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5. Переведите следующие цепочки существительных:

Data resource; storage resource; network resource; security resource; system resource.

Communication facilities; data base facilities; display facil­ities; management facilities.

Distance control; device control; keyboard control; position control; program control.

Computer storage; laser storage; file storage; disk storage; data storage hierarchy.

Character sequence; instruction sequence; message se­quence; pulse sequence.

Batch file; catalog file; data file; help file; input file; output file; menu file; user file.

Command input; data input; disk input; file input; keyboard input; program input.

6. Подберите к терминам, данным в левой колонке, опре­ деления, представленные справа.

1. Computer ' a) the set of instructions that direct

the operations of computers;

2. Computer literacy • b) a part of a computer, entering

data into the device;

3. A program c) facts unorganized but able to be


4. Data d) the output of a data processing


5. Data processing . e) possessing sufficient knowledge

of how computers work and what they can do to use them as problem-solving tools;

6. Data processing • f) a series of operations that results

in the conversion of data system into useful information;

Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 48

7. Input .g) an electronic device performing

calculations on numerical data;

8. Output h) an electronic device accepting

the data processing results from the computer and displaying them;

9. Useful information i) a set of related files;

10. Data bank j) the resources required to accom-

plish the processing of data. These resources are personnel, material, facilities and equip­ment.

7. Проанализируйте неличные формы глагола и правиль­но переведите предложения.

1. Data are processed to become useful information. 2. We use the term data processing to include the resources applied for processing of information. 3. Resources required for accom­plishing the processing of data are called data processing sys­tem. 4. Processing is a series of operations converting inputs into outputs. 5. Facilities are required to house the computer equip­ment. 6. Egyptians used the information to predict crop yields.

  1. Information to be put into the computer for processing should be coded into ones and zeroes. 8. Processing is operations on data to convert them into useful information. 9. The first machines designed to manipulate punched card data were widely used for business data processing. 10. Hollerith built one machine to punch the holes and the other to tabulate the collected data.

  2. Ознакомьтесь с терминами текста 2.

manual ['maenjusl] — ручной, выполняемый вручную to take advantage of smth — воспользоваться ч.-л.

capability [,keip9'bihti] — способность; возможность; характеристика

accuracy ['sekjurasr] — точность; правильность; четкость (изображения)

correctly [ks'rektli] — правильно; верно

to eliminate [e'hmmeit] — устранять; удалять; отменять; ликвидировать

49 Unit 4. Data Processing Concepts

to make errors ['ersz] —допускать ошибки (погрешно­сти)

error-prone — подверженный ошибкам

to remain vulnerable [n'mein 'vAlnorabl] — оставаться уяз­вимым, чувствительным

invalid data [m'vashd] — неверные, неправильные, недо­пустимые данные

communications networks — сети передачи данных; сети связи

travel ['traevsl] — перемещение; прохождение; путь; ход

instant response ['instant n'spons] — мгновенный ответ (реакция)

to respond [n'spond] — отвечать; реагировать

access ['aeksas] —доступ; обращение; обращаться, иметь доступ

capacity of storage [ks'paesiti ev 'stond3] — объем (емкость) памяти

to retrieve [n'trkv] — извлекать, выбирать (данные); вос­станавливать (файл)

value ['vaslju] — значение; величина; значимость; цен­ность; оценка; оценивать

objective [sb'd3ektiv] — цель; требование; целевая фун­кция

cost-effective ['kost I'fektiv] — экономичный; экономи­чески оправданный

challenge ['tfaelmd3] — трудность; препятствие; представ­лять трудность

9. Прочтите текст и скажите, каковы основные достоин­ства компьютеров. Переведите текст.


Computer-oriented data processing systems or just computer data processing systems are not designed to imitate manual sys­tems. They should combine the capabilities of both humans and

Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности 50

computers. Computer data processing systems can be designed to take advantage of four capabilities of. computers.

  1. Accuracy. Once data have been entered correctly into the computer component of a data processing system, the need for further manipulation by humans is eliminated, and the possi­ bility of error is reduced. Computers, when properly pro­ grammed, are also unlikely to make computational errors. Of course, computer systems remain vulnerable to the entry by humans of invalid data.

  2. Ease of communications. Data, once entered, can be trans­ mitted wherever needed by communications networks. These may be either earth or satellite-based systems. A travel reserva­ tions system is an example of a data communications network. Reservation clerks throughout the world may make an enquiry about transportation or lodgings and receive an almost instant response. Another example is an office communications system that provides executives with access to a reservoir of date, called a corporate data base, from their personal microcomputer work stations.

  1. Capacity of storage. Computers are able to store vast amounts of information, to organize it, and to retrieve it in ways that are far beyond the capabilities of humans. The amount of data that can be stored on devices such as magnetic discs is con­ stantly increasing. All the while, the cost per character of data stored is decreasing.

  2. Speed. The speed, at which computer data processing sys­ tems can respond, adds to their value. For example, the travel reservations system mentioned above would not be useful if cli­ ents had to wait more than a few seconds for a response. The response required might be a fraction of a second.

Thus, an important objective in the design of computer data processing systems is to allow computers to do what they do best and to free humans from routine, error-prone tasks. The most cost-effective computer data processing system is the one that does the job effectively and at the least cost. By using comput­ers in a cost-effective manner, we will be better able to respond to the challenges and opportunities of our post-industrial, in­formation-dependent society.

51 Unit 4. Data Processing Concepts