Somerset Maugham. He was born on Jan.25, 1874 in Paris. His father was lawyer of the British Embassy in France. In his childhood he spoke only in French. When his parents died he had moved to England in the age of 11 and he learned the English. It was difficult times for young Somerset, because his uncle (who took him for upbringing) was cruel man. Also he must be study at the Royal School of Canterbury, where all children teased him for bad English and short stature. From everyday stresses S. began to stutter. So, he decided to go to German. He studied the literature and philosophy there. Later he returned to England and entered in school of medicine, where he wrote his 1st novel “Liza of Lambeth”. This book was very popular & after graduating he decided to be writer. By the 1914 he was quite famous person. As for his private life, I can say that he was bisexual and when he married Seri Welcome she had to divorce with him because of his frequent travels and because of his affair with Frederic Jerald Hexton. So, in 1928 Maugham moved to France but when his lover (любовник) Hexton died, Somerset returned to England and met with Alan Sirl, who because his new inamorato. S. Maugham had a daughter – Lisa. But she wasn’t his own daughter therefore all his inheritance (наследство) received his new lover – Alan. In 1947 Somerset approved “The award of Somerset Maugham” which can receive the best English writers of fiction (fantasy).

The novel under the study is based on real historical events of the 2nd World War. It was terrible period for many countries, f.e. Russia, England, Poland, France and many others. The German fought fierce war (ожесточенную борьбу). Hitler wanted to be the leader (ruler) of whole world. The War lasted more than 5 years. It was the greatest (major) World war on the Earth. There were involved many countries (72), about 65 millions of people were died, so much money was spent, many towns & cities were destroyed. And it was the only one war where were used nuclear weapons.

GB at that time was European great power (великая держава) and it tried to keep parity of the countries and supported them. France with England tried to help the Poland but France failed. GB couldn’t accept the German grab French navy. So, GB attacked the France navy and took it under control. France broke the relationship with GB. But by the end of the War, England and USA connected together and helped France against Germans.

The author wrote about that period because he lived in that time, he moved from France to England and back, was in German and saw all the events himself. Many of his works contained real events and fiction. This one belongs to them. (это произведение относится к таковым).

“The unconquered” is a story about dramatic destiny of young French woman – Annette, who was raped by German soldier – Hans, when he was drunk. Also he beat her parents. Sometime later Hans came to home of Annett’s parents where she lived. He apologized and brought gift for her - silk stockings. Annette didn’t want to see him and said to Hans go away. He had gone. But through 10 days he came again and brought for Annette and her family packet with products. Later he came again and again and every time brought products, tobacco and newspapers for Annette’s father. Sooner or later her parents loved Hans. But Annette hated him more and more. Hans didn’t love Annette too, but she attracted him, because she was the 1st and only one girl who didn’t love him, despite he was very beautiful. One time he came again and wanted to talk with A., she said that she pregnant by him. Hans was shocked from that news at that moment he understood that he really fall in love with Annette. He asked her to keep the baby, he said that he loves her, he wanted to marry A. but she didn’t accept him, she didn’t trust him and said that she had a boy-friend who was imprisoned in German. Later they knew about the death of her groom (жениха) and Hans understood that it was his chance to get Annette’s agreement to marriage, but she insisted on her own (стояла на своем). In day when she had born the baby she ran away from home. When Hans and her parents found her, she said them that she took baby down in the brook and killed. Hans gave a great cry and went out but Annette felt satisfy and victory.

In my opinion the author wanted to show that women can be strong and brave despite the fact that they are considered weaker sex (слабый пол). As the main heroine said: “I am a woman and defenseless”. Unlike her parents, she couldn’t forgive Hans and Germans at all. She wasn’t afraid of him, simply she hated him and all German people, so she hated and her baby too, because it was the part of Hans. He tried to revenge him, to get him feel that she felt. And she could do it when she killed the baby which Hans waited and loved. With death of the baby destroyed all the dreams of Hans… Her doing showed that she didn’t obey Hans and German in generally. She left unconquered.

I think with this creation Somerset Maugham wanted to say that many problems can be solved peacefully (мирным путём). If Hans didn’t be so aggressive and rude, his destiny and destiny of Annette weren’t so difficult and sad. May be they even never met each other. But what had happened didn’t change (что было того не изменить типа того). Annette with her action would to show that not all things can be solved by force.

In our society/time is the same problem. Many people think that if they have force, money, power, they can do all what they want. The hero of the novel – Hans thought so. But it isn’t so – all people receive what they deserve (каждый получит то, что заслуживает).

I like this creation because here is an actual problem between men and women, between people and society. Also it’s an emotion and exciting composition which touch my soul (хз говорят так или нет). That is why the creations of S. Maugham are famous and popular all over the world.

